Kiara & JJ:Motherhood

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Context:Kiara has a daughter named Isabella. JJ IS NOT THE FATHER OF ISABELLA. (Read to find out the rest)
TW:mentions abuse,child abuse,and rape so if you don't like that stuff skip this chapter

"Bella wake up honey we gotta go before your father wakes up. " Kiara whispered. "I'm already up Mommy I grabbed the rest of my clothes and put them in this bag." Bella whispered. "Good job I'll carry you and the bag downstairs ok." Kiara said with a whisper. Bella agreed and waited for Kiara to pick her up. Kiara grabbed Bella and the bag and walked quickly down the stairs."Mommy I'm hungry." Bella whispered. "I'll get you something to eat on the way to Uncle JJs house." "Ok" Bella said. Kiara put Bella down so she could open the door and right as she opened the door she felt her soon to be ex boyfriends breathe along her neck. "Where are you going Kiara. You know you can't leave." Kiara's "boyfriend" said. "Scott get off of me please." Kiara whispered. "NO!" Scoot yelled. Kiara jumped in fear and ran towards the door while Bella ran outside. "Bella" Kiara yelled. "Shut up you slut." Scott yelled as he slapped Kiara across the face. Kiara grabbed the rest of her things and ran out of the door,grabbed Bella,and loaded her and Bella into the car. "Kiara get your ass back before I make you." Scoot yelled. "Mommy are you ok?" Bella asked. "Don't worry about me Bells I just need to make sure your ok. Are you ok?" Kiara said. "Yea but I tripped on the stairs and got a cut my knee but other than that I'm ok." Bella said.

"Ok once we get to Uncle JJs house I'll get you a bandaid and something to eat." Kiara said. "Ok is Uncle JJ going to be my new daddy?" Bella asked. "Maybe? But that's up to him not me." Kiara said. "I really want him to be my new daddy because he doesn't hit me when I spill my water." Bella said. "I think he would make a great dad for you." Kiara said. "Well I'm gonna ask him when we get there." Bella said. Kiara just kept driving until she got to JJs house. When she pulled up she saw that JJ waiting at the gate of his huge mansion. "Woah Uncle JJs house is huge Mommy." Bella said. "It is very big." Kiara said in shock. Kiara pulled into the drive way and saw JJ waiting outside. JJ walked over to Kiaras car and opened the door for Bella. "Uncle JJ I missed you so much." Bella said. "I've missed you too." JJ said. Kiara then got of the car but as she got out of the car she hid her face very fast. JJ saw Kiara's huge red mark on her face and he quickly walked over to her. "Kiara what the hell happened? JJ asked. "Scott happened." Kiara said as she grabbed her and Bella's bags out of the trunk. "What do you mean Scott happened?" JJ said. "Just forget about it." Kiara said. "Kiara if your getting hurt I want to help you." JJ said. Kiara just walked away and headed inside. "Mommy?" Bella asked. "Yes" Kiara replied. "Can I have some of these pancakes please?" Bella asked. "I don't know ask Uncle JJ." Kiara said as she walked upstairs. "Go ahead Bella just don't eat too many." JJ said. "Thank you Uncle JJ." Bella said with her mouthful of pancakes. "I'm going to go check on your mom ok I'll be upstairs if you need me." JJ said. "Ok" Bella said.

JJ walked upstairs and into the room where Kiara was. Before he knocked on the door he heard sobs coming from behind the door. "Kie are you alright?" JJ asked as he knocked on the door. Kiara didn't answer so JJ walked into the room and saw Kiara sitting on the floor crying. JJ tried to sit next to Kiara but she moved away. "Please don't hit me" Kiara cried. "Kiara it's me JJ your best friend." JJ said calmly. Kiara got up,walked over to JJ and hugged him as tight as she could. "JJ please don't make me or Bella go back there." Kiara cried. "I won't don't you worry." JJ said. "But whenever your ready to tell me what he did to you just know I'll be here to listen to you." JJ said. JJ was about to walk out of the door Kiara asked him to wait. "I want to tell you everything he did to me." Kiara said.

"Are you sure?" JJ asked. "I'm sure now don't make a big fuss or anything." Kiara said. "Mommy are you in here?" Bella said from outside the door. "Yea" Kiara said. "Can I come in please." Bella asked. "Yea I'll let you in kid." JJ said. JJ walked to the door and let Bella in. "Mommy are we safe from bad daddy?" Bella asked. "Yes we are Bells." Kiara said. "Does that mean Uncle JJ is my new daddy?" Bella asked. "New Dad?" JJ asked. "Yea you don't get mad at me when I spill my water." Bella said. "I would never get mad at you." JJ said. "Are you sure?" Bella asked. "Yea I'm sure" JJ said. Bella ran out of the room went to the room JJ said she could stay in. The room was filled with her favorite toys.

"Ok whenever your ready." JJ said as he looked at Kiara. Kiara took a breath and just started talking. "First he raped me which caused me to get pregnant with Bells,then after Bells turned 2 he started to hit the both of us whenever he had a rough day or to much to drink,he also assaulted me while I was sleeping which mad me call you,finally he smacked me in the face right before we left to come over." Kiara said as she started to cry. JJ just gave Kiara a hug and let her cry for as long as she needed. "Well I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure you and Bella are safe." JJ said. "And to make sure you guys are safe I want to ask you something." JJ said. "What is it?" Kiara asked. "Give me one second" JJ said as he walked out of the room.  JJ came back into the room with Bella following him. "Bella what are you doing in here?" Kiara asked. Bella didn't answer she just waited for JJ.

When JJ came back into the room he had on one of Kiara's favorite outfits that he would always wear. Then he got down on one knee and said "Kiara I've loved you ever since the first day we met and I didn't know how to tell you. But when I heard what Scott was doing to you it made feel bad that I didn't ask you this sooner but... Kiara will you do me the honor and be my wife." "Yes" Kiara said. Kiara then gave JJ a huge kiss and saw Bella holding the ring. "JJ this ring is beautiful." Kiara said. "Well I wanted to get a ring that was just as beautiful as you." JJ said. "Mommy mommy does that mean Uncle JJ is my new daddy?" Bella asked. "It sure does." Kiara said. "Yea come on Daddy we're gonna go play with my blocks and magnets." Bella said as she dragged JJ out of the room. "Bella what about Mommy?" JJ asked. "She can come too now hurry up... please." Bella said. Kiara and JJ followed Bella into her new room and they watched her build a huge tower. "Can we have another kid?" JJ asked. "Wait until we get married JJ." Kiara said as she walked over to play with Bella. "Fine" JJ said as he rolled his eyes. Bella ended up laying on Kiara while Kiara laid on JJ and both of the girls fell asleep. "Well I'm gonna be stuck here forever." JJ whispered.

Here's another oneshot for you all!! I hope you like it.

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