Jarah & Jiara:the aftermath of a party

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Context:Sarah and John B have a 15 year old daughter named Charlotte and Kiara and JJ have a 15 year old daughter named Isabella. They both went to a party and they never came home until that morning. TW:Mentions of sexual assault,kidnapping,and assault

Charlotte and Isabella were banging on Kiara's front door. "We're coming." Kiara said. "Bells Char." Kiara said. "You're bleeding." Kiara said. "Let us in before they come back." Isabella said. Isabella and Charlotte ran inside and went into the kitchen. "Where were you two and who's coming back." Kiara said. "Those guys."Charlotte said. "Char why are your clothes all ripped?" Sarah asked. "Because those guys did things to us." Charlotte said. "What guys?" Sarah said. "Guys from the party." Isabella said. In that moment there was a knock at the door which made Charlotte and Isabella run and hide behind their dads. "It's just the Amazon person." Sarah said. "Are you sure?" Charlotte said. "Yes I'm sure." Sarah said. Charlotte and Isabella stoped hiding behind their dads and sat down on the couch. "Get your hands off me." Charlotte said as John B was trying to touch her forehead. "Char I'm not gonna hurt you." John B said. "Dont touch me." Charlotte said. "What happened to you two." Sarah said as she gave the girls water. "Some guys took us as we were walking home from the party." Isabella said. "Then they made us have sex." Charlotte said. "We're gonna get pregnant aren't we." Isabella said. "No we can go to the doctor later today and have them check you out." Kiara said. "Mom don't make us go." Charlotte said. "We aren't going to make you guys go but why don't you both take a shower." Sarah said. "Can you guys wait in the bathroom please." Isabella said. "Yea come on." Kiara said. Kiara and Isabella went into one bathroom and Sarah and Charlotte did the same. "I'm gonna go grab you something to wear I'll be right back." Sarah said. "Ok" Charlotte said. "Hey how's Char?" John B asked. "She's ok but still shaken up I don't know what those guys did to them but whatever it was it was bad." Sarah said. "Whenever I find out who those guys are I'm gonna kill them." John B said. "Honey you can't kill them." Sarah said. "I'll go to jail for my daughter." John B said. "And leave me." Sarah said. "You'll visit me." John B said. "Hey Bells." John B said. "Hi...bye" Isabella said as she went into Charlottes bathroom. "Char look do you have this same cut?" Isabella said as she showed Charlotte her wrist.

"Yea it's from the knife the guys tried to stab us with." Charlotte said. "So you have the same cut." Isabella said. "Yes I do." Charlotte said. "Have you two seen Bells I got her some clothes but she's not in the bathroom." Kiara said. "She's in Charlotte's." Sarah said. "Oh well she needs to put her clothes on." Kiara said. Kiara knocked on the door and told Bells she got her something to wear. "Thanks" Isabella said. "Mom you forgot to grab my clothes didn't you." Charlotte said. "No I just started talking to your dad." Sarah said. "Is this ok?" Sarah said as she opened the door. "Yea it should be fine." Charlotte said. Sarah shut the door and walked downstairs. "I made the girls some burgers so they can eat something." JJ said. "Did you make some for everyone?" Kiara asked. "Yes but I want the girls to eat first." JJ said. Charlotte and Isabella came downstairs and saw the burgers on the island. "Food" Charlotte said. Charlotte and Isabella grabbed two of the burgers and sat down on the couch. "These are good." Isabella said with her mouth full. "Did you two not eat all yesterday?" Sarah asked. "We ate before the party but then those guys didn't feed us." Charlotte said. John B and JJ sat down next to them and hugged them. "You're gonna make me drop my burger." Charlotte said. "Sorry I just missed you." John B said. "How come you guys didn't look for us last night?" Isabella said. "We called the police but they said that teenagers do this kind of thing and that we shouldn't worry." JJ said. "You didn't check our location?" Isabella said. "We did and it said you guys were at the party and when we texted you both you two said we're staying with Kyleigh and Sam." JJ said. "They don't even talk to them anymore. And you two got texts from them last night." Kiara said. "Yea I thought it was them." JJ said. "You didn't tell us." Sarah yelled. "How dumb are you two." Kiara yelled. "Mom it's not their—." Isabella said but was cutoff by Kiara and Sarah. "How do you not know when your own daughters don't sound like them." Kiara and Sarah yelled. "Look at the damn messages." JJ said. Kiara took JJs phone and looked at the messages. "When has Isabella ever texted love you without a red heart." Kiara said. "I don't know." JJ said. "When has Charlotte ever texted how's my favorite man figure before." Sarah said. "I don't know." John B said. "Never!" Kiara and Sarah yelled. "Look you two need to calm down. I get it we messed up but how were we suppose to know." John B said. "By knowing how your daughters text." Kiara said. "You two finish eating?" Sarah said. "Yea" Charlotte said. "My stomach kind of hurts." Isabella said. "That's not good. Did those guys give you something like a pill or—" Sarah said. "These blue and purple pills and they injected use with something. They said it would take a while for whatever it was to go through our bodies. I don't remember anything after that." Isabella said. "Char how are you feeling?" Sarah asked. In that moment Charlotte threw up on the floor. "We're going to the doctor so they can check you both out." Kiara said. "No" Isabella said. "I don't care what you say we're going." Kiara said. The guys picked up Charlotte and Isabella and put them in the car. "Don't make us go." Charlotte said. "You both need to get checked out. We'll hold your hands." Sarah said. "Promise." Isabella said. "Promise." Kiara said.

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