Kiara:Your the worst mom ever

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Context:When Kiara was 18 she had a daughter named Isabella who's now 16 and Isabella snuck out of the house and went to party. Italics mean flashbacks.

"How much did you have to drink?" Kiara said as she helped Isabella into the car. "Just a whole bottle of vodka and three shots." Isabella slurred. Kiara drove home and as she was driving Isabella threw up all over her clothes. "No my shirt." Isabella slurred. "It's ok. I'll wash it." Kiara said. "I still don't get why you went to that party?" Kiara said as she parked her car. Kiara went to go help Isabella out of the car when Isabella started to hit her. "Bells stop." Kiara said. "I want more." Isabella said. "More what" Kiara said as she started to carry Isabella inside. "Water." Isabella said. "You can have some once you shower." Kiara said. Kiara placed Isabella in the bathroom so she could shower. Isabella got into the shower and started talking to herself. "Mom sucks I mean she wouldn't let me have one more shot." Isabella said to herself. "She's the worst mom ever." Isabella yelled. "Bells are you ok?" Kiara said as she knocked on the bathroom door. Isabella got out of the shower and went to her room. "Isabella" Kiara said. "Leave me alone you bitch." Isabella said. "Hey do not talk to me like that." Kiara said as she followed Isabella upstairs. "Get the hell out." Isabella yelled. "Bells why are you yelling at me?" Kiara said. "Because you're the worst mom ever and you're a bitch." Isabella yelled. Isabella slammed her door and Kiara just went to her room and cried.

It was the next morning and Isabella woke up with a huge headache and her stomach hurting super bad. Isabella got up and went downstairs as she was walking downstairs she saw Kiara lying on the couch crying. "Mom why are you crying?" Isabella asked. "You don't remember what you said last night." Kiara hiccuped. "I Mom I'm so sorry." Isabella said. "Just get out." Kiara said. "What do you mean get out?" Isabella asked. "I mean get the hell out." Kiara yelled. Isabella grabbed her car keys and walked out. Isabella drove to Anna's and Mikes house and went inside. "Bella what are you doing here?" Anna asked. "I went to a party last night then I got drunk,then I called mom the worst mom ever and she told me to get out." Isabella said. "Come inside you hungry?" Anna said. "A little but my stomach hurts." Isabella said. "That's what happens when you get drunk." Mike said. "Here we made some waffles you can have one and see if that makes you feel better." Anna said. "I don't want waffles I want Mom to not be mad at me anymore." Isabella said. "Well maybe you shouldn't have snuck out and got drunk." Anna said. "I'm going upstairs." Isabella said. Isabella went into Kiara's old room and just laid on her bed. "I'm calling Kiara." Anna said as her and Mike went into the backyard. Isabella was upstairs packing a bag of Kiara's old clothes. She then finished packing a bag and went downstairs. "Just in case mom comes by she can have this necklace I got her for Mother's Day tomorrow." Isabella said as she placed the necklace she bought for Kiara down on the counter. Isabella even left a little note by the necklace saying she went to the mall. Once she left Kiara had walked inside and saw her parent sitting in the backyard. "Where's Bella?" Kiara said. "She's upstairs probably in your old room." Anna said. "She better be." Kiara said as she went back inside. "Her cars not even here where the hell did she go?" Kiara said. "We don't know we didn't even see her leave." Mike said. Kiara sat down on the couch and put her hands through her hair. "Kie we'll find her don't worry." Anna said. "No we won't?" Kiara said. "Kiara calm down she'll call you in a minute." Anna said. Kiara was sitting on the couch with her parents when she got a phone call. "Hello." Kiara said. "Your daughter Isabell Carrera has been in a very bad car crash. She's in critical condition we recommend you coming down to the hospital." A police officer said over the phone. "I'm on my way." Kiara said. Kiara got up and grabbed her car keys. "Kie where are you going?" Anna asked. "To the hospital." Kiara said. "It's Bella isn't it?" Mike said. "Kiara" Anna said as she saw  Kiara run out the door.

Here's another oneshot let me know if you guys like it. Anyways go check out my book Home!! Also lmk what other oneshots I should make a part two of. (Please put the oneshot title so I know which one.)

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