Cleo and Pope:Fainting

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Context:Cleo and Pope were surfing and Cleo felt a little dizzy then she fainted obviously.

Cleo and Pope were surfing and all of a sudden a huge wave came and sweep them both off of there surf boards. Pope came to the surface first but when Cleo didn't come up it made him get very worried. "Cleo Cleo where are you?" Pope yelled. Pope looked everywhere until he saw her body wash up on shore. Pope swam as fast as he could to shore and started shaking her over and over. "Cleo Cleo please wake up." Pope yelled. Cleo finally woke up but she was really confused when she woke up. "Pope get off of me." Cleo yelled as she pushed Pope off of herself. "Cleo let's get you to the doctor." Pope said trying to help Cleo up off the ground. "No I'm fine I just got dizzy that's all." Cleo said as she stumbled trying to get up. "Are you sure your alright I just want to make sure." Pope said. "I'm fine." Cleo said. "Ok well let's go home." Pope said. "Fine." Cleo said while grabbing her stuff. Pope grabbed his stuff and walked with Cleo back to his car. Cleo and Pope go into the car and the car ride back was silent until Cleo saw Pope pulling into the doctors office. "Pope what the hell man I said I'm fine so why are we at the doctors." Cleo said. "Because I want to make sure your 100%." Pope said. "Ugh fine let's go." Cleo said. Pope and Cleo walked into the doctors and while Cleo had a seat Pope filled out the paperwork. "Cleo." A nurse called out. Cleo and Pope got up and followed the nurse to the room. "You can have a seat here. Now what brings you in today?" The nurse said. "Well we were surfing and I passed out after a wave hit us." Cleo said. "Ok were you dizzy at all before this?" The nurse asked. "Yea just a little." Cleo said. "How long have you been feeling dizzy for?" The nurse asked. "Umm a week." Cleo said. "Ok I'm going to do a rapid blood test and see if you have low iron or endemic." The nurse said. "I'll be right back." The nurse said once more as she got up.

"A week. Cleo why didn't you tell me?" Pope silently yelled. "Well I didn't want you to worry about me." Cleo said. "Cleo you are my girlfriend,my significant other,and therefore I'm going to care and worry about you." Pope said. "Are you sure I mean what if she tells us that I'm sick are you gonna leave me?" Cleo said as she started to cry. "What no never I'll be here with you every step of the way no matter what she tells us." Pope said as he gave Cleo a kiss on her forehead. "Alrighty the needle is in annnnnd done." The nurse said as she placed Cleo's blood into the rapid result tube. "Ok the results should be back in just a few minutes." The nurse said. I'm going to go wash my hands I'll be right back." The nurse said as she shut the door. "Pope I'm scared what if the results are bad." Cleo said with panic. "Hey don't worry everything is going to be ok." Pope said. "Ok guys the results should be up.... now." The nurse said. "Congratulations Ms Cleo you are pregnant. I can give you an ultrasound as well just to see how far along you are." The nurse said. "Oh wow can we get a minute please just to talk." Cleo asked. "Oh for sure I have to get the equipment for an ultrasound anyways and a doctor so please take your time." The nurse said as she walked out.

"Cleo whatever you do.. I'll support you one hundred percent." Pope said. "Ok well I want to have this baby." Cleo said. "Ok then let's have a baby." Pope said. Right as Pope gave Cleo a hug the nurse and doctor came inside the room and introduced themselves. "Alright I heard you need an ultrasound." Doctor Carly said. "Yep I'm going to help you get settled and then I will have Nurse Olyvia place the gel on your stomach." Doctor Carly said. Cleo just shook her head in agreement and just followed the doctors directions. "Alright and you seem to be 16 weeks along." Doctor Cary said. "Are you sure how come I didn't get any of the symptoms." Cleo asked. "Well for some women the symptoms can show up pretty late. Would you like to know the gender?" Doctor Carly said. "I can write it in an envelope if you would like." Nurse Olyvia said. "Yea that would be great." Cleo said. Nurse Olyvia wrote the gender down and gave Pope the envelope. "Alright you can get cleaned up and then you can be on your way." Doctor Carly said. Nurse Olyvia gave Pope the envelope and then left. "Can I open it?" Pope said with excitement. "No wait until we get in the car." Cleo said as fixed her shirt. "But I want to open it now." Pope whined. "No." Cleo said. "Now let's go!" Cleo said while dragging Pope out of the room.

Cleo and Pope walked out of the room and into there car. "Can I open the envelope now... please." Pope begged. "Fine." Cleo said as she started the car. Pope ripped open the envelope and screamed. "Why are you screaming so loud?" Cleo yelled. "It's a girl. Your having a girl." Pope screamed. "Holy shit man we're gonna have a little girl." Cleo screamed. "Yes we are." Pope said as he gave Cleo a huge kiss.

This is for all you Cleo and Pope shippers. I hope you guys like it!!!

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