Kiara and Gracie Maybank:Resucing Gracie

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Context:JJ has a little sister named Gracie and she's 12 years old. JJ got sent to Military school and Luke came back so she became his new punching bag. And Kiara promised JJ that she would take care of Gracie until he came back. In the end Kiara comes up with a plan to finally save Gracie. (Kiara and JJ are dating in this). TW:mentions of child abuse if you don't like that please don't keep reading. If you read the other Kiara and Gracie Maybank oneshots The only difference with this one is that Kiara isn't pregnant.

"Gracie you better stop hiding from me. Ugh I need you to go get me another pack of beer." Luke said as he walked around the house. Gracie was hiding in her room and texting Kiara everything. Gracie was also recording everything that Luke yelled or said to her.  Right as Gracie was about to stop recording Luke had walked in and dragged her out from under her bed and started punching and kicking her. "When I tell you to do something. I expect it to be done." Luke said as kicked Gracie in the face and chugged a beer. Gracie just started sobbing until Luke said "this is why your mother left me and your brother. It's because your sitting here crying like a whittle baby." "I'm not a." Gracie said before Luke cut her off. "Not a what a baby. You are the biggest baby ever. Your lucky I'm not changing your goddamn diaper." Luke stated as he shuffled away. In that moment Gracie knew she couldn't take it anymore. She immediately texted Kiara 911 which was there code for you have to get me out of here now. Once she texted Kiara she grabbed a bag and started packing everything she could. "Gracelyn go get that damn pack of beer now." Luke yelled. Gracie shuffled out of her room with cuts,bruises,and dried blood all over her arms,legs,and face. "I I can't buy the beer." Gracie said as she started to shield her face. "Why not?" Luke yelled. "I'm too young." Gracie said. "Ugh I'll go get it. Your lucky it's illegal for kids to not buy beer or else you would be in serious trouble." Luke said as he grabbed his keys but right as he was about to walk out he punched Gracie in the face. When Luke punched Gracie she fell unconscious as he walked out. "Stupid little shit." Luke grunted as he walked out.

Kiara was already on her way to Gracie's house but when she stopped texting her Kiara started racing to her house. Once Kiara got there she checked for Luke's car and saw that it wasn't there, so she used the spare key JJ gave her and opened the door. "Gracie Gracie? Are you in here?" Kiara yelled. Kiara didn't hear a response so she started walking towards Gracie's room and that's when she saw Gracie laying on the ground. "Gracie wake up! Gracie please wake up." Kiara cried. Kiara just kept shaking Gracie over and over until she finally called 911. Gracie finally woke up once Kiara grabbed some essential oils she had and put them under her nose. "Kie what are you doing here and why are the police here?" Gracie asked as she woke up. "When I came to pick you up you were unconscious so I I I called 911." Kiara said as she hugged Gracie. "But what about my dad?" Gracie asked. "Kid we have many officers surrounding your house at the moment and once the ambulance arrives I will be following you guys to the hospital." Sheriff Shoupe said. "I I I don't want to go the hospital my dad will kill me." Gracie said as she walked away from Sheriff Shoupe. "Gracie I know that you don't want to go but you need to get your head checked out." Kiara said. "Kie you don't understand my dad will beat my ass until I fucking die. So I'm not going." Gracie cried. "Gracelyn Maybank why the hell is the police here?" Luke yelled.

"Sir step back please." A officer yelled from outside. "Sir you need to move out of the way." The same officer said. "Get the hell out of my way." Luke said as he tried to push his way through all the officers. "Sir you can not go inside right now." Another officer said. Right as Luke stopped trying to push his way through the paramedics rolled by. "Hey you can not go into my house. I didn't give you the right." Luke said. "Sir there was a call saying the paramedics were needed and the paramedics are here so I'm going to need you to step back." One of the paramedics said. "Alrighty you must be Gracie. Dispatch told us your name on the way over here. And you are?" The paramedic said as she was grabbing a flashlight out. "I'm Kiara I'm her brother's girlfriend." Kiara said. "Claire her pupils are two different sizes this could be a brain injury we need to get her to the hospital now." The paramedic said. "Hospital no way I'm fin-." Gracie said. Before Gracie could finish her sentence she had passed out. A paramedic caught her just in time but they had no other choice than to take her to the hospital. "Ma'am we have to take her to the hospital now. Since she seems way more comfortable with you are you willing to ride with her or you can take your car." The paramedic told Kiara. "I'll take my car since I have to grab her things. What hospital are you guys going to?" Kiara said. "St.Johns." The paramedic said. "Ok I'll just let me parents know and then I'll be on my way." Kiara said.

Once the paramedics loaded Gracie into the ambulance,Luke tried to follow them but the police stopped him. "What the hell man." Luke yelled. "Sir you're under arrest for assaulting a minor. Anything you say or do will be used against you in court." A police officer said. "Gracie I'll be back for you. Trust me." Luke said right before the police put him in the police car. "Hey Gracie you're going to be alright." The paramedic said as she was checking Gracie's vitals. "Ok is Kiara following us?" Gracie asked. "Yes she is she just wanted to grab your belongings." The same paramedic said. "How much longer until we get there?" Gracie asked. "Five more minutes. Why?" The paramedic said. "Uh I'm just feeling dizzy that's al—." Gracie said as she started to faint. "Woah woah Gracie Gracie. Claire turn the sirens on she passed out." The paramedic said. "Sirens are on." Claire yelled. "Gracie I need you to stay with me." The paramedic said while she started shaking Gracie. "Hey we're pulling in." Claire said. "Good I don't know how much longer this girl has." The paramedic said. The ambulance stopped right by the emergency doors and both Claire and the other paramedic raced Gracie inside. Kiara was sitting in the waiting room when she saw them bring Gracie inside. "Nancy what do we got here?" A doctor said. "12 or 13 year old female with a signs of a head or brain injury and many bruises and cuts from her father." Nancy said. "Ok we will take her from here is there anyone here with her?" The doctor asked. "Her brother's girlfriend should be on her way or in the waiting room her name is Kiara I think." Nancy said. "Alright I'll go inform her that she had made it." The nurse said. "Her name is Gracie by the way." Nancy yelled.

"Ok nurse get me an Iv and call for an emergency head ct. Who knows how long she has." The doctor said. The doctors rush Gracie to get a head ct and Kiara tries to follow them but someone stopped her... "get your hands off of me I need to make sure she's ok." Kiara said to the random person.

Hey y'all here's another oneshot for y'all let me know if you want a part 2.

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