The Routledge Family:broken ankle

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Context:John B and Sarah have a daughter named Eliana read to find out more

At Eliana's gymnastics practice
Eliana was practicing her floor routine for her next meet. Eliana was doing everything perfectly until she started her tumbling pass. Eliana did a double full and right as she landed,her leg just gave out and she landed very hard on her ankle to the point it made a loud cracking sound as she landed. "Elie are you ok?" One of the girls watching her do her routine asked. Eliana didn't say anything because she was in so much pain all she could do was hold her ankle. Eliana hoped that the way she was holding her ankle would let someone know she was injured. "Coach Emily Elie hurt her ankle really bad." The same girl from before yelled to her and Eliana's coach. "Oh my gosh Eliana I saw you fall and I called an ambulance while Coach Skylar called your parents." Coach Emily said. "Savanah why don't you grab me some ice while we wait for the ambulance to arrive." Coach Emily said. "Ok I'll be right back Elie." Savanah said while she saw Elie bailing her eyes out. Savanah grabbed an ice pack and ran back to Eliana. "Here I found this." Savanah said while she was catching her breathe. The paramedics had also arrived right as Savanah ram back in with the ice. "Alright it seems like she has a broken ankle but we know how bad until we get her to the hospital." "Is there anyone here you want to ride with you?" The paramedic said. Eliana pointed at Savanah. "Is that ok with you ma'am?" The paramedic asked. "yea she's my younger sister and one of her best friends. Here's your girls bags." Skylar said as she gave Savanah the bags. "Ok Savanah text Eliana's parents that we are going to St'Johns Hospital." The paramedic told Savanah. "I sent the message." Savanah said as the paramedic closed the ambulance doors and told the other paramedic who was in the drivers seat to start leaving.

In the ambulance
"Ok Eliana I'm just going to give you some morphine which should help with the pain. Now can you tell me what happened?" The paramedic said. "Yea I was doing a double full and when I landed my leg just gave out and all my body weight just went onto my ankle and I heard a crack right when I landed on top of it." Eliana said. "Am I going to be able to do gymnastics after this heals up?" Eliana asked. "Hopefully but we will have to wait until the professionals check you out just to be a hundred percent sure." The paramedic said. "Hey Elie it's gonna be ok and if you can't do gym anymore maybe you can coach the younger kids. I'm sure my sister will let you." Savanah said. "Thanks Savanah and thanks for coming also did my parents text back." Eliana asked. "Sorry to interrupt girls but we have arrived so Eliana get ready to be overwhelmed with many doctors." The paramedic said.

In the hospital
"What do we got?" A doctor said as the paramedics wheeled Eliana into a room. "Eliana Routledge 14 year old female fell while doing a double full,landed on her ankle,and said she heard a crack as she landed on her ankle. Her vitals are good and no sign of any head injuries." "I also gave her some morphine to help with the pain." The paramedic said as he wheeled the gurney back to the ambulance. "Alrighty thank you James we got her from here." A doctor said. "Hi Eliana I'm Doctor Peterson and this is Nurse Olivia we are here to help you as much as we can." Doctor Peterson said. "On a scale on 1-10 how bad does your ankle hurt." A nin—." Eliana said right as she was cutoff by John B and Sarah running into her room. "Elie are you ok where's Savanah. What happened?" Sarah asked. "I'm guessing these are your parents." Doctor Peterson said. "Yep. Mom do you mind I was trying to answer the question the doctor asked me." Eliana said. "Sorry Elie. Sarah let's go take a walk with Savanah and get some ice cream how does that sound." John B said. "Ooo can I get ice cream?" Savanah asked. "Sure." "Vananh can you get me some too?" Eliana asked. "For sure." Savanah said as she grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her out of the door.

"Sorry about that my mom thinks that every little injury I get is gonna kill me." Eliana said. "It's fine she's just making sure your ok." Now to answer the question I asked you before I'm guessing your pain is on a scaled from 9-10 is that correct." Doctor Peterson said. "9.5 to be exact and the pain is starting to become a ten." Eliana said  "alright I'm going to have a nurse send you up for an x-ray and when the x-ray comes back I will have our orthopedic doctor come in and talk with you and your family." Doctor Peterson said. "Ok how long does the x-ray take?" Eliana asked. "It only takes 10-15 minutes the most." Nurse Olivia said. "Oh that's not bad." Eliana said. "Not at all." Nurse Olivia said as she wheeled Eliana up to radiology to get an x-ray.

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