Kiara:The story of "Charlotte" and a little extra

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Context:In the last oneshot we found out Charlotte is Kiara's biological daughter. Anyways this is the story of "Charlotte"

Kiara was just 19 when she found out she was pregnant she knew she couldn't afford to have a baby so she asked Sarah to take care of her baby until she was ready to take care of a kid. So Kiara just did everything she could to try and prepare Sarah for a baby. "Kie are you sure you want to give me your baby I mean what if you regret it." Sarah said. "I can't afford to take care of her not without JJ and he's gone Sarah." Kiara said. "But what if me and John B help you?" Sarah said. "Sarah I can't." Kiara said. "Well do you want to pick out a name at least?" Sarah said. "I have one for whatever gender it is." Kiara said. "Ok I'll see you at your next appointment then." Sarah said. "Ok" Kiara said. Kiara went back to go live with her parents and they were supportive of her decision as well. "Kie do you want something to eat?" Anna asked. "No" Kiara said. "You need to eat something you've been barely eating because of how sick you've been please just eat this orange." Anna said. Kiara took one look at the orange and she threw up on the floor. "Sorry" Kiara said. "It's ok let's just go to the bathroom and I'll clean it up." Anna said. "I wish JJ was here." Kiara said. "I do too but he's in a better place now." Anna said. Kiara and Anna went to the bathroom so Kiara could clean herself up. "I don't think he died I think he just went missing." Kiara said. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Anna said. Anna went to go clean up the puke when she saw Mike had already cleaned it. "I hate that she's not keeping the baby but at least she's giving her to Sarah and John B." Mike said. "Me too but it's her decision not ours." Anna said. "You two don't even support my decision." Kiara said. "Kie it's just we wish you would've talked to us first me and your dad could've helped you." Anna said. "Well it's too late now Sarah is gonna keep my daughter until I'm ready to take care of her." Kiara yelled. Kiara walked away and just went to her room. Fast forward to the birth of Charlotte it was the day after and Kiara was about to give her to Sarah. "Kie you know you can keep Isabella if you want too." Sarah said. "You know I can't but promise me in the next five years if I can take care of her you'll let me take her back." Kiara said. "I promise." Sarah said. Kiara handed Isabella over and she immediately started crying.

"Sarah we aren't done talking about this you promised me five years ago that you would let me take care of Isabella." Kiara yelled. "Her name is Charlotte and you're not taking her away from me I adopted her she's mine now." Sarah said. "Sarah you promised me. I'm ready to take care of her now please." Kiara said. "You had your chance and now she's mine." Sarah said. "Sarah give me my kid." Kiara said. "No Kiara Charlotte is mine." Sarah said. "Her name is Isabella and I gave birth to her,I let you have her because I didn't want her to end up in a bad family,and I only let you have her so you could fulfill your dreams of having a kid. But now you have your own daughter so give me mine." Kiara said. "Kiara get the hell out of my house." Sarah said. "Sarah Charlotte can go back to living with Kiara once the papers go through I already filed them out." John B said. "You're gonna give her the child she gave me." Sarah said. "Yes Isabella deserves to know who her real mom is." John B said. Sarah just walked away and Kiara just left. It's now been two days after Kiara told Charlotte she was her real mom and she started staying with Kiara. "Kie is my name actually Charlotte Isabella Carrera?" Charlotte asked. "No your biological name is Isabella Madison Carrera." Kiara said. "That's pretty." Isabella said. "You want some soup? Kiara asked. "Just a little bit." Isabella said. "Did you want to give me away?" Isabella said. "No but I couldn't afford to take care of you after your dad died I had to take care of his leftover debt. If I could I would've kept you." Kiara said. "So you gave me away to your best friend." Isabella asked. "I didn't know who else to give you too. I didn't want you to end up in a bad family." Kiara said. Kiara gave Isabella some soup and she ate a little bit of it. "Mom are you and Sarah still friends?" Isabella said. "Yea we just had to talk about what happened and make sure we were still cool." Kiara said. "Ok good because I still want to see Emily. When I'm not sick." Isabella said. Isabella felt her stomach churn so she went over to the sink and threw up. "Sorry." Isabella said. "It's ok Belly." Kiara said as she pulled her hair back. "Can you-" Isabella said as she was cutoff by Kiara saying yes. "I will get you an ice pack and then we can watch movies ok." Kiara said. Isabella just rested up against Kiara's body and gave a thumbs up. "You're burning up again we're going to the hospital this has been happening for way too long." Kiara said. "No I'm fine." Isabella said. Isabella felt super light headed so she ended up passing out. Kiara carried Isabella to her car and drove her to the hospital.

Kiara brought Isabella inside and they helped her out. Turns out Isabella had influenza,the stomach flu,the flu,and a chest cold. "Man Belly you got all the viruses." Kiara said. "I want to go home so I can sleep." Isabella said. "You can go home in a little bit." Kiara said. Isabella just laid down and watched tv. "Isabella here's your popsicle and medicine." A nurse said. "Can I go home after this." Isabella said. "Yes you can." The nurse said. Isabella took the medicine and just left the popsicle behind as she got up. "You don't want your popsicle?" Kiara said. "Not really." Isabella said. Kiara and Isabella just walked out and she left a note behind for the nurse who brought her the popsicle. Once they got home Isabella went straight to bed. Kiara went to check on her and she laid next to her. "I love you so much." Kiara said as she kissed Isabella's forehead. "I love you too." Isabella said. Isabella went to sleep while Kiara just stayed next to her. Kiara finally felt a whole of her heart being filled once again.

Here's part two of the last Jarah oneshot lmk if you guys like it and make sure you vote as well!! Also go check out my book Home

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