Jiara:Are you alright?

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Context:Kiara has a little sister named Maddy and she was taken to kitty hawk. She hasn't been home in almost six months. So Kiara and JJ have been trying to find her for a while. Skylar is now 3 since her third birthday passed.

"Skylar what does this say?" Kiara said as she showed Skylar a letter. "There's a puppy." Skylar said. "Good job bubbas." Kiara said. "Kiara can you come here please." JJ said. "Yea one second." Kiara said. "Mommy nap time?" Skylar asked. "Do you want me to hold you?" Kiara asked as she picked up Skylar. "Yea" Skylar whispered. Kiara picked up Skylar and walked into the living room where JJ was. "Did you hear anything about—Maddy!" Kiara said. Maddy was standing in the living room covered in blood and she had a lot of cuts,bruises,and scars all over her body. "Maddy" Kiara said. "Kie" Maddy said as she passed out onto the floor. Kiara placed Skylar down onto the couch and went over by Maddy. "She's bleeding I'm gonna put her in the car." Kiara said as she lifted Maddy up. "I'll stay with Sky and call your parents." JJ said. "Ok call me if anything happens." Kiara said. Kiara carried Maddy to her car and drove to the hospital. "Kie what happened?" Maddy slurred. "I don't know but I'm taking you to the hospital." Kiara said. "Will you hold my hand when we get there?" Maddy asked. "I'll hold it the whole time." Kiara said. Kiara parked her car in front of the emergency room and helped Maddy inside. "I need to go park my car I'll be right back." Kiara said. "Let's get you into a room." A nurse said as they came up to Maddy. "Ok" Maddy whispered. The nurse took Maddy into a room and helped her get changed. "How did you get all of those scratches?" The nurse asked. "I was sent to kitty—" Maddy said as she paused to throw up. "Maddy are you ok?" Kiara said as she came in the room. "I feel woozy." Maddy said as she started swaying back and forth. "I need some help in here." The nurse yelled. Maddy passed out in the nurses arms when a male nurse came into the room. "Maddy what happened to you babe." The male nurse said. "Nate take your girlfriend into another room while I get the custodian to clean this up." The nurse said. Nate carried Maddy into another room while Kiara went out into the waiting room to fill out some forms. "She's about to puke." Nate said. "Ok what do you want me to do." A random nurse said. Nate rolled her over and grabbed a trash can and watched Maddy practically choke on her own vomit. "Maddy what did they do to you." Nate whispered. "Is Mia ok?" Maddy whispered. "Who's Mia?" Nate said. "The little girl who was with me. She's ten years old she should've been at my sister's front door." Maddy said. "Babe calm down I'm pretty sure JJ brought her in." Nate said. "Nathanial don't tell me to—ahhh" Maddy said but was cutoff by her screaming in pain. "Can we get some help please." Nate said. Many different nurses came into the room and started helping Maddy.

Kiara had finished filling out the forms when she saw JJ carrying what looked like a young girl inside. "I found this girl outside of my house I don't know what's wrong with her." JJ said with a panic. "Sir bring her in here." A nurse said. JJ put the girl down on the bed and went back out into the waiting room. "Where's Skylar?" Kiara said. "Your parents are watching her." JJ said. "How's Maddy?" JJ asked. "I don't know they haven't called me back but I found out she has boyfriend who works here." Kiara said. "Doesn't she work here?" JJ said. "She did before all the stuff happened. She was on her way to becoming a nurse I'm guessing this guy was in her class or something." Kiara said. "What's his name?" JJ asked. "Why are you asking?" Kiara said. "Reasons." JJ said. "You're not gonna hurt him are you?" Kiara asked. "No I'm just gonna—" JJ said as he was cutoff by Nate asking them if they were Maddy's family. "We are but what about the little girl I brought in?" JJ asked. "She's in an emergency surgery right now her appendix ruptured but after that she can be placed into a room with Maddy if you would like." Nate said. "If it's ok with Mia then it's ok with us." JJ said. "Maddy's waiting for you in there." Nate said. Kiara ran into the room and gave Maddy a huge hug. "Kie why didn't you hold my hand?" Maddy asked. "I had to fill out paperwork and then the doctors wouldn't let me in here." Kiara said. "So you didn't forget" Maddy said. "No Maddy I didn't." Kiara said. "I want to go home." Maddy said. "You can't right now babe." Nate said. "Nate I'm not your babe we broke up right before they took me." Maddy said. "But I've changed Maddy please." Nate begged. "Get the hell out." Maddy said. Nate walked out of the room and Mia was rolled in. "Mia is she ok?" Maddy said. "Maddy she just had her appendix removed that's all." The nurse said. "But what about-" Maddy said as she was cutoff by the nurse. "Everything else was already bandaged up. I'm guessing by you because when she came in she barely had any scares,cuts,or bruises. She should be glad you were there to help her." The nurse said. "But what about her parents?" Maddy asked. "You know how it goes with foster parents once the kids time is up in a home they move onto the next. You two have a pretty similar case." The nurse said. "Yea I want her to stay with me." Maddy said. "You're 18 years old recovering from being kidnapped. I know you want this girl to have a the life she deserves but maybe you should wait until you're all healed and she's all healed you know." The nurse said as she walked out. "Maddy your adopted?" JJ asked. "You didn't know that." Maddy said. "No I mean you and Kie look like sisters." JJ said. "Yea that's what everyone says." Maddy said. Maddy tired to sit up a little bit more than she already was but struggled. "Maddy let me help you." Kiara said. "Thanks but I don't need help." Maddy said as she finally sat up to the height she wanted. "Kie when me and Mia leave could you maybe find a way to foster her or even adopt her." Maddy said as she twiddled her thumbs. "I'll try my best." Kiara said. "We're gonna go because Skylar keeps having meltdowns but we'll come back tomorrow." JJ said. "Promise" Maddy said. "Promise." Kiara said.

Here's another oneshot lmk your guys requests. If yall have any for Jarah lmk because I feel like I don't write about them enough. Anyways go check out my book Home (vote on the chapters and lmk how you like it). Also thank you guys for over 70k+ reads that's crazy!!

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