Kiara:stomach flu and a mini family reunion

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Context:Kiara has been living on her own for five and a half years. She stopped talking with all the pouges and her parents. She has a daughter named Emily and both of them have the stomach flu.

Kiara rolled over to the right side of the bed. She checked the time and it was 2:00am. Kiara had just put her daughter Emily back to bed since she had a fever and was throwing up for the past hour. Kiara felt her stomach churn so she ran to the bathroom and threw up. While she was throwing up she felt someone rubbing her back. "Mommy are you ok?" Emily asked as she rubbed her back. "Em I'm fine just go back to bed." Kiara said as she scooted away from the toilet. "Mommy your sick just like me." Emily said as she gave Kiara a paper towel. Kiara gently grabbed the paper towel out of Emily's hand and wiped her mouth. Kiara slowly got up off the ground and Emily followed her. "Em you can go back to bed now I'm fine." Kiara said as she gagged a little bit. "No Mommy your not ok." Emily said. Emily got up and walked into her room then grabbed the two buckets Kiara had placed by her bed earlier. She walked back into Kiara's room and gave her one of the buckets while she kept the other bucket in her hand. Emily laid next to Kiara and asked her why she's lying about being sick. "Mommy can I use your phone?" Emily asked. "Sure just plug it back when your done." Kiara said. Emily went onto Kiara's phone and opened her contacts. Emily scrolled down until she saw the name Mom. Emily got up out of the bed and called the number.
A:Who is this?
E:I'm Emily. Me and mommy are sick.
A:Oh ok. I'll help you guys I'll be over soon.
E:ok do you need our address?
A:No I've got it
A:I'll be over there tomorrow.
E:ok bye bye

"Emily who are you talking to?" Kiara asked. "I was just playing pretend." Emily said. "Ok." Kiara said as she yawned. "I'm going back to bed now mommy." Emily said. "Ok do you want me to tuck you in?" Kiara said. Emily shook her head and waited for Kiara to come over by the door. Kiara had the bucket in her hand and Emily's hand in the other. Emily crawled into bed and watched as Kiara placed the bucket next to her . "If you feel sick you can throw up in this bucket ok." Kiara said as she gave Emily a kiss on the cheek. "Ok. Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Emily asked. Kiara didn't say anything since she was already laying down on the ground. "Mommy?" Emily said as she shook Kiara a little bit. Emily realized that Kiara was asleep so she grabbed a blanket out of her closet and placed it on top of her. Then she took one of the pillows off her bed and placed it under her head. "Goodnight Mommy." Emily said as she got into her bed and turned out the light.

The next morning
Kiara woke up to a knock on the door. She walked over to open it and she saw her Mom and JJ. "Mommy." Emily called out. "Hi Kiara." Anna said. "Mom?" Kiara said. "Mommy" Emily called out again. Kiara ran to Emily who was throwing up in the kitchen sink. "Should we walk in?" JJ asked. Anna just shrugged her shoulders and they both walked in. When they stepped in they saw that Kiara's house was a mess. There were boxes all piled up,dirty dishes in the sink,and lots of dirty laundry. "Honey what happened?" Anna asked. Kiara didn't hear her she was to busy taking care of Emily. "Kie let me help you." JJ said as walked over to her. Once Emily was all finished throwing up Kiara felt really dizzy. Kiara stopped what she was doing and almost passed out. Luckily JJ caught her in time. "Why are you guys here?" Kiara asked. "Emily called me last night." Anna said as she was putting all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. "Emily Simone Maybank I've told you a million times to not call anyone on my phone." Kiara yelled as she broke out of JJs grip. Emily just ran into her room and started crying. Then Kiara just broke down. JJ gave her a hug and let her cry for as long as she wanted to. "Kiara why didn't you call anyone sooner." Anna asked as she walked over to Kiara. "I don't know." Kiara cried. Anna walked away and grabbed all the dirty clothes off of the floor.
"Mom what are you doing?" Kiara asked. "I'm helping you." Anna said as she threw the first load of laundry in. JJ let Kiara go and he walked over to where the boxes where. "Kie what are you doing with these boxes?" "There filled with some decorations from my apartment I still need to put up." Kiara said.

"I can put them up myself." Kiara said. "Are you sure the last time you were on a step stool you fell and got a concussion." JJ said. "Fine just put them somewhere please." Kiara said. JJ opened one of the boxes and when he saw a my dream wedding journal. "Anna come look at this." JJ whispered. Anna walked over to where JJ was and she saw the journal. "What are you guys looking at?" Kiara asked. "Nothing" JJ said as he hid the journal behind his back. "JJ I know your hiding something behind your back." Kiara said. JJ slowly took the journal out from behind his back. "Mommy" Emily cried as she ran over to Kiara. "What happened bubs?" Kiara said. "I fell asleep and then I had a bad dream." Emily cried into Kiara's chest. Kiara just rubbed her back while JJ and Anna were looking at the journal. "Mommy whose that?" Emily asked as she wiped her face. "That's your grandma and your daddy." Kiara said. "Oh how come you never told me about Daddy?" Emily asked. "Because I thought Daddy wouldn't love me anymore if I told him about you." Kiara said as she looked at JJs face. "That's crazy Mommy I think Daddy would still love you. And if he didn't then he's crazy." Emily said. Everyone just laughed while Emily scooted over by JJ and Anna. Emily then sat in Anna's lap while JJ showed her the journal."Mommy are you gonna marry Daddy?" Emily asked. "It depends." Kiara as she snatched the journal out of JJs hand. "Hey I was looking at that." JJ said. "I don't care." Kiara said as she took the journal. Anna asked Emily if she wanted to help her with the laundry. Emily said yes as she got up out of her lap. Emily and Anna walked away and into the laundry room.

"Kiara when were you going to tell me that I have a daughter?" JJ said. "I I don't know." Kiara said. "JJ I was 18 when I found out and I didn't want you to give up your surf shop just because of me." Kiara said. "And I thought you wouldn't love me like you use too." Kiara said. "Kiara Anna Carrera are you crazy? I would still love you no matter what. Pregnant or not. "I would've helped you." JJ said. "Really?" Kiara asked. "Yes I would've been there with you the entire time." JJ said. "Well now I feel like an idiot." Kiara said. "Don't" JJ said. JJ then kissed Kiara and to them it felt like everything was back to normal. "Ewwww"Emily said. "Well am I glad you two are back together again." Anna said. "Really?" Kiara said. "Yea your father may not have liked you two together but I did." Anna said.

"Mommy and Daddy are gonna get married now!" Emily said as she jumped up and down. "Calm down bubs me and Daddy aren't going to get married right now." Kiara said. "We aren't?" JJ questioned. "Not right now JJ." Kiara said. "Are you sure?" JJ asked as held up a piece of paper. "JJ what is that?" Kiara said. "It's our wedding certificate we filled out when we were 18." JJ said. Kiara looked at the certificate and just cried. JJ noticed and he just gave her a hug. "JJ I'm so sorry that I left you." Kiara cried. "It's alright we're back together again and that's all that matters." JJ said. Kiara just gave JJ a hug and as they were hugging the couple felt a very small body rest up against there legs. "Emily are you tired?" Kiara said as she lifted Emily up off the ground. Emily just rested her head on Kiara's shoulder. "I think it's someone's nap time." Kiara said as she yawned. Kiara took Emily and placed her onto her bed. She then laid right next her and played with her hair. "Kiara I'm gonna head out. JJ can you help her finish the laundry." Anna said as she was grabbing her things. "For sure I'll finish it just let me make sure Kiara and Emily are ok?" JJ said. JJ and Anna walked into Kiara's room and saw the both of them laying next to each other fast asleep. Anna quickly took a picture and then left. JJ decided to lay next to Kiara and watched tv as both of the girls were asleep.

Here's another oneshot!! Lmk if I should continue this series with JJ,Kiara,and Emily!!

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