Cleo & Sailor:Stomach flu

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Context:Cleo is a single mother and she has 14 year old daughter named Saylor. TW: mentions of vomiting

Sailor was laying in her bed and watching tiktok like a normal teenager does and when she got up she heard her mom vomit in the bathroom. Sailor ran to the bathroom and saw her mom laying on the floor and crying. Sailor sat next to Cleo and rubbed her back. "Mom do you want me to get you some water?" Sailor asked. "No I'm fine I'll just take some medicine and then get ready for work". Cleo said as she tried to get up. "Mom you're sick I'll call your job and tell them your sick." Sailor said. "Say I'm fine now help me up please." Cleo said. Sailor helped Cleo up but when she grabbed her moms hands she felt her head rub up against her. "Mom you are burning up you need to stay home." Sailor said. "Sailor for the last time I'm fine." Cleo stated and walked out of the bathroom. Sailor knew she needed a way to make Cleo stay home so she pretended to feel like she was going to faint. Sailor then threw her phone and a few other things on the ground to try and get her moms attention. Cleo heard a loud noise from the bathroom and ran to find Sailor. "Sailor are you ok?" Cleo asked. "Yea I'm fine I just got dizzy that's all." Sailor said. "Are you sure?" Cleo asked. "Mom I'm fine but you aren't." Sailor said. "Honey I'm fine I just —" Cleo said as she had a coughing fit. Sailor got up and went to grab the thermometer. "Say say where are you going?" Cleo asked. Sailor grabbed the thermometer but before she went back into the bathroom she texted Pope.
S:hey can you get some flu medicine for mom please.
P:yea I'll pick some up does she need anything else?
S:maybe a blanket and too believe me when I say she's sick.
P:well you know your mom 😆
S:yea... just text me when you get here
P:I will. Do you want anything?
S:No I'm good
P:ok see you soon
S:see ya

"Alright mom let me take your temperature." Sailor said. "I don't have a fever so you don't need to take my temperature." Cleo said. "Mom just let me check to make sure your right." Sailor said. "Fine" Cleo said. Sailor went to take Cleo's temperature as they waited for the thermometer to beep Sailor saw how pale her Mom was becoming. Once the thermometer beeped it read 102.5. "Mom this isn't good we need to get you in a cold bath right now." Sailor said as she turned the water on. "Sailor I feel diz—" Cleo said right as she passed out. "Mom!" Sailor yelled. Sailor didn't know what to do expect grab an ice pack from the freezer and place it on Cleo's head. Sailor then heard a knock at the door so she went to go see who it was. Luckily it was Pope with the stuff for Cleo. "Hey is everything ok? You seem stressed" Pope said as he walked in. "Mom passed out and I don't know what to do and and I'm scared that she's not gonna wake up and then she's gonna die and then I'm gonna have to live with Aunt Kiara which isn't a bad thing but I—"Sailor rapidly said. "Sailor just calm down and show me where your mom is." Pope calmly said. Sailor grabbed Popes hand and dragged him to the bathroom. Pope sat next to Cleo and felt her forehead. "She still feels a little warm. Help me get her in the bath." Pope said. Pope placed Celo in the bath while Sailor put her hair up and poured water down her back.

Pope and Sailor waited for Cleo to wake up. Cleo started to wake up and was very startled. "Why am I in the bathtub?" Cleo asked. "Because you had a fever of 102.5 and you passed out." Sailor said. "Oh well I need to get to work." Cleo said. "Mom you need to stay home?" Sailor said. "Cleo please just stay home." Pope said. " "Pope I'm fine." Cleo said as she stumbled to get up. Pope watched Cleo stumble away but Sailor couldn't take it. "Mom please stop being so stubborn and lay your ass down... please." Sailor cried. Cleo just stood there as she heard Sailor said that. "I am not stubborn I just don't feel sic—." Cleo said as she almost passed out. "Mom I can't do this anymore I'm going to hangout with Aunt Kiara. Uncle Pope you take care of her." Sailor cried as she walked out. "Cleo do you not see what "this" is doing to y-our daughter." Pope said. Sailor walked back in as she heard Pope say that. "Your my dad?" Sailor said.  "Sailor I didn't know you were standing right there." Cleo said. "I just came back to grab my phone and my wallet but this is you know what I'm just gonna go." Sailor said.

"Hey Sailor you ready to have an epic Aunt and Niece sleepover." Kiara said. "Yea but I think this sleepover might be longer then a day." Sailor said. "Oh I'm fine with that but why?" Kiara asked. "According to "Uncle Pope" he's my dad and my mom never told me." Sailor said. "Well umm I already knew that." Kiara said. "Are you kidding me does everyone of my moms friends know." Sailor said. "well" Kiara said. "Screw this can we just go to chick fill a now." Sailor said. Kiara just drove to chick fill a and tried to forget what happened with Cleo and Pope.

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