Sarah & Kiara:sick day

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Context:Sarah and Kiara are married and they adopted a set of fraternal twins (both girls) named Emily and Melanie. Sarah and Kiara are sick so the girls have to take care of them. The twin are 16 so they can both drive.

"Hey Mel don't you think it's weird how mom never texted us back." Emily said. "Yea they always text us back especially when we tell them we have a half day." Melanie said. "Maybe they're taking naps they said they've been feeling like crap all week." Emily said. "They probably are. We should go get them a little gift to make them feel better." Melanie said. "Alright let's go." Emily said as she opened the drivers side of her car. Melanie got into the passenger side of the car and threw her backpack in the back seat. "Em what are we suppose to get them?" Melanie said. "Cough drops, medicine,matching pajamas,and other things like that." Emily said. "Who's doing who?" Emily asked. "Why don't we just combine their gifts." Melanie said. "That would be a lot easier let's just do that" Emily said. Emily started the car and drove to the store. Emily parked her car and both of the girls walked into target. Melanie grabbed a cart and Emily immediately ran over and looked at the swimsuits. "Mel look aren't these so cute." Emily said as she was holding up a pink and purple bikini. "Em they are cute but we're here to for mom." Melanie said. "But they have our sizes" Emily whined. "Emily" Melanie said. "It's buy one get one half off." Emily said as she pointed to the sign. "Put them in the damn cart." Melanie said. "Yes" Emily said as she put the bikinis in the cart. "Should we get some for mom?" Melanie said. "We should so that we all can match." Emily said. "I want to match with Sarah you can match with Kiara." Melanie said. "Ok as long I get to wear the purple bikini." Emily said. Melanie grabbed another pink bikini while Emily grabbed another purple one. "Now let's actually get what we came here for." Emily said. Melanie and Emily finished getting everything they needed and went back home.

"Before we go inside we need to make there baskets." Emily said. "Here you make Sarah's I'll make Kiara's." Melanie said. "Ok" Emily said. Melanie and Emily put all the things they bought for their moms into the baskets. They grabbed their backpacks and went inside. "We're home." Melanie announced. "Mom" Emily called out. No one responded. "They have to be home there cars are still here." Melanie said. "Right I'll look upstairs you look down here." Emily said. Melanie put her stuff down on the kitchen counter and started searching downstairs. While Emily ran upstairs and started searching. "Mom" The girls called out. "Melanie I found them" Emily yelled. "I'm coming" Melanie said. "Emily why are you yelling" Kiara said. "You guys look horrible" Melanie said as she walked in.  "Thanks captain obvious." Sarah said. "Have you guys been in here sleeping all day?" Emily said as she sat on Kiara's and Sarah's bed. "We've been trying to" Kiara said as she started coughing. "You're both burning up. Em can you go get some tylenol from downstairs and ice packs." Melanie said as she felt her mom's foreheads. "Girls were fine we just need" Kiara said as she was cut off by Sarah puking. "I'll get the mop" Emily said. Emily went downstairs to grab the mop while Melanie held Sarah's hair back. "Here you wanna mop the floor while I take them downstairs." Emily said. "Sure" Melanie said. "Alright mom get up and go sit on the couch". Emily said to Kiara. "I don't wanna" Kiara whined. "NOW" Emily said. Kiara got up still wrapped in her blanket and walked downstairs. Melanie was helping Sarah up so it would be easier for Emily to help her downstairs. "Mel my stomach hurts" Sarah whispered. "Emily" Melanie said in a panic. "I'm coming" Emily said as she walked upstairs. Emily luckily brought a small trash can with her just in case. Emily gave the trash can to Melanie and walked back downstairs. "Just tell her to come downstairs when she's done." Emily said. Melanie just gave Emily a quick thumbs up and continued comforting Sarah.

Emily walked into the living room and surprisingly Kiara wasn't sitting in the couch. "Mom" Emily said. "Bathroom" Kiara said. Emily walked in and saw Kiara hunched over the toilet bowl. "Mom do you want some water?" Emily asked. "No" Kiara cried. "Well what do you want?" Emily said. "Cuddles" Kiara said. "Mom I would but I don't want to get sick." Emily said. "Please" Kiara said. Emily gave Kiara a hug and which made her  stop crying. "Let's go sit on the couch so you and mom can see the surprises we got you." Emily said. Emily got up and helped Kiara onto her feet. Kiara shuffled out into the living room where Melanie and Sarah were waiting for them. Kiara sat down next to Sarah while Emily went to go grab her basket. "Close your eyes" Melanie said. Kiara and Sarah placed their hands over their eyes waited for the girls to give them their surprise. Emily and Melanie placed their baskets on their mom's laps and then told them they could open their eyes. "Why are there bikinis in here?" Sarah said. "Because we have matching ones" Emily said. "Ooo you got me a new blanket" Kiara said. "Yes but we're gonna wash it first." Melanie said. "Thanks girls" Sarah said. "You're welcome" Emily and Melanie said. "Before you guys do anything else. Take your medicine" Melanie said. Emily gave Kiara and Sarah a tylenol tablet and Melanie brought over some water. "Now you two can go back to sleep while we clean your room." Emily said.  "Em can you clean it" Melanie said. "Why?" Emily said. "Because I don't want to throw up when I see mom's puke on the floor" Melanie said. "Fine but you're cleaning the bathroom" Emily said. "I can't my head really hurts and-" Melanie said as she was cut off by Emily. "You know what I'll just clean the whole house since you can't do anything." Emily yelled. "What makes you think I can't do anything." Melanie yelled "I'm not doing this right now." Emily said as she walked upstairs. "Lazy son of bitch" Emily whispered. "I heard that Emily" Kiara said. "I don't care" Emily said. "I don't why she acts like this." Melanie said. "Melanie go help your sister clean". Sarah said. "That is not fair." Melanie said. "Upstairs now" Kiara said. "How much puke can come out of one person?" Emily yelled. "Oh hell no" Melanie said as she about to walk upstairs. "Nah I'm not cleaning that anymore." Emily said as she ran downstairs. "Mel let's go" Emily said. Melanie and Emily grabbed their backpacks and walked out the door. "Girls where are you going?" Kiara said as she walked to the front door. "Anywhere but here." Emily said. "Em can you get my "purse". Melanie said. "Yea" Emily said.

Emily pushed Kiara out of the way and walked upstairs. Emily went into her room and grabbed the bags her and Melanie made for whenever they wanted to run away. "Alright let me just find the notes we made for them." Emily said. Emily found the notes her and her sister wrote and brought them downstairs along with their bags. "Here you guys go see ya." Emily said as she handed Kiara the envelopes. "You two can't leave." Sarah said as she walked over to Emily. "Umm it's a little too late for that Sarah." Emily said. Emily walked straight to Melanie's car. She placed there bags in the backseat and got in the car. Melanie pulled off and drove away. "We have to go after them" Sarah said. "Sarah we aren't going after them when we have the stomach flu and the flu." Kiara said. "Just give them time they'll come back." Kiara said. "Hopefully" Sarah said.

Here's another oneshot lmk if I should do a part 2.

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