Jarah:mother daughter sick day

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Setting:John Bs and Sarah's bedroom and bedroom
Context:John B and Sarah are married in this oneshot. They also have a 13 year old daughter who's name is Emily but she goes Em.  TW:Mentions of puke/vomit

John B had woken up bright and early to surprise Sarah and Emily with there favorite breakfast. John B got all of the ingredients and supplies out. John B grabbed a bowl,waffle mix,and some chocolate chips out. John B had just heard
Emily's door open and loud footsteps running towards the bathroom. "Emily are you ok." John B said. John B heard Sarah walking towards him but she ended up vomiting into the sink. "Daaaaaad." Emily called out from the bathroom. "Uh hold on Em your mom isn't doing so great." John B said. Sarah was still puking while John B was pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "Sarah can you wait her while I go check on Emily." "Yea I think I'll be fine for a little bit." Sarah said. John B walked to the bathroom to check on Emily and he saw her sitting with her head dipped into the toilet. "Oh Em your throwing up too." John B said. "Yea make it stop Dad." Emily pleaded. Sarah had just walked into the bathroom with a little trash can in her hand. "Hey Em how ya feelin?" Sarah asked. "Like absolute crap." Emily said. "Ok let's get you both into bed and I'll make you guys some soup." John B said. John B carried Emily to the couch first then he came back and carried Sarah to the couch. "Thanks Dad."  Emily said. Sarah and Emily decided to watch a movie while JohnB was making them some soup. "Girls I finished your guys soup." John B said. He walked over to the couch and saw that Sarah and Emily were fast asleep on the couch. "Sweet dreams my favorite girls." John B said as he walked over to sit down onto the couch and watch the movie the girls didn't finish.

Sorry this so short but let me know if you have any requests. (They can be family oneshots/sickfics as well)

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