Jiara:worst sister ever

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Context:In the last Jiara oneshot Kiara and JJ had a four year old daughter named Bailey and she asked for a baby sister.  Anyways it's been 12 years since then so Bailey is 16 and her younger sister Eloise is 12.

"Why were you ever born." Bailey yelled. "Because you wanted a baby sister." Eloise yelled. "Worst Christmas present ever!" Bailey yelled. Bailey went into her room and slammed door Eloise did the same. "Do they fight like that all the time?" Anna asked. "Yea" Kiara said. "We just let them argue." JJ said. "Wow maybe you should send them to kitty hawk." Anna said. "I'm not sending my kids to the camp you sent me to." Kiara said. "Why not." Anna said. "Because my husband helped me escape." Kiara said as she sipped her water. "And then you got pregnant a year later." Anna said. "What does that have to do with my kids fighting." Kiara said. "Nothing other than the fact Bailey's probably gonna end up just like you." Anna said. "Girls come say bye to your grandmother." JJ called out. "Did she say something about mom I'm not afraid to hit an old lady." Bailey said as she was coming downstairs. "Bails you hit her high I'll hit her low." Eloise said as she was walking behind Bailey. "You two aren't hitting anyone." JJ said. "Man we can't just hit her once." Bailey said. "Like you two can throw a punch." Anna said under her breath. "She wants to die." Eloise said. Eloise went in to punch Anna but punched Bailey since she was in front of her in that moment. "What the hell El." Bailey said as she held her nose. "See Kiara your kids are violent just like JJ and—" Anna said as she was cutoff by Bailey punching her. "Talk about my mom like that again and I'll break your damn jaw and nose." Bailey said. Anna walked out with a bloody nose and her purse. "Eloise why did you punch me." Bailey said. "I didn't mean too." Eloise said. "Bails let me see." Kiara said. "You aren't feeling dizzy or anything right." JJ asked. "A little but I thought it was just from my headache." Bailey said. "El can you grab an ice pack I think her nose is swelling." Kiara said. "Yea" Eloise said. Eloise went to grab an ice pack from the freezer she slipped on some water that was on the floor. "Eloise are you ok?" JJ asked. "My head" Eloise groaned. Bailey started laughing at Eloise and Kiara made a face at her. "That was funny." Bailey said. "Bitch" Eloise said. "Stop swearing like that." Kiara said. "There's a bump and your head is bleeding we're going to the hospital." JJ said as she picked her up. "Dad put me down." Eloise said. "Bails were going to come on." Kiara said. "Why" Bailey said while her nose was plugged. "Your nose has been bleeding for five minutes which isn't good and your eyes are dilating which is signs of a concussion." Kiara said. "What are you talking about." Bailey said. "Just walk with me to the car." Kiara said as she held out her hand. "Mom what if I bleed out." Bailey said. "You're not gonna bleed out honey." Kiara said.

"Mommy" Eloise said. "I'm coming hold on." Kiara said. "I buckled her in and I used a shirt I found in the back for her head." JJ said. "Alright can you help Bails while I look at Eloise." Kiara said. "Yea Bails get in the car." JJ said. JJ buckled Bailey in and shut the door. "Mom if I have to have surgery or get stitches can you hold my hand." Eloise asked. "Yes unless I have to be with your sister." Kiara said. "Dad can hold your hand too El I'll be fine." Bailey said. "Are you sure?" Eloise said. "Mom can I have another tissue or something." Bailey said. "Let me see if we have any." Kiara said. Kiara started looking for some paper towels when she saw Bailey spiting up blood. "JJ how close are we?" Kiara asked. "Two minutes if this damn lady will move." JJ said. "Umm Bailey's spiting up blood." Kiara said. "Oh that's not good." JJ said as he parked the car in front of the emergency room. JJ helped Bailey inside while Kiara helped Eloise. "Mom is Bailey ok?" Eloise asked. "I don't know El." Kiara said. "Oh she's gonna die remembering me yelling at her." Eloise cried. "Bailey is gonna remember other things than that." Kiara said. "No she's not I'm the worst sister ever." Eloise cried. "Ma'am if you would follow me we can go to a room and check out your daughter." A nurse said. "Ok come on Eloise." Kiara said. Eloise got up and grabbed Kiara's hand." "Ooo that cut doesn't look good. What happened?" The nurse asked. "I slipped on water that was on the floor and I cut my head on something I'm bit sure what." Eloise said. "Alright I'm not sure if you need stitches but I'll have a doctor look at you in a bit. But you aren't feeling dizzy or anything right." The nurse said. "A little" Eloise said. "Let me check your eyes and see if you have any signs of a concussion." The nurse said. The nurse checked Eloise's eyes they were a little dilated and Eloise kept flinching as the nurse shined the light in her eyes. "I believe you have a minor concussion just because of the small dilation in your eyes." The nurse said. "Mom what does that mean?" Eloise said. "Your pupils are a little bigger than normal." Kiara said. "Is that why everything is a little blurry." Eloise said. "Maybe. Why didn't you tell me while we were in the car." Kiara said. "Because you're gonna into nurse mode." Eloise said. "Well I wished you would've told me." Kiara said. "Meh meh." Eloise mocked.

"Dad I think the blood stopped." Bailey said as she took the paper towel off of her nose. "Alright let me see." JJ said. "It looks like it." JJ said as he looked at Baileys nose. "I feel really lightheaded." Bailey said. "Hello Bailey is everything ok?" The nurse said. "I feel kinda ——" Bailey said as she passed out. "Can someone get me a gurney and an IV NOW." The nurse yelled. Another nurse brought a gurney and an IV. "Can you help me get her on the gurney please." The nurse asked JJ. JJ place Bailey onto the gurney and the nurses took her into a trama room. "No" JJ cried and over and over. "Where's Bailey going?" Kiara said. "They're taking her to another room since she passed out." JJ said. "I'm gonna go with them since I work here you stay with Eloise." Kiara said. "Ok" JJ said. "Mom is gonna help Bailey right." Eloise asked. "To best of her ability." JJ said. "Bails is gonna die and it's all my fault." Eloise cried. "El it's not your fault that you punched her. You thought she was your grandmother who doesn't stop talking shit about your mom." JJ said. "What did the doctor say?" JJ asked. "I have a mixture of a level one and two concussion. I just have to take these pills for the cut I got on the back of my head. I didn't have to get any stitches so I guess that's good." Eloise said. Kiara came back in the room with her face covered in sweat. "Mom what are you sweating?" Eloise said. "I had to hold your sister down so she could get a shot and it didn't work so I need your help." Kiara said. "Why do you need me help?" Eloise asked. "Bailey said she won't get the shot unless you hold her hand." Kiara said. "Ok" Eloise said as she got up. Kiara and Eloise went into Bailey's hospital room and she saw Bailey practically punching the doctors. "Get your damn hands off of me." Bailey said. "Mom tell them to let me go." Bailey yelled. "Stop" Eloise yelled. The doctors and nurses stopped what they were doing and Eloise sat next to Bailey. "Bails look at me." Eloise said. "They're gonna stab a huge needle into my back and then I'm gonna die." Bailey cried. "You're not going to die do you think mom would let that happen." Eloise said. Eloise held her arms out waiting for Bailey to hug her. Bailey hugged her and started crying into her chest. "The shot is done." Kiara said. "See it wasn't that bad." Eloise said. "It wasn't but I felt them pull it out." Bailey cried. "Do you want me to lay with you?" Eloise said. "Please". Bailey said. Eloise laid next Bailey and rubbed her back. "Mr and Mrs Maybank can you two follow me outside please." The doctor said. "Do you think I got mom is trouble?" Bailey said as Kiara and JJ went out into the hallway. "I hope not." Eloise said. As Eloise turned got up to go to grab some water two men walked into the room and grabbed her. "Get your damn hands off of me." Eloise said as she started to hit the men. One of the men ended up grabbing Bailey and they both took them out of the room. "Mom Dad help please." Bailey and Eloise said. "Where are you taking our kids." Kiara said. "Kitty hawk" The men said. "Mom" Eloise and Bailey yelled. The men took Eloise and Bailey out of the hospital which made Kiara and JJ run after them. "Damn it. Your mom must have called them." JJ said. "That bitch" Kiara said.

Here's another oneshot I hope yall like it. Lmk if you want me to do a part 2.

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