Jiara:remember me

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Context:Kiara and JJ have a 11 year old daughter named Isabella. Isabella had a pretty bad fall at her gymnastics practice and she ended up getting a concussion and amnesia. Her concussion is some what healed but she only remembers JJ and not Kiara so now they're trying everything to get her to remember Kiara again.

"Bella it's time get up so you can take your medicine." JJ said as he placed his hand on Bella's back. "Ok is that pretty lady gonna be downstairs." Bella croaked. "She is. Is that a problem?" JJ said. "No it's just every time I see her it's like my mind is trying to tell me something but it can't spit it out." Bella said as she got up. "Oh maybe your mind is trying to tell you that the "pretty lady" is your mom." JJ said. "If she's my mom how come I can't remember her." Bella yelled. Bella realized how loud she yelled and quickly pushed JJ out her room and shut the door. "Hey what's wrong." Kiara said as she was waking upstairs. "Bella just got upset that she can't remember you." JJ said. "Should I talk to her I mean I have her medicine in my hands." Kiara said. "You can if you want don't be alarmed when she doesn't really say anything to you." JJ said as he went downstairs. "Isabella can I come in?" Kiara said as she knocked on the door. "Yea" Bella said. Kiara opened the door and gave Bella her medicine. "Thanks" Bella said as she took her medicine. "Are you hungry?" Kiara asked. "A little" Bella said. "I can ask your dad to make you something." Kiara said. Bella was just looking at Kiara and trying to remember something about her. "Or I can make you something to eat." Kiara said. Bella didn't say anything so Kiara just left to go make her some food. "Hey did she say something to you yet?" JJ asked. "No she just started at me and took her medicine." Kiara said as she started to cry. "Don't cry Kie she's trying her best to remember you." JJ said. "But how come she can remember you and not me." Kiara cried. "I don't know maybe her brain likes me better." JJ said. "What do you mean likes you better" Kiara said. "She told me before her accident I was her favorite parent." JJ said. "Oh so she can't remember me because she doesn't like me." Kiara hiccuped. Kiara went upstairs and into her and JJs rooms. "Kie she loves you just as much as me come on." JJ said. "Dad" Bella said as she came downstairs.

"What Isabella can't you see your stupid accident has put me and your mother in shambles. I mean how can't you remember your own mother. The woman who gave you life,the women who drove two hours to watch your gymnastics meets even when she had to call out of work to do it,the woman who spent everyday with you in the hospital when you had a really bad stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down for two days,and the woman who makes your favorite breakfast after a rough day. How could you forget her." JJ yelled. "JJ you cannot yell at her like that. It's not her fault she can't remember me." Kiara yelled as she came downstairs. "Kiara you were just crying about how you hate that she doesn't remember you." JJ said. "What does that have to do with anything." Kiara said. "Nothing other than the——" JJ said as he was cutoff by Bella yelling. "Stop fighting please." Bella yelled. Kiara and JJ stoped what they were doing and saw Bella run back upstairs into her room. "Bells wait." Kiara said. Bella stoped walking upstairs and she felt a spark in her brain light up. "Mom" Bella said as she hugged Kiara. "What did you say" Kiara said. "Mom do we have any fruit?" Bella said. "You remember me" Kiara said. "I remember everything except how I got amnesia in the first place." Bella said. Kiara hugged Bella for what seemed like forever when it was only two minutes. "I'm glad you're ok." Kiara said. "What do you mean you're glad I'm ok" Bella said. "Bells you had amnesia remember. You couldn't remember me but you remembered your dad." Kiara said. "Oh so I don't have amnesia anymore ?" Bella said. "We have to have the doctor check you out to make sure." Kiara said. "Does amnesia make everything spinny." Bella said as she stumbled. "Bells how about you sit down." JJ said. Bella sat down on the ground even though everything was spinning she still managed to find Kiara's hand. "Mom don't go" Kiara said. "I'm not going anywhere. Your dad is just getting you some water." Kiara said. Kiara sat next to Bella and rubbed her back.

"Bells did you take your medicine?" Kiara asked. "No I spit it out after you left." Bella said. "Why would you do that?" JJ said as he gave Bella a glass of water. "Because it made my stomach hurt and it didn't taste good." Bella said. "Can you grab her medicine." Kiara said. "Don't make me take the medicine Mom." Bella whined. "I'm sorry Bells you have to take it. It'll help with your headaches." Kiara said. "No" Bella whined. "Isabella with you stop acting like a three year old and take your medicine." Kiara said. "I don't want to." Bella said. "Bells just take it." JJ said. "I wasn't taking it in the first place why would I take it now." Bella said. "Because the doctor told you to." Kiara said. "You know what don't take it I don't care anymore." Kiara said. Kiara got up and went into the kitchen. JJ helped Bella up and took her into the living room. JJ went back into the kitchen and checked on Kiara. "Kie you ok?" JJ asked. "Yea I'm fine. It's just—— Bells!" Kiara said as she saw Bella throw up onto the carpet. "Mommy" Bella cried. "I'm coming Bells." Kiara said as she went over to Bella. Kiara helped Bella into the bathroom while JJ cleaned the carpet. "I'm sorry I threw up on the carpet."Bella cried. "Bells it's ok. Have you not been taking your medicine because it makes you throw up." Kiara said. Bella just groaned and went back to throwing up. Kiara held Bella's hair back and just tried her best to comfort her. "Mom" Bella croaked. "Yeah" Kiara said. "Are you mad that I couldn't remember you." Bella said. "Why would I be mad at you?" Kiara said. "Because I always heard you crying about me and I couldn't even remember the way you look at me. I'm a horrible daughter and the only way I remember you know is because you called me Bells." Bella said. "Bells I'm glad you remember me just in general. I don't care what made you remember me." Kiara said. Bella just got up and walked out of the bathroom. "Bells honey" Kiara said as she went after her. "Mom just go away." Bella said. "Did you take your—" JJ said before he got cutoff by Bella. "Enough about my damn medicine." Bella said as she slammed her room door. "Does having a concussion and amnesia change your personality?" JJ said. "I don't know but it's changing hers." Kiara said.

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