Kiara and y/n:the flu

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Context:Kiara has a girlfriend named y/n and she has the flu. Kiara takes care of her. Tw: mentions of puking/vomiting

"Babe." y/n quietly said. Kiara was sitting out on the couch when she heard y/n call for her. Kiara ran to where y/n was calling for her. Kiara walked into the bathroom and saw y/n lying on the ground shaking and crying. " y/n are you alright?" Kiara asked. Before y/n could respond she threw up once again. Kiara sat right behind her then rubbed her back. "you feel better?" Kiara asked. "a little." y/n said. Kiara helped y/n up off the floor and brought her to her feet. When y/n got up she stumbled a little bit. Kiara held onto y/n and walked with her to there bedroom. "I'm going to get you some water I'll be right back." Kiara said. Y/n just laid in bed while her head was throbbing,her throat was hurting,and her stomach was hurting. Kiara came back with y/n's glass of water and some medicine for her. "Here bubs take this." Kiara said. Y/n took the medicine and drank the water. "Thank you." y/n said. Kiara just gave her a kiss on the forehead and laid next to her. "Babe your gonna get sick." y/n said. "It's fine you'll take care of me." Kiara said. "Who said that?" y/n said. "me your girlfriend." Kiara said. "fine." Y/n said right as she got a coughing fit. Kiara rubbed her back and waited for her to stop coughing. Right as she finished she threw up. Kiara rubbed her back and tied her hair back. "You stay here while I grab a bucket and some stuff to clean up the vomit." Kiara said. y/n just sat there and waited for Kiara to come back. Kiara came back and handed the bucket to y/n then proceeded to clean up the vomit. "Kiara I'm so sorry I didn't mean too. I can clean it up if you want to." Y/n said. "It's fine I got it now go to the bathroom and clean yourself up." Kiara said. y/n got up and walked into the bathroom to clean herself up. "Man how vomit can come out of one person?" Kiara whispered to herself.

This oneshot is super short but I hope you guys like it.

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