John B & Emily Routledge:you missed curfew

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Context:John B has a 13 year old sister named Emily and she went to a party and missed her curfew. (Bailey is Kiara's younger sister)

"Shit!" Emily whispered yelled. "Did we miss curfew!" Bailey yelled. "Yea we are so grounded." Emily said. "No duh we need to get back before our siblings realize we missed curfew." Bailey said. "Ok well we do live next door to each other so we can walk home together until we go out separate ways." Emily said. "Yea let's go." Bailey said. "Hey where are you two going?" A random girl slurred. "Home we have stomach aches and really bad headaches." Emily quickly said. "Ok see ya later." The girl slurred. "That was close I don't want those high schoolers to think we're babies." Bailey said. "Me too. Now let's hurry up and get home before we are even more late." Emily said as she dragged Bailey out the door.

Emily and Bailey were running home as fast as they could until the stopped a block away to catch there breath. "Ok we are almost home so if we both get grounded I wish you best of luck." Emily said. "Same I hope we make it out alive." Bailey said. "At least Kiara is way nicer than John B." Emily said. "That's true anyways it's time to sneak inside before our siblings catch us. I'll see you later." Bailey said as she gave Emily a hug. "Yea see you later." Emily said as she gave a Bailey a hug back. Then both of the girls made their separate ways. Emily grabbed her keys out of her purse and unlocked the door. As Emily opened the door she quietly walked inside and shut the door. "Did you have fun at your little party Emily?" John B said as she turned on the light in the living room. "John B what the hell you scared me." Emily said as she picked up her purse off of the ground.

"Well did you have fun?" John B asked. "Yes I did now I'm going to take a shower." Emily said. "Not so fast Emily." John B said. "What now." Emily groaned. "Kiara sent me this video of you and Bailey." John B said as he shows Emily a video of her and Bailey taking shots. "Where did you get that?" Emily asked. "A friend." John B said. "JB don't be mad we didn't want to look like babies compared to everyone else." Emily whined. "Emily I'm not mad I'm just disappointed in you." John B said. "Whatever I'm going to shower." Emily said as she ran upstairs. John B just sat on the couch and texted Kiara.

JB:so should we tell them that we went to the party?
K:nah we'll just ground them and forget this ever happened.
JB:fine with me

Once Emily got out of the shower she walked into her room and just cried. "Hey Em are you dressed?" John B said as he knocked on the door. "Go away JB." Emily cried. "Emily please open the door." John B asked. "Fine." Emily said as she got up. Emily opened the door and John B just gave Emily a huge hug. "JB what do you want." Emily said. "To say that I'm sorry for making you cry." John B said. "It's ok." Emily said. "So am I still grounded?" Emily asked. "Yes for the rest of the week." John B said. "Screw you JB." Emily said and slammed the door in his face. "Make it two weeks." John B yelled. Emily groaned really loud and laid in her bed.

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