Cleope:pregnancy announcement

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Context:it's in the title but Cleo is 4 months pregnant and she is finally telling Pope.

Cleo woke up an hour earlier than Pope and she headed to the store to buy baby clothes and a gift box. While she was at the store she saw a ballon that said baby girl since she had recently found out she was having a baby girl, so she bought the ballon along with the baby clothes and gift box. Cleo had made Pope a card with Kiara and Sarah's help the card said guess who having a baby the card also had picture of the baby from the doctor's office inside. Once Cleo got everything ready she went back into her and Popes room and woke him up. "Cleo why are you waking me up it's to early." Pope groaned. "It's only 8am but there's a surprise for you in the kitchen." Cleo said with excitement. "Ok." Pope said as he yawned. Cleo then tied a blindfold around Popes eyes,grabbed his hand,and walked him into the kitchen. "Ok are you ready to see the surprise?" Cleo said. "No I'm scared." Pope said. "It's a good surprise I promise." Cleo said. "Ok can I take the blindfold off now it's a little itchy." Pope said. "Wait..... now you can." Cleo said as she walked over by the ballon and everything else. Pope took the blindfold off and he couldn't even believe what he had seen. "Cleo your kidding right?" Pope said. "No don't you see the pictures in there." Cleo said. "I'm gonna be a dad let's goooo." Pope said as he ran over to Cleo. Pope then picked Cleo up and spun her around. "We're having a girl too." Cleo said. "We are we have to go shopping now." Pope said. "Pope." Cleo said. "Yea" Pope said. "First of all calm down and second of all you need to take a shower before we go anywhere." Cleo said. "You are so right let me go shower and then we can go shopping for our little girl and we can get Starbucks." Pope said. "Can we get the Starbucks first?" Cleo asked. "Yes now get ready." Pope said as he ran to the bathroom.

Another short oneshot for you guys but I'm planning on writing longer one soon once I get some family oneshots requests. Note:the one shots can be with any couple or a singular person from the show. The oneshots can also be about there siblings not just kids they have.

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