Jiara:abandoned teenager

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Context:JJ and Kie have been married for 6 years now. They have a five year old named Bailey. Anyways while the family went on a walk they saw something...

"Mommy look there's a girl" Bailey said. "I see she's standing right by our front door." Kiara said. "Is she ok?" JJ asked. "I don't know maybe we should see if she's ok." Kiara said. JJ,Kiara,and Bailey slowly walked to there front door and when they approached the girl she was very startled. "Don't hit me" The girl said. "We aren't going to hit you we just wanted to make sure you weren't crazy." JJ said. "I'm sorry for trespassing but I had to get out of there." The girl said. "It's ok what's your name?" JJ asked. "Emma I'm 14" Emma said. "Let's get you inside it's pretty cold out here." Kiara said. "JJ can you help her inside while me and Bella find her some clothes." Kiara said. Kiara and Bella went inside while JJ tried to help Emma. "Don't touch me" Emma said. "I'm not gonna hurt you kid I know what you've been going through." JJ said. "Are you sure?" Emma said. "Yes my dad hit me when I was your age." JJ said. "You promise you won't hit me." Emma said. "I promise" JJ said. Emma and JJ walked inside Emma immediately saw Kiara and Bella making what looks like food. "Where's your bathroom?" Emma asked. "It's down the hall and to your left." Kiara said. "I'll show you." Bella said. Bella stopped what she was doing and took Emma to the bathroom. "Do you want me to shut the door?" Bella asked. "No you can stay if you want." Emma said. "Ok I'll close my eyes." Bella said as she placed her hands over her eyes. Emma was using the bathroom and she saw Kiara walk by. "Emma you're bleeding." Kiara said. "No I'm not" Emma said. "Yes you are" Bella said as she pointed to Emma's huge cut on her side. "Emma that seems really bad I think you should get it checked out." Kiara said. "I can't go to the hospital my dad will find me and then he'll—" Emma said as she started to cry. "Emma I'm a doctor and JJ is a cop we can help you" Kiara said. "JJ can you grab the first aid kit please." Kiara asked. "Yea" JJ said. Emma finally saw the cut on her side which made her get dizzy. Kiara noticed and helped her sit down. "I'm guessing looking at blood makes you pass out." Kiara said. "No it's just my head really hurts and everything has been spinning since I walked in."Emma said. "That's not good we should really go to the hospital." Kiara said. "I guess but can you do anything about my cut it really hurts." Emma said. "Here why is this thing so heavy." JJ said as he slid Kiara the first aid kit. "Because it has everything a doctor might need." Kiara said as she opened the first aid kit.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Bella said. "Come on kiddo I can help you finish the sandwiches you and mommy were making." JJ said as he picked Bella up. "Yea" Bella said. Kiara was cleaning Emma's cut as she was cleaning her cut Emma started to lose consciousness. "Emma wake up honey." Kiara said. "I don't feel good" Emma groaned. "JJ I need your help" Kiara yelled. "I'm coming" JJ said. JJ walked into the bathroom and saw Emma on the verge of passing out. "Want me to carry her to the car?" JJ said. "Please I'll take her to hospital while you stay with Bella." Kiara said. JJ picked Emma up and took her to the car. "Mommy is Emma gonna be ok?" Bella asked. "Hopefully see you later Bells" Kiara said. "Bye Mommy I love you." Bella said. "I love you too". Kiara said. Kiara grabbed her things and walked out to the car. "I buckled her in but she said her head hurt and side hurt way more than before." JJ said. "Ok I'll let the team know I love you." Kiara said. "I love you too." JJ said. JJ went back inside and took care of Bella while Kiara drove to hospital.

After Emma got checked out at the hospital
"Doctor Maybank will be back in any minute." A nurse said. "Ok can I have some water?" Emma said. "Of course" The nurse said as she started poring Emma a cup of water. "Emma" Bella said as she gave Emma a hug. "Hi Bella" Emma said. "Bella be careful Emma she's just had her surgery yesterday." JJ said. "Sorry Emma" Bella said. "It's ok Bella" Emma said. Bella got into Emma's bed and laid next to her. "Mommy can Emma stay with us." Bella asked. "As of today she can" Kiara said. "Really I thought you said it would take a long time to get approved." Emma said. "I guess I was wrong." Kiara said. Emma drank the water the nurse had gave her earlier and then braided Bella's hair. "Emma did you take your medicine today?" Kiara asked. "No the nurses said I had to wait for you." Emma said. "Doctor Maybank right on time we need to give Emma her medicine." The nurse said. "Here take these two pills it should help with the pain." The nurse said. "These aren't the same pills as last time right?" Emma asked. "No these are new ones since the other ones made you sick." Kiara said. Emma took the pills and laid back down. "Doctor Maybank you'll monitor her right." The nurse said. "Yea. Do you know when she can leave?" Kiara asked. "By the end of the week." The nurse said. "Look at my drawing Em" Bella said as she showed Emma her drawing. "It's really good Bells" Emma said as she started to yawn. "Bella why don't you let Emma get some sleep." Kiara said. "Mo-Kiara she's fine." Emma said. "Are you sure?" Kiara said. "Yea she seems pretty tired anyways." Emma said. Bella was already lying on Emma's shoulder so she just tried to get more comfortable. "Emma do you want me to stay with you again overnight." Kiara asked. "Emma?" Kiara said. "That medicine really works" Kiara said. Everyone in the room was asleep but her. "JJ get up" Kiara said. "Nah I'm good. This bed is pretty comfy." JJ said. "You have to take Bella home." Kiara said. "She can stay here with you and Emma while I umm" JJ said. "You can clean the house for me." Kiara said. "Fine" JJ said as he got up. "The house better be spotless when I get home." Kiara said. "It'll be spotless." JJ mocked as he walked out of Emma's hospital room.

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