Jarah:sick day

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Context:Sarah and John B have a daughter named Ellie who's 13 and she has pretended to be sick a few times. Which made John B not trust her whenever she says she's sick. But today she is actually sick.

"Ellie let's go your gonna be late." John B yelled. "Dad I don't feel good can I stay home please." Ellie asked. "Ellie I know your pretending to be sick so you can miss a test. Now go get in the car your mom is waiting for you." John B said. "But dad I really don't feel good." Ellie said. "Go" John B said. Ellie rolled her eyes and walked out to the car. When she got into the car Sarah noticed that she didn't look like her normal self. "El are you feeling ok?" Sarah asked. "No my stomach hurts and I feel horrible." Ellie said. "Do you want to stay home?" Sarah said "Dad said I can't but I'll try to pull through." Ellie said. "Ok just text me if you feel worse." Sarah said. "Ok bye mom love you." Ellie said as she got out of the car. "Bye Ellie love you too." Sarah said and drove away. Ellie walked into school and one of her friends noticed how pale she looked. "Ellie are you ok? You look kind of pale." Ellie's friend said. "Bailey I look pale because I'm sick and my dad doesn't believe me." Ellie said. "Didn't you only pretend to be sick once?" Bailey asked as she sat down in her desk. "Well I pretended to be sick like five times but they were all at different times." Ellie said. "Well what did your mom say?" Bailey asked. "She said that I can text her if I feel worse." Ellie said. "Alright class take out your textbooks and turn to chapter 3." Ellie's teacher said. While Ellie was in class she felt like she had to vomit but she didn't want to miss any of the notes,so she just swallowed and continued writing her notes for class. "Mrs Johnson can I go get my other textbook from my locker please?" Ellie asked. "Yes but be quick." Mrs Johnson said. Ellie stood up and as she was walking out she felt the a trail of vomit come up her throat. Then Ellie threw up on the floor. "EWWWWW" The entire class said expect Bailey. Bailey ran up to Ellie and made sure she was ok. "Bailey can you take Ellie and her stuff too the nurses offices please." Mrs Johnson said. "Yes but I have to leave anyways I have an appointment." Bailey said. "That's right I'll post the notes for both of you in our google classroom email me if you have any questions." Mrs Johnson said. "Feel better Ellie." A few girls said as they both were walking out.

"I'm so embarrassed." Ellie cried. "It's ok everyone throws up." Bailey said. "I know but I was panicking the whole time. You know how I am when I have to throw up." Ellie said. "Yea but at least you didn't pass out." Bailey said. "Don't jinx it." Ellie said. Bailey and Ellie arrived at the nurses office and surprisingly John B, Sarah, Kiara, and JJ we're waiting for them. "Why are your parents here?" Ellie said. "Because I threw up on the bathroom floor." Bailey said. "You did?" Ellie said. "It was when I went to the bathroom earlier." Bailey said. "I thought you had an appointment?" Ellie said. "That's what I told Mrs Johnson so she would let me leave." Bailey said. "Oh" Ellie said. "Alright girls take these trash bags for just incase. Hopefully you two feel better soon." The nurse said. Ellie and Bailey both walked out with there parents said there goodbyes and went on there ways. "Ellie do you want me to sit in the back with you?" Sarah asked. Ellie didn't say anything so Sarah got into the back seat with Ellie and hugged her. John B just drove home. While John B was driving home he had went over a bump which made Ellie throw up. She threw up into the plastic bag the nurse gave her but she just cried after. "Ellie are you ok?" John B asked. "No"'Ellie cried. "Well we're home now do you want help inside?" John B asked. Ellie whispered a small yes and John B got out and carried her inside while Sarah carried her backpack. John B placed Ellie on the couch and Sarah put her backpack in her room. "You feel a little warm." John B said. "Let go of me." Ellie said. John B stopped touching Ellie and he moved away from her. "Ellie I'm sorr-" John B said but he was cutoff bu Ellie running to the bathroom. "Sarah!" John B yelled. "I'm going" Sarah said as she walked to the bathroom.

"Make it stop." Ellie cried. Sarah just rubbed her back and put her hair in a ponytail. "I got you some water." John B said as he handed Sarah the water. "Thanks" Ellie said with her teeth gritted. Once Ellie stopped puking she slowly got up but as she was getting up she got really dizzy. Ellie quickly grabbed the counter and Sarah's arm at the same time. "Dizzy" Sarah said. "Very" Ellie said. Sarah got up and hugged Ellie. "I can carry you to the couch El." John B said. "No I just need to stand here and regain my balance that's all." Ellie said. Ellie tried to regain her balance but she ended up falling into Sarah's and John B's arms. "Alright let's bring you to the couch." John B said as he picked Ellie up. "I'm gonna grab the thermometer I'll be out in a second." Sarah said. Sarah grabbed the thermometer and waited for John B to put Ellie down. John B put Ellie down onto the couch and sat next to her. Ellie scooted away from him. "Ellie I'm sorry" John B said. "I don't care. How could you not believe me?" Ellie said. "Well you pretended to be sick a few weeks ago and I—" John B said as he was cutoff by Ellie. "That was last year not this year." Ellie said. "I know that now but" John B said. "But nothing the one day I need you to actually listen to me you don't." Ellie said as she got up off of the couch. "Ellie sit down before you pass out." Sarah said. "Mom I'm fi—" Ellie said but passed out at the end. John B caught her and he took her upstairs to her room. "John B stay with her while I got get some medicine." Sarah said. "Ok" John B said and continued to walk upstairs.

"Ellie I know your mad at me but I'm sorry. I really am I just wanted you to go to school so you don't turn out like me when I was your age. I just want you to be a better version of me." John B said. "I love you Ellie." John B whispered as he gave Ellie a kiss on her forehead. John B then got up and as he was walking out he felt someone hugging him. "Ellie?" John B said. "I love you too Dad" Ellie said. Ellie just hugged John B for at least five minutes until she let go and sat on her bed. John B sat next to her, Ellie then laid on John B's shoulder and fell asleep. John B just grabbed Ellie's blanket and placed it over the both of them. John B turned on Ellie's tv, put on a random show,and waited for Sarah to get home.

Here's another Jarah oneshot for those who've been wanting one.

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