Jiara:Mommy and daughter sick day.

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Context: Kiara and JJ are married and they have a 4 year old daughter named Bailey. JJ decides to go out with John B for a bros day but Kiara and Bailey are sick.

"Are you sure you're ok with me going out." JJ said. "Yes I'm fine with it." Kiara said. "Well call me if anything happens." JJ said. "I will now go have fun." Kiara said before she started coughing. "Maybe I should stay home." JJ said. "No I'll be fine." Kiara said. "Mommy" Bailey cried. "Yea" Kiara said. "I threw up." Bailey cried. "Maybe I should really stay." JJ said. "No it's fine." Kiara said. Kiara went into the bathroom and saw Bailey sitting on the ground in front of the toilet. "I'll be back later. Call me if you need me to come home." JJ said as he shut the door. "Sorry mommy." Bailey said. "Why are you sorry Bails?" Kiara said as she started to put Bailey's hair up. "Mommy are you sick too?" Bailey asked. "I am but I'll be ok." Kiara said. "Are you sure?" Bailey asked. "Yea I'll just take some medicine." Kiara said. Kiara picked Bailey up and took her to her room so she could get her a change of clothes. "Mommy I'm hot." Bailey whined. "It's because of your fever. Do you want to take a bath?" Kiara asked. "Can I try to take a shower?" Bailey said. "You can but I'm gonna sit with you in the bathroom." Kiara said. "Ok you're gonna make sure I don't fall right." Bailey said. "Yea" Kiara said. Kiara was really sitting in the bathroom because she felt very nauseous. "JB what's up man." JJ said. "JJ it's good to see you. How's Kie and Bails." John B said. "Good I think they're both sick." JJ said. "Aww that's not good. Sarah and Emma are sick too." John B said. "I wanted to stay but Kie insisted that I come and hangout." JJ said. "So did Sarah but I have my phone on stand by just in case anything happens." John B said. "Same maybe we should get them some medicine." JJ said. "We can go to target and then get them some flowers." John B said. "That's perfect." JJ said. JJ and John B went to target to get their wives and daughters medicine and flowers.

"Mommy can you hand me my towel." Bailey said. "Yea one second." Kiara said as she was trying not to throw up. "Mommy are you ok?" Bailey said as she hid her body behind the shower curtain. "I'm fine my stomach just hurts." Kiara said. "I'll grab my towel you stay here." Bailey said. Bailey went to go grab her towel. Kiara ended up throwing up when she came back. "Mommy" Bailey said. Bailey tried her best to hold Kiara's hair back while she was holding her towel. "Mommy are you ok?" Bailey asked. "I'm ok honey. Can you get me some water?" Kiara said. "Yea I'll be right back." Bailey said. "Put on clothes please." Kiara said. "I forgot about that." Bailey said. Bailey went to go put on her clothes. She then went downstairs and grabbed Kiara some water. "Mommy I got you water and some crackers." Bailey said. "Thank you but why are there only two crackers in the bowl?" Kiara said as she took the water and bowl from Bailey. "Because I ate them." Bailey said. "And you saved me two of them." Kiara said. "Well I was gonna eat them but my tummy started to hurt." Bailey said. "Are you mad that I didn't save you crackers?" Bailey said. "No I'm not mad." Kiara said. Bailey got up and went into her room. "Bails I'm not mad honey." Kiara said. Bailey shut her door and didn't even look at Kiara. Kiara got up and went downstairs to get her phone. "Bailey can you come downstairs so I can take your temperature." Kiara yelled. Bailey didn't come downstairs so Kiara yells for her again. "Bailey honey are you ok?" Kiara called out as she went upstairs.

When she went to knock on Baileys door she heard her crying. "Bails it's mommy can you open the door please." Kiara said. "Mommy go away." Bailey cried. "Bails mommy's sorry about the crackers." Kiara said as she started to sit down by the door. Bailey had stopped crying and ran out of her room and into the bathroom. She threw up and didn't stop for almost five minutes. "Kie I'm home." JJ said as he shut the door. "Kie" JJ called out. JJ went upstairs and saw Kiara in the bathroom holding Bailey's hair back and rubbing her back. "Hey when did you get home?" Kiara said. "I just got home." JJ said. Kiara was going to give JJ a kiss but her stomach had other plans. She grabbed the bucket that was in the bathroom and threw up. JJ rubbed her and Bailey's back while they were throwing up. "JJ" Kiara whispered. "Yea" JJ said. "Can you get me some water please." Kiara said. "Yea but what about you Bailey?" JJ said. "I'll stay with Bailey just get us some water please." Kiara said. "Mommy" Bailey cried. "Yes" Kiara said. "My tummy hurts." Bailey cried. "My does too." Kiara said. "Daddy will make us feel better right?" Bailey said. "I hope so" Kiara said. "I got you guys some water. Why are you guys crying?" JJ said as he entered the bathroom. "Our stomach's hurt." Kiara said. "It's because you two are you sick and you guys have fevers." JJ said. "Come on so you both can get some rest." JJ said as he started to walk out. "Babe you have to get up." JJ said. "I can't my body hurts." Kiara said. "Me too Daddy." Bailey said. JJ sighed and went over to pick up Kiara. "Don't forget me daddy." Bailey said. "I could never for you Bails." JJ said. JJ picked up Bailey and he brought them both into his and Kiara's room. "Stay here and rest while I get you guys your surprises." JJ said. "What's the surprise?" Bailey asked. "I don't know." Kiara said. "Close your eyes." JJ said. Kiara and Bailey closed their eyes and waited for JJ to tell them to open them. "Open" JJ said. "You got us flowers." Kiara said. "And medicine." Bailey questioned. "It will help you guys feel better." JJ said. "Oh I like the card you got me." Bailey said. "I would hug you but I don't want to get you sick." Kiara said. "I don't care give me a hug daddy." Bailey said. JJ gave Bailey a hug which made Kiara join in. "Ok you two rest while I clean up the bathroom." JJ said. "Aye aye captain." Bailey said. Kiara just smiled and laid down. "Mommy" Bailey said. "Yes Bails." Kiara said. "You're my favorite mommy ever." Bailey said. "Thank you and you're my favorite daughter." Kiara said. "Can I have a little sister?" Bailey asked. "Maybe." Kiara said. "Yea I'll put it on my Christmas list for Santa." Bailey said. Bailey cuddled up against Kiara and fell asleep. Kiara ended up falling asleep too,when JJ came back into the room he put a blanket over them and shut the door behind him.

This was a request by someone (I'll tag them in the comments) anyways lmk if you guys like this. Also if you have any other kid/teenager oneshot requests lmk.

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