John B & Charlotte:How is she?

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Context:John Bs sister Charlotte who's now 17 just had a baby girl named Emily. Charlotte had been staying with Kiara and Sarah since John B kicked her out. Emily is 1 and half. Also go read my book Home its and Adoption story!!

"Mama uppie." Emily said. Charlotte picked Emily up and brought her downstairs. "Kiki." Emily said. "Hi Emmy." Kiara said. Kiara took Emily out of Charlottes arms so she could make breakfast. "Emmy do you want pancakes or waffles?" Charlotte asked. "Affles" Emily said. "Kie do you want any?" Charlotte said. "Yea make some for Sarah." Kiara said. "Sarie" Charlotte said. "Morning Emmy." Sarah said as she walked into the kitchen. "Charlotte John B called he said he wants to see you." Sarah said. "I'm not seeing him. He didn't even go to the hospital when I had her." Charlotte said. "Emmy come eat your waffles." Charlotte said. "You should go see him even if you don't bring Emily with you." Kiara said. "Why it's not like he likes me." Charlotte said. "Well he told me he's coming by so just be ready." Sarah said. "Oh great." Charlotte said. "Char it's time for Emily to have a bath." Kiara said. "Emmy why do you have syrup everywhere." Charlotte said. "Sticky" Emily said. "Yes you are very sticky." Charlotte said. Charlotte took Emily to the bathroom to have a bath. "Mama spash." Emily said. "Hey Missie sit still so I can wash your hair." Charlotte said. Charlotte washed Emily's hair and then she dried her with a towel. Charlotte helped Emily get dressed and then she did the same. "You two are matching how cute." Sarah said. "You guys are matching which is really cute." Charlotte said. "I guess I'll head to John Bs house can you watch Emily." Charlotte said. "Take her with you." Kiara said. "Why?" Charlotte said. "Because he's downstairs waiting for you." Kiara said. "Of course he is." Charlotte whispered. Charlotte went downstairs and saw John B siting on the couch with his girlfriend Sammy. "Hi Sam John B." Charlotte said. "Hi Char how's Emmy." Sammy asked. "She's good how's things with John B." Charlotte asked. "I'm right here you know." John B said. "Look I'm going to let you two talk while I take Emily if that's ok." Sammy said. "Yea just make sure she takes a nap." Charlotte said. Sammy picked Emily up who was starting to fall asleep. She then walked upstairs and went to go talk with Kiara and Sarah.

"Char I'm" John B said before he was cutoff by Charlotte. "Don't call me Char." Charlotte said. "Sorry Charlotte I'm sorry about how I reacted." John B said. "Are you because I remember you saying you weren't going to help me at all throughout the pregnancy." Charlotte said. "I know I'm sorry but I wanted to see you again." John B said. "Well it's almost been two years since I gave birth and you weren't there." Charlotte said. "You didn't text me where you were." John B said. "Yes I did I even had Sarah and Kiara text you." Charlotte said. John B didn't say anything. "Even Sammy went she held my hand the whole time and she got me my favorite sandwich something you should've done." Charlotte said. "Look Charlotte I'm sorry that I didn't go but I brought you something." John B said. "What did you bring a fricken baby crib." Charlotte said. "No I brought you." John B said as he was cutoff by Charlotte screaming. "What the hell is this." Charlotte screamed. There was a car with a bow on it outside. "John Booker." Charlotte yelled. "What?" John B said. "You think you can buy my love back with a car." Charlotte said. "I thought you would like it." John B said. "I do but this isn't what I wanted I just wanted my brother to come back." Charlotte said. "But I am back I bought you a car,I even bought Emily some clothes. What more do you want from me?" John B said. "For you to not be ashamed of me whenever you see your niece." Charlotte said. "I'm not ashamed." John B said. "Yes you are you never even wrote to me. Only Sammy has I'm surprised how she hasn't said something to you." Charlotte said. "She has why do you think I'm here. I know I've been a bad brother for the past two years but I want to make it up to you." John B said. "By getting me a car. I can't just leave." Charlotte said. "Charlotte please." John B said. "Get out." Charlotte yelled. "I'm so sorry." Sammy said as she saw Charlotte crying. "John B how could you." Sammy said. "What she wants nothing to do with me." John B said. "She's been trying to talk to you for the past two years and you want nothing to with her all because she had a kid. You never once thought about how what might've made her feel. John B you're a horrible brother and a horrible boyfriend. Charlotte come on you staying with me." Sammy said. "What about Kie and Sarah?" Charlotte hiccuped. "They've known about this for a while." Sammy said. "That's why you guys were putting boxes into the trunk?" Charlotte said. "Yea but you two can visit us anytime." Sarah said. "Ok." Charlotte said. Charlotte got into the car John B bought her and then made sure Emily was buckled in. Sammy then got in and she sat next to Emily. "Why did you break up with John B like that?" Charlotte said. "Because I've never liked him." Sammy said. "Then why did you date him?" John B said. "Because I wanted to see you everyday." Sammy said. "It sounds like you have a little crush on me." Charlotte said. "Maybe I do maybe I don't but I can't date you until you're 18." Sammy said. "I turn 18 at midnight." Charlotte said. "Well at midnight we can you know." Sammy said. "Of course." Charlotte said.

Here's another part to the John B and Charlotte story lmk if I should make a part two. Also John B is 23 and Sammy is 20.

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