Kiara:I'm sorry mom

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Context:Kiara has a 12 year old daughter named Eloise she's adopted and she gets sick. While she's sick she keeps apologizing to Kiara over and over. Kiara is also pregnant in this (JJ is not the father btw)

Eloise was sitting in her room with her knees in her chest since she had been crying for the past twenty minutes. "El I made you some soup." Kiara said as she knocked on the door. "I don't want any soup." Eloise cried. "Do you want something else?" Kiara asked. "No" Eloise said. "Well can I come in?" Kiara asked. "Sure" Eloise whispered. Kiara opened the door and saw Eloise crying. "Oh Eloise. Don't cry" Kiara said. Kiara sat next to Eloise and rubbed her back while she cried. "I'm sorry I threw up." Eloise whispered. "It's ok you didn't mean too." Kiara said. "Come downstairs so you can eat a little of the soup I made." Kiara said as she trying to get up. Eloise slid off of her bed and helped Kiara onto her feet. Kiara waddled into the kitchen while Eloise was behind her. "Try some and let me know if it's good." Kiara said. Eloise poured some of the soup into the bowl and as she was pouring the soup some of it fell onto her hand which caused her to drop her bowl on the ground since the soup was hot. The bowl shattered on the ground which made Eloise jump even more. "Eloise what happened?" Kiara said. "Nothing I just dropped the bowl I can clean it up you relax on the couch." Eloise said. Eloise went to go get the broom and dustpan when she saw that Kiara had already had it in her hand. "Are you hurt?" Kiara asked. "I don't think so." Eloise said as she started to hide her hand since it was bleeding. "Show me your hands." Kiara said. "I'm sorry" Eloise said as she shower Kiara her hands. "It's not bleeding too bad but I'm gonna get you a bandaid." Kiara said. Kiara waddled into the bathroom to get Eloise a bandaid. While she was doing that Eloise started picking up the pieces of the bowl off the ground. Once she was finished she started sweeping the floor. "El I found some bandaids and a cleaning wipe" Kiara said. Kiara waddled back into the kitchen and saw that the floor was clean. "Eloise how fast did you pick up the bowl?" Kiara asked. "Umm pretty fast I guess." Eloise said.

"Give me your hand." Kiara said. Eloise held her hand out for Kiara so she could clean it. Eloise flinched as Kiara wiped the cleaning wipe on her hand. "Sorry" Eloise said. "I'm done" Kiara said. "Did you try the soup?" Kiara asked. "No not yet." Eloise said. Kiara grabbed two bowls and poured some of the soup in them. "Here" Kiara said as she gave Eloise one of the bowls. "Thank you" Eloise said. Eloise tried some of the soup and she liked it but the second she swallowed it...the soup made its way back up. Eloise quickly ran over to the sink and threw up. "Oh El Kiara said as she walked over to her. "Are you ok?" Kiara said. Eloise was still throwing up in the sink so there wasn't an answer. Kiara grabbed Eloise some water and felt her forehead. "Your a little warm but I think your puking is worst." Kiara said. Eloise had finally stopped puking and she quickly apologized for throwing up in the sink. "El it's ok why don't you go sit on the couch while I grab your medicine." Kiara said. "Ok" Eloise said as she walked over to the couch. Kiara grabbed the medicine and a glass of water. "Here hopefully this should help." Kiara said. "Thanks" Eloise said. Eloise took the medicine and went back to her room. "El wait" Kiara said as she stopped Eloise. "Yea" Eloise said. "What's been going on with you lately." Kiara asked. "Nothing" Eloise said. "El you keep apologizing everytime you make a little mistake." Kiara said. "I know I just feel bad that I threw up,broke your bowl,and threw up again." Eloise said. "There's nothing to feel bad about since it's happens to everyone." Kiara said. "Are you sure?" Eloise said. "Yes I'm sure." Kiara said. "I'm sorry that I didn't get to try your soup." Eloise said. "Eloise it's ok it wasn't that good anyways." Kiara said. "Oh so I shouldn't eat it then." Eloise said. "No you should not." Kiara said. Eloise went to her room while Kiara went back to go sit down on the couch. "Mom" Eloise called out. "Yes" Kiara said. "Can you come here please." Eloise said. Kiara waddled into Eloise's room out of breath. "What do you need?" Kiara said. "Cuddles" Eloise said. Kiara sat down next to Eloise and let her lay down on her lap. "Mom" Eloise said. "Yes" Kiara said. "When you go into labor who's gonna be in the room with you?" Eloise asked. "You and my parents." Kiara said. "Ok" Eloise said. Kiara and Eloise just watched tv until Eloise fell asleep.

Here's another oneshot for yall lmk if you guys like it!! Go check out my book Home!!!

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