Jiara:One bad fight

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Context:Kiara and JJ get into a fight with each other. And many other things happen but your gonna have to red to find out.

"Kiara what the hell!" JJ yelled. Kiara just kept walking away from JJ and everyone at the party. "Kiara I know you can hear me!" JJ yelled. "JJ what do you want me to say? That I'm sorry for sitting with another guy or that I saw you with another girl who was way prettier than me." Kiara yelled. "First of all that girl was drunk as hell and that guy looked like the "kook" version of me. I know you wanted to kiss him." JJ yelled. "Kiss him. You know damn well I wouldn't kiss another guy. Especially him." Kiara yelled. "Oh please that is a lie." JJ said. "Oh so now your calling me a liar?" Kiara said. "No but I know you kissed that guy." JJ said. "Well I know you kissed that girl." Kiara said. JJ said nothing. "See now your speechless." Kiara said. Kiara just stood there with her hands over her face. JJ walked over to her and hugged her. "JJ get off of me." Kiara cried. JJ backed up and gave Kiara some space. "Kie I just want you to know that I didn't kiss her at all. In my opinion she was a 5 your an 1000 compared to her." JJ said. "Really?" Kiara said. "Yea I mean her hair was all tangled,her outfit didn't match,and she use to date topper." JJ said. "JJ what does that have to do with her almost kissing you." Kiara cried. "Nothing I mean she looked way worse than yo—." JJ said as he got cut off by Kiara. "She looked way worse than me. Me Kiara Carrera the first girl you ever had a "thing" for." Kiara said. "Kiara I didn't mean it like that I I I" JJ stuttered. "Listen Maybank whenever I see that girl I'm going to beat the living shit out of her." Kiara said.

"JJ over here." A girl called out. "You have got to be kidding me." JJ said. "JJ there you are. I was waiting for you to come back with our beers." The  girl said as she walked towards JJ. "Hey Kiara how are you?" A guys voice said. "Shit." Kiara whispered yelled. "Hey umm" Kiara said as she was waiting for the guy to say his name. "Tyler don't you remember. I saw you back at the party and you were looking like a snack." Tyler said. "JJ looks like a snack too Ty." The girl said. "Mia why did you say that out loud?" Tyler said. "What all I said is that JJ looks like a snack... which he does." Mia said. Kiara couldn't take it anymore all the flirting,touching,and swooning. Kiara bawled her hand up in fist and she punched Mia. "Oh you son of a bitch." Mia said. Mia punched Kiara back and they kept going. "Stop it." JJ and Tyler kept saying over and over. Mia practically had Kiara pinned down which made JJ flip out. JJ grabbed Mia and threw her onto the ground. "Get your hands off of my girlfriend." JJ yelled. "Well get your hands off of mine." Tyler said as he helped Mia up off the ground. "She was the one who started it." Mia cried. "Whatever Mia let's go." Tyler said as they walked away. "I'll be back for you Kiara." Mia yelled.

"Kiara are you ok?" JJ said as he ran over to her. "No I feel a little dizzy." Kiara said. "Ok do you want to go to the hospital?" JJ asked. "Yea." Kiara cried. "Ok wait here I'll pull the car around." JJ said. Kiara just gave JJ a thumbs up and just stayed on the ground. Kiara grabbed her phone out of her purse and used her camera to look at herself. "Damn I look really—" Kiara said right before she passed out. JJ had pulled the car around and he saw Kiara passed out on the sidewalk. "Kie!!" JJ yelled. JJ hoped out of the car,grabbed Kiara,placed her in the car,and drove to the hospital. "Kiara you gotta wake up." JJ cried. "I need you Kie." JJ cried once more and kept driving. JJ had pulled up to the hospital and he saw a whole bunch of nurses and doctors outside. "Hey I need help!" JJ yelled as she grabbed Kiara out of the car. The nurses and doctors ran over to him and immediately helped Kiara.

"We need a gurney now." One of the doctors said. "Sir can you tell us what happened?" A nurse asked. "Well she got into a fight with this girl and she told me she was dizzy then I went to get the car and when I came back she was passed out." JJ said. "Ok let's get you and her inside. Could you tell us her name." The nurse said. "Kiara Kiara Carrera." JJ said. "Kiara can you hear me?" A doctor said as he checked Kiara's pupils. "Is she going to be ok?" JJ asked. "We're losing her." A doctor shouted. "Staring compressions." A nurse said. "Hey what's happening?" JJ asked as he tried to push his way through all the doctors. "Come Kiara you have so much more to live for." A nurse said as she was doing chest compessions. "Clear" A doctor said. "No pulse" A nurse called out. "Again" "Clear". This kept going on for five minutes until the doctors had to call it. "Time of death 3:45am." A doctor said as she walked out of the room. "Hey why aren't you helping her?" JJ yelled. "Because." The doctor said. "Because what!" JJ yelled. "Because shes dead." The doctor said. "I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor said as she brought JJ in for a hug. "No no no. Try again please." JJ said. "Doctor Smith come quick." A nurse called out. The doctor stopped hugging JJ and ran back into Kiaras room. "What is it?" Doctor Smith said. "We've got a pulse." The nurse said. "Oh that's great let's get her into a CT and run tests,labs,and find me her file we need to find out every medical thing about this girl at once." Doctor Smith said. "Sir I'm glad to inform you that Kiara is alive. A nurse found a pulse. We won't know anything more until her all test and lab results come back." Doctor Smith said. "Oh thank god." JJ cried. Doctor Smith gave JJ a hug and followed the nurses and Kiara.

"I gotta move our car and call her parents." JJ said. JJ walked out to his car,parked it and called Kiara's parents. "Let's hope this goes good." JJ whispered to himself.
The phone call between Anna & JJ
JJ:Hi Anna un Kiara is in the hospital.
A:Oh my gosh is she ok?
JJ:there running tests on her right now but I just wanted to let you both know.
A:oh me and Mike are on the way text me if there's any updates at all.
JJ:I will.

"Well I think that went pretty well to me!" JJ said. Then JJ walked back inside and sat in the waiting room. "I hope she's ok I really wanted to give her this ring back at the party but she was really upset with me." JJ said. "JJ there you are." Anna said as she walked over to JJ. "How's Kiara?" Mike asked. "The doctors haven't come back yet." JJ said. The doctors walked over to JJ and Kiaras parents. "Are you guys here for Kiara Carrera?" A nurse asked. "Yes we are." Anna said. "Alright follow me then." The nurse said. JJ,Mike,and Anna followed the nurse into Kiaras room. "Everything went well we did have to preform surgery on her arm but other than that she should recover shortly. And congratulations Mr Maybank your going to be a father." The nurse said. "Kiara's pregnant?" Anna said. "Kiara your ok!" Anna said as she gave Kiara a hug. "Mom dad what are you doing here?" Kiara asked. "JJ called us and we just wanted to make sure you and now the baby were ok." Mike said. "The nurse told you that I'm pregnant!" Kiara said. "Yea." Anna said.

JJ walked over to Kiara got on one knee and said "Kiara Anna Carrera the day I met you I knew that you were the girl for me. I love you with all my heart and maybe a little more but will you do me the honor and become my wife."  Kiara couldn't believe what was happening so she said yes and gave JJ a huge kiss. "Well I guess we'll leave you two alone then." Anna said as her and Mike walked out. JJ got into Kiaras bed and laid next to her for the whole night. "I love you so much Kie." JJ whispered.  "I love you too." Kiara said. "Kie we're gonna be parents isn't that exciting." JJ whispered. "JJ go to sleep please yo your making my head hurt." Kiara whined. "Sorry." JJ whispered as he gave a kiss on her forehead.

Here's another oneshot for you guys. I'm starting school soon so the uploads might not as frequent as they usually are.

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