Kiara:teen mom

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Context:When Kiara was 14 she met a 16 year old guy....they had unprotected sex and she found she was pregnant. Her parents were upset with her at first but when they found out the guy left after he got found out that's what made them even more mad. Anyways it's been three years since she had the baby and today is the day she finally lets her daughter meet a certain someone.

"Mommy wake up" Isabella said as she ran into Kiara's room. When Isabella ran in there she saw the Kiara was already awake. "Good morning Bells." Kiara said. Isabella got upset since she really wanted to surprise Kiara. "Bella what's wrong?" Kiara asked. "I wanted to surprise you" Bella cried. "I'm sorry bubs." Kiara said. Kiara picked Bella up and walked downstairs. "Morning Kie" Anna said. "Morning mom" Kiara said as she placed Bella down on the ground. "Good morning Mimi" Bella said. Good morning my little Bella boo". Anna said. "I made some breakfast for you guys so help yourselves." Mike said. Bella went to go grab some of the bacon that was sitting on the table but Kiara stopped her. "Wash your hands please" Kiara said. "Why" Bella whined. "Because I said so" Kiara said. Bella walked over to the step stool that was right next to the kitchen sink. She moved the step stool climbed on it and washed her hands. "Papa I can't reach the towels." Bella said. Mike walked over and gave her a towel. "Thank you" Bella said. "You're welcome" Mike said as he helped Bella off of the step stool. Bella ran into the kitchen and saw Kiara already eating her food. "Mommy you were suppose to wait for me" Bella said. "Sorry Bells I got hungry." Kiara said. Bella climbed into Kiara's lap and started eating some of her pancakes. "Bella did you want me to make you a plate?" Anna asked. "Mom you know that doesn't work. She only eats whenever her plate is next to me." Kiara said. "Well she needs to start."
Anna said. "She does when she's at school." Kiara said. "Well why can't she do it at home?" Anna said. "Can we not do this right now." Kiara said as she placed Bella down. "Mommy I'm done." Bella said. Kiara picked Bailey and took her upstairs. "Kie the preschool is closed today since the teachers all have the stomach flu. So you have to bring her to work." Anna said. "Yea" Kiara said sarcastically. "It's time for you to have a bath since you got syrup everywhere." Kiara said. "Sorry Mommy the pancakes were really good." Bella said. "I see" Kiara said as she brought Bella  to the bathroom. Kiara turned the water on and waited for the tub to fill up. "Mommy?" Bella said. "Yes" Kiara said. "Can I wear my pink dress?" Bella asked. "Sure" Kiara said as she turned the water off. "Get in and don't do anything until I get back." Kiara said. Kiara got up and walked out of the bathroom.

Surprisingly her mom was standing outside the door. "Mom what the hell you scared me". Kiara said. "Sorry it's just I wanted to apologize about earlier." Anna said. "It's fine can you please help Bella with her bath. I have to find her pink dress." Kiara said. "Yea I think it's in the laundry room." Anna said. Kiara walked downstairs and headed to the laundry room. "Where's that damn dress." Kiara yelled. "Kie do you want some help?" Mike asked. Kiara didn't say anything since she was throwing clothes everywhere just to find Bella's pink dress. "Kiara I found it." Anna yelled. "Thank god" Kiara said. "Kie I'm giving you the day off today." Mike said. "Why?" Kiara said. "Because you're going to see JJ today." Mike said. "Wait today is the day I have to go see JJ. Crap I need to get ready." Kiara said. Kiara ran upstairs and rushed into her bathroom. "She forgot about her date with JJ. That's a shocker." Anna said as she walked downstairs with Bella in her arms. Mike took Bella out of Anna's arms and brought her over to the living room. "Papa who's JJ?" Bella asked. "He's Mommy's friend" Mike said. "Is he Mommy's boyfriend?" Bella asked. "I don't know that's a question for Mommy." Anna said. "Mom is Bella dressed?" Kiara yelled. "Yes" Anna said. "Ok good" Kiara said as she came downstairs. "Mommy look were matching." Bella said. "Mmm" Kiara said as she started packing a little lunch for Bella. "You're bringing her on your date with JJ?" Mike asked. "Yea he's been wanting to meet her." Kiara said. "Alright but you better be home at a reasonable time." Mike said. "I know." Kiara said. Bella got up and walked over to the front door. "Come on Mommy" Bella said. "I'm coming Bells" Kiara said. "We'll be back later." Kiara said. "Be safe" Anna said. "Bye Mimi bye Papa." Bella said. Anna and Mike waved bye and shut the door as they walked out.

When Kiara walked outside she saw JJ waiting for her with two bundles of roses in his hand. "Roses for you and roses for you Mrs Bella." JJ said as she gave each of them there rose. "Thank you JJ." Bella said. "Thank you" Kiara said as she gave JJ a kiss. "Mommy you kissed JJ that means you're married." Bella said. "We aren't married princess." JJ said. "Oh" Bella said. "We're dating". Kiara said. Bella wasn't even paying attention since she kept looking at the clouds in the sky. "Bells are you ready to go to the park?" Kiara asked. "Yea" Bella said. Bella got into her car seat and buckled herself in. JJ answered Kiara got in the car as well. "Mommy can I have water?" Bella asked. "Here" Kiara said as she gave Bella her water bottle. "Thank you" Bella said. "You're welcome." Kiara said. "JJ can you push me on the swing at the park?" Bella said. "Of course princess." JJ said as started pulling out of the driveway.

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