Sarah & Kiara:Gender Reveal

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Context:Sarah is 9 months pregnant but she's having a gender reveal very late since she wasn't sure if she wanted to have one. (The gender reveal is only her and Kiara)

Sarah was getting ready for her little gender reveal with Kiara since she was the only person who actually supported her through the whole thing. "Kie do you think I'm gonna be a good mom?" Sarah asked. "Of course Sarah." Kiara said. Sarah just finished getting ready when she heard Kiara go downstairs. "Sarah don't come down yet I'm adding the final touches." Kiara yelled. "Ok but you know it takes me like ten minutes to get downstairs." Sarah yelled. "I know I'm done now." Kiara said. Sarah started to waddle down the stairs when she saw all the balloons and decorations Kiara had bought she started to cry. "Sarah do you not like it?" Kiara said. "No I love it it's just no one has done something this nice for me in years." Sarah said. "Well you deserve now pop the ballon so we can eat the cake I bought us." Kiara said. "Ok ok hand the pin." Sarah said. Kiara handed Sarah the pin and then grabbed her phone out to record her. "3,2,1" Sarah said as she popped the ballon. When she popped the ballon a whole bunch of pink confetti flew all over Sarah and Kiara. "Yes I don't have to return any of the clothes I bought."
Sarah said. "I'm gonna be the best aunt ever." Kiara said while she grabbed the cake out of the fridge. The cake was pink and had white sprinkles on it. "Sorry the cake is bad I made it last minute." Kiara said. "It's ok it looks better then what I can do." Sarah said. "Really? Or are you just saying that." Kiara said. "I'm serious." Sarah said with her mouthful of cake. "Is it good?" Kiara asked. "It's so good" Sarah said while she continued to stuffing her face with cake. "Well I'm glad you like it." Kiara said. Sarah just kept eating the cake while Kiara went into the living room to turn on a movie. "Sarah are you done yet? I want to watch the little mermaid." Kiara whined. "I just finished" Sarah said. Sarah waddled over to the couch and right as she was about to sit down she felt a liquid trickling down her leg. "Kiara" Sarah said nervously. "Yea is everything alright?" Kiara asked. "I think my water broke" Sarah said. "Oh are you in pain or anything?" Kiara asked. "No I feel fin—" Sarah said right as she got a contraction. "This hurts but I wanted to do a home birth." Sarah cried. "We can still do the home north I just have to start the tub." Kiara said.

"Ok go I'll be here." Sarah groaned. Kiara ran to the bathroom and started running the water. When Kiara came back she saw Sarah crying. "Alright let's get you to the bathroom." Kiara said as she walked over to help Sarah. "I don't think I'm gonna make it." Sarah cried. "Ok then is it ok if I check?" Kiara asked. "Your the one who's going to become a labor and delivery nurse. By all means." Sarah said. Kiara checked how dilated Sarah was and it was looking good for the baby but not Sarah. "Sarah I can see the baby's head." Kiara said. "Ok can I at least go to the tub?" Sarah said. "I don't think so now wait here so I can get the supplies out of the bathroom." Kiara said. Sarah just laid on the ground and waited for Kiara to come back. Kiara came back with everything she needed so she started to help Sarah get situated before they continued to do anything else. "Sarah whatever you do don't pu—" Kiara said while she got cut off by the sounds of a baby crying. Kiara grabbed the baby and gave her to Sarah. "Here she is. Now I'm going to cut the umbilical cord." Kiara said. Sarah just agreed and let Kiara do whatever she needed to do. "She's adorable isn't she?" Sarah asked. "She's so cute. She's making me want to a have a baby." Kiara said. "You should or you can adopt so that way our kids can be best friends." Sarah said. "I'll think about it." Kiara said. Towards the end of the night Kiara placed little Eliana in her crib while Sarah was peacefully sleeping in her room. "Goodnight Ellie" Kiara whispered. "Kie what are you doing in here?" Sarah asked. "I put Ellie to bed while you were asleep." Kiara said. "Oh thanks also are you going to eat the rest of that sub?" Sarah asked. "We can share it if you would like." Kiara said. "Ok but I get the bigger half." Sarah said. "No you don't I was the one who bought the sandwich." Kiara yelled. "Too bad." Sarah said after taking a bite of the sandwich. "Ugh your so lucky I'm a nice person." Kiara said. Sarah just laughed as ate the sandwich.

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