Jiara:Mother Daughter date. (Gone wrong)

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Context:Kiara and JJ have a daughter named Emily. Emily is 4 years old. Anyways Kiara surprised her with a mother daughter date/day and it goes a little wrong.

"Em wake up." JJ said. "Go away Daddy." Emily said. "Mommy has a surprise for you." JJ said. "Ooo what kind of surprise." Emily said wide awake. "Alright let's get you showered and dressed then Mommy will show you her surprise for you." JJ said. "Yea surprise." Emily kept saying over and over. Emily ran into the bathroom and got straight into the shower. "Hey JJ can you grab the matching dresses for Em please." Kiara said. "Yea it's laid out on her bed." JJ said. Emily finished her shower and saw JJ holding up a pink dress. "Ooo pretty." Emily said. "It is now put it on." JJ said. Emily snatched the dress out of JJs hands and got changed. "Daddy I'm ready." Emily said while she walked out and spun around in her dress. JJ picked Emily up and brought her out to where Kiara was sitting. "Look Mommy were matching!" Emily said. "We are baby." Kiara said.

"What's my surprise Mommy?" Emily asked while Kiara was doing her hair. "Today you and me are having a Mommy and Emily day." Kiara said. "Yea does that mean we can go to target." Emily said. "It sure does and whose money are we spending." "Yours?" Emily said. "No Daddy's." Kiara said while fixing Emily's hair. "Really Kiara my card." JJ said. "Yes your card I pushed her out so this is like thank you for giving birth to our daughter." Kiara said. "Fine as long you get me something too." JJ said. "Oh don't worry we will." Kiara said. "Just don't spend too much ok." JJ said. "Fine. Come on Emily let's go put your shoes on." Kiara said. "I already put my shoes on." Emily said as she showed Kiara her feet with her shoes on. "Wow Em did you do that all by yourself." Kiara asked. "Yea did I do it right Mommy." Emily asked. "You sure did bubs." Kiara said as she helped Emily off the stool in the kitchen. "Bye Daddy." Emily said as she waved to JJ. "Bye Em be good for Mommy."JJ said as he gave Kiara a kiss and waved bye to Emily.

Emily ran outside and for some reason she didn't stop. While Emily was running Kiara and JJ followed her outside but the second Kiara and JJ called her name it was too late. Emily got hit by car. "Emily." Kiara cried as she ran out into the street. "JJ call 911. Hurry." Kiara said. "Oh I'm so sorry about your daughter Kiara." The person who hit Emily said. "How do you know my name?" Kiara asked as she was holding Emily in her arms. "Don't you remember me Kie. Does the name Rafe Cameron ring a bell." Rafe said. "Kie I called for an ambulance is she breathi—- Rafe what the hell are you doing here." JJ said. "I just wanted to give you guys some payback for beating me up all those years ago." Rafe said. "Mommy my arm hurts." Emily said. "It's ok baby the ambulance is almost here." Kiara said.  "Well Kiara I guess this is goodbye for now." Rafe said as he pulled away.

Here's another oneshot let me know if I should do a part 2.

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