Kiara and JJs little brother:a picnic at the park

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Context:JJ has a little brother named Connor and Kiara has been taking care of him while JJ is in Military school. Connor is 5 years old.

"Kiki I'm ready to go to the park." Connor said while putting his shoes on. "Ok I just have to grab the picnic basket." Kiara said. Connor just waited by the door while he waited he just started singing the wheels on the bus. Kiara grabbed the picnic basket and walked out with Connor holding her hand. "Did you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?" Connor asked. "I sure did and I brought a little treat." Kiara said. Connor just smiled and looked out the window as Kiara drove to the park. Once they got to the park Connor jumped out of his car seat and helped Kiara with the blanket. "Connor do you want me to carry the blanket?" Kiara asked as she noticed Connor struggling. "No I got it see." Connor said with the blanket in front his face. Kiara took a picture and just kept walking to a spot under a tree. "Let's sit here Connor." Kiara said. Connor dropped the blanket on the ground and rolled the blanket out. Kiara helped Connor and then placed the basket down. Connor went over to where the basket was and gave Kiara her food and then grabbed his own food. "Can I go play please?" Connor asked. "You can but don't you want to eat first?" Kiara said. "I want to play first." Connor said with excitement. "Well I did bring you some toys to play with." Kiara said as she grabbed some of Connors favorite toys out of her bag. Connor grabbed his trucks and started playing with them as Kiara just watched. Kiara let Connor play for as long as he wanted and when he got hungry she gave him some of the food she brought. Connor ate the sandwich and everything else Kiara had brought for him. "Kiki I'm tried." Connor said as he yawned. "Yea I think it's nap time buddy." Kiara said. Connor started to become a little clingy to Kiara so that's when they both packed up there things and headed on home. Kiara placed Connor into his car seat,the blanket and picnic basket in the trunk,and got into the car and drove home.

Here's another oneshot if JJs little brother I hope you liked it. Please let me know if you have a favorite oneshot. (If you do I might rewrite with another couple/person)

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