She's mine

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This will be using the character of Claire from "where's your mom". Setting:Kiara's house. Context:Kiara's parents adopted Claire. And Kiara has been taking of Clarie way more than her parents. Then Kiara and her parents gets into a fight about who should really be responsible for Claire. (Just read this to find out more)

It was no later than 8am and Claire was woken up to an angry Kiara packing up all there belongings. "Hmmm Kiki what are you doing?" Claire asked. "I'm packing our things we are going to stay with Sarah and John B until I find a place for us to live". Kiara said with anger. "Why are we leaving I still haven't gotten ready." Claire said. "You can take a shower,eat,and get dressed then we can leave". Kiara said. "Ok you won't leave me right?" Claire  said. "I promise I won't leave". Kiara said. "Ok can I wear my pink dress to match with you pleaseeeee". Claire said. "Of course you can we can always match now go shower while I finish packing." "Ok I'll be back".
Claire said as she walked away to the bathroom.

Kiara finished packing and left out Claire's pink dress,tan sandals,and a pink hair tie. Then Kiara took their stuff downstairs. Kiara walked out to her car and put there stuff in her trunk and walked by inside to check on Claire. "Kiara where are you?" Kiara heard from upstairs. "I'm coming." Kiara said as she ran upstairs. Kiara saw Claire all dressed in her pink dress and tan sandals. "There you are Kiki I need help with my hair." Claire said. "Oh I thought you were dying or something by the way you called me." Kiara said. "I wasn't dying I just got scared that you left without me." Claire said. "I would never leave you G. Your my little sister so it's my job to take care of you ok". Kiara said. "Ok. Can you do my hair just like yours please." Claire asked. "Yea for sure". Kiara said as she started to do Claire's hair.

Kiara was just finished Claire's hair when she heard someone running up the stairs. "Kiara you can not take Claire away from me and your father. We adopted her not you." Kiara's mom yelled. Claire just hid behind Kiara and covered her ears. "She is coming with me and that is final." Kiara said. Claire came out from behind Kiara and hugged her. Kiara picked Claire up, grabbed the rest of there belongings and walked downstairs. "Kiara I'm hungry". Claire said. "Ok I'll grab you an orange and you can eat in the car ok." Kiara said. "Yea I love oranges." Claire said with excitement. Kiara gave Claire the orange and walked out the door.

"Ok buckle up please." Kiara asked. "Ok I'm all buckled up Kie see". Clarie said as she buckled her seatbelt and showed Kiara. "Ok let's go". Kiara said. Right as Kiara was about to pull out of the driveway she saw her parents outside with a tan file folder in her mothers hand. Anna walked up to Kiara's window and said "here she's yours I'm done fighting about her. If you want to be her mom or whatever that's fine with me and your father." Her mom didn't get to say the last sentence she wanted to say since her father cut her off and yelled "don't come crawling back to us Kiara." Anna looked at Kiara and said"I pulled out $5,000 for you to find a place to live and get settled. I know we always were hard on you but just keep her safe ok." Anna said and walked away. "Kie I finished my orange. What do I do with the peel?" Claire said. "Can you hold on to it until we get to Sarah and John B's." Kiara asked. "Yea but I didn't eat it all." Claire said.

"Why did you get full bubs?" Kiara asked. "No I just saved the rest for you." Claire said and gave Kiara the other half of her orange. "Thanks Claire I'll eat this when we get to Sarah's ok." Kiara said. "Ok". Claire said and waved bye to Anna and Mike. "Make good decisions Kiara". Anna yelled as Kiara pulled away. Kiara continued to listen to Claire sing along to the music she was playing. "I hope I made the right decision". Kiara whispered to herself and kept driving.

Ok sorry for not uploading that much school is about to end so I have been busy with finals and other things. Anyway comment if you want a part 2 to this. The part 2 could be a time jump or what happens on the drive to Sarah and John B's houses. Please leave your requests below!!!

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