JJs little sister

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Setting:The beach/JJ and Kies house
JJ and Kiara are dating.
JJ had just found out he had a little sister and that his mom had another kid. His little sister looks exactly like him and she loves to hang out with the pouges. His little sisters name is Gracelyn but she goes by Grace or Gracie. She is also 5 years old.

JJ and Kie wanted to surprise Gracie with a beach day. She always talked about how she loved going to the beach and how much she loved to build sand castles. So Kie came up with the idea to surprise her. Kie first picked her up from Sarah and John Bs house,then she took Gracie to her house so she could get changed and pack things for the beach. Gracie was so excited that Kie had a surprise for her. "Kiki what's my surprise I wanna know right now please". Gracie said with excitement. Kiara booped Gracie on the nose and said "I can't tell you or else it wouldn't be a surprise. Now what do you want me to make you for lunch". Gracie said "aww man that's not fair but can I have peanut butter and Jelly please". Kiara said "alright one Pb and J coming up for my favorite Maybank". JJ had just come back in from loading the car up with everything they needed for the beach.

He had also just heard what Kiara said and said "I thought I was your favorite Maybank Kie"? Kiara looked at Gracie and they both started laughing and Kie said "you are but Gracie is number 1.. sorry". It's ok. She's lucky she's so cute or else we would have some real problems" JJ said. Kie finished making everyone's lunches and asked JJ to put them in the car while she grabbed the first aid kit. "Kie we aren't gonna need the first aid kit just leave it here" JJ yelled. Kiara yelled back " you never know what might happen Jayge so I'm bringing and besides Gracie might get hurt".  JJ just sighed and walked to the car. Kiara scooped Gracie off the ground and buckled her into her car seat and sat in the passenger seat.

JJ started the car and that's when the car karaoke started with Kie and Gracie they were singing songs by Bob Marley,Taylor swift,Ariana Grande, and more. JJ started singing along too and while they were on the road Gracie was just about to fall asleep until she screamed JJ look out and BOOM everything went black.

Hey y'all sorry this is really short but let me know if you have any requests and if you want a part 2 to this part and any other part I've made.

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