JJ and Y/n:a cold

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Context:JJ and Y/n are married and y/n is eight months pregnant and she gets a cold so JJ takes care of her.

JJ woke up to the sounds of coughing coming from the kitchen. So he got up and decided to go check it out. "Y/n are you ok?" JJ asked. "No I don't feel good." Y/n said. JJ felt Y/n's forehead and she was a little warm. "You're a little warm why don't you go sit on the couch while I get you something to eat." JJ said. "Ok" Y/n said as she waddled over to the couch. "Do you want some soup?" JJ asked. "A little bit." Y/n said. "Ok I'll make you some." JJ said. "Thank you" Y/n said. Y/n turned on the tv and started watching some random house show. "Here's your soup and crackers." JJ said as he gave Y/n her tray of food. "Thank you honey." Y/n said. "You're welcome." JJ said. JJ sat next to Y/n and rubbed her back. Y/n then sneezed like three times and then had a coughing attack. JJ noticed and grabbed a plastic bag from the kitchen and held it in front of Y/n. Y/n ended up puking into the plastic bag since she had been coughing a lot. "Feel better?" JJ asked. "A little" Y/n said. "Wanna lay down." JJ said. "Yea but my body hurts too much to get up." Y/n said. "I can help you up." JJ said. Y/n held her arms up so JJ could help her up. JJ helped her up and walked with her back to their room. Y/n laid down on their bed and JJ laid next to her. "Wanna do it real quick." JJ said. "Get away from me." Y/n said as she slapped JJ with a pillow. "Hey it's not my fault you're hot." JJ said. "We can tomorrow. If I'm feeling better." Y/n said. "Yea baby" JJ said as he walked out of their room.

Sorry this is so short but to the person who requested this I hope you liked it.

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