Jiara:synced up

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Context: JJ and Kiara have a 14 year old daughter named Bailey. Anyways today is the one day JJ has been dreading Bailey and Kiara synced up with their periods. Kiara is also a nurse in this.

"Who took the last cookie." Bailey yelled. "Why are you yelling?" JJ said. "Mom do you take the last cookie?" Bailey yelled. "So what if I did." Kiara said. "I wanted it." Bailey said. "Well you took the last tampon." Kiara said. "I needed it." Bailey said. "So did I now I have to get more." Kiara said. "How about I get more." JJ said. "You better get the right ones this time." Bailey said. "Ok can you send me the box." JJ said. "Sure just hurry up." Kiara said. JJ went to go get more pads and tampons while Kiara and Bailey stayed home. Bailey went upstairs and into her room and Kiara followed. "Mom get out." Bailey said. Kiara just sat on Baileys bed and laid next her. "My head hurts." Bailey said. "Your head always hurts when you're on your period." Kiara said. "I know but I'll be fine." Bailey said. "You say that and then you throw up from all the pain." Kiara said. "Mom that's you not me." Bailey said. "That is not true." Kiara said. "Yes it is even dad knows." Bailey said. Bailey got up and then got a huge cramp in her back. "I can't do this anymore." Bailey groaned. Kiara went over by Bailey and rubbed her back. "You good?" Kiara asked. "My cramps are worse than last time." Bailey said. "I'll go get you some medicine." Kiara said. "And a snack." Bailey said. "And a snack." Kiara groaned. Kiara went downstairs to grab Bailey some medicine and a snack. "Mom" Bailey yelled. "Yea" Kiara said. "I don't feel good." Bailey said. "You told me this two days ago. Are you actually sick this time?" Kiara asked as she came back upstairs. Kiara walked into Baileys room and saw her clutching her side. "Bails when did your period end?" Kiara asked. "It hasn't ended yet It should end tomorrow." Bailey said in pain. "How long have you been on your period?" Kiara asked. "This whole month it hasn't stopped." Bailey cried. "Let me call dad so we can take you to the hospital." Kiara said. "No I'm fine." Bailey cried. "I'm home" JJ called out. "Good we need to take Bails to the hospital." Kiara yelled. "Why?" JJ yelled. "She's in way too much pain for this to be her period." Kiara said. JJ came upstairs and carried Bailey to the car. "Put me down." Bailey said. "Bailey were taking you to the hospital whether you like it or not." Kiara said. "Mom I'm." Bailey said but what cutoff by the pain on her side. "Make it stop." Bailey screamed. "Kie get in the back with her." JJ said. Kiara got in the back with Bailey while JJ got into the front and drove. Kiara just rubbed Bailey's back until they got to the hospital. JJ brought Bailey in while Kiara parked the car. A nurse took JJ and Bailey to a room when Kiara came inside. "Nurse Maybank how are you?" The front desk lady said. "I'm fine but I think Baileys appendix bursted or something." Kiara said.

"Nurse Maybank we're taking Bailey up to emergency surgery she needs her appendix removed like right now." A nurse said. Bailey was rolled away when JJ came over by Kiara. "She's gonna be ok right?" JJ said. "Yes it's a simple surgery." Kiara said. "But what if she's scared?" JJ said. "Those nurse will be with her until the surgery is over." Kiara said. "I'm gonna go get something to eat you want to come?" JJ said. "Sure let me tell Hannah I'm leaving." Kiara said. Kiara told Hannah she was leaving and to update her with anything about Bailey. JJ and Kiara went to go get food when they got a call about the surgery. "Hey Kiara everything went really good with Bailey she'll make a full recovery." Hannah said (over the phone). "But what about her period? She said it was a month long." Kiara said. "I think she was talking about how it didn't end two months ago she told me right before she went into the operation room." Hannah said. "Ok good can we come see her?" Kiara said. "Yea she's just the recovery unit." Hannah said. JJ drove back to the hospital and went to go see Bailey. "She's gonna be so mad that her hair is a mess." JJ said. Kiara went over and started fixing her hair as she was doing that Bailey woke up. "Hey who's touching my hair." Bailey slurred. "It's me Bails." Kiara said. "Mom you look so pretty." Bailey slurred. "Here Bails I got you a burrito." JJ said. "She can't eat it yet." Kiara said. "Oh right I'll bring it home." JJ said. "Burrito" Bailey slurred. "You can eat it tomorrow Bails." Kiara said. "Yea" Bailey said. Kiara showed Bailey the braid she did in her hair and she loved it. "Mom you're staying the night right?" Bailey asked. "Yes Bails I'm staying with you." Kiara said. "Rock on." Bailey said. "I think she's still a little high from the meds." JJ said. "I see." Kiara said.

Here's another oneshot for you guys lmk if you all like it.

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