Saviors Pt. VI

513 39 20

Eleanor Leywin

"Come on!" Helen's voice could be heard screaming from the middle of our group. "Keep going, we have to go!" I could feel the battle even from where we were, the auras were enormous, and I know for a fact that they are the Lances'.

"Prepare yourselves!" Even from the front of the group, I could hear Elder Rinia shouting, letting us know that something was up ahead, it was the tunnel she was talking about. "Just push pass everything you feel."

The people ahead of me were looking at each other in horror, I could see the Twin Horns with my family, they seemed worried as well. I didn't know what to expect, I knew something was going to happen since Elder Rinia told us about it, but still, this was all weird.

I was still thinking about Damon, and if he was okay. We had no clue what was up there, one asura, two, maybe more, who knows. I just hoped that everyone would make it out alive, but I knew that was going to be too much to ask, there was no way that would happen. The Lances were in trouble, I should be there with them, that would at least give them a fighting chance if Damon fell, but I knew what my job was, I had to protect these people.

I didn't feel anything heading our way, but who know, there could be an asura coming and I couldn't feel it. I doubted that though, I could feel their auras from here, it was pretty clear there was no one in the tunnels.

"Ellie." Abold said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Let's go, we are fading too far behind." We were about twenty yards from the last line of people, but as we started to pick up the pace, a sudden urge to run hit us.

"Keep going forward!" Elder Rinia shouted as the people started to slow down, allowing us to reach them even faster, but I could see Abold was holding his breath as well. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and I didn't know if it was my body or something else, but I pushed the feeling to flee to the side.

"Nooo!" Someone yelled stopping. "We'll die if we go down there!" They shouted, but I pushed her forward, the girl looked into my red eyes, and I nudged her forward. "Lance Eleanor, we can't."

"Yes, we can." I assured her, looking around at all the people looking at me in fear as they tried to figure out what they should do. "Listen to Elder Rinia, keep going forward, we know what is behind us, push the feeling to flee away, and move forward together." They faced forward once again, and I spoke some more. "Just go, you can all do it!"

"You heard your Lance!" Commander Virion said, and I could see my mother look at me with a smile even while this fear was crawling in all of us. "Keep going!" My gut started to turn, even while I pushed these emotions away, they just kept on coming back, getting stronger and stronger as we went.

"I can't." Abold said quietly, his eyes closed, but I rested a hand on his shoulder, motioning to him to keep his head up as his eyes opened. "Focus on keeping them going, I'll be fine." I nodded, taking my hand off him as we ran, looking around at the people in front of me, seeing if any of them needed my help.

"How much longer?"

"It's too much!"

"Commander, please, stop this!"

"I can't!"

The tunnel was pushing everyone to their limits, I could see it, but we had no choice. If we stopped, went backwards towards the asura or asuras, we would certainly die, there was no question about it.

I could feel the countless groups that were sent into the tunnel moving, some making it to their hiding spots, the ones closest to the tunnel entrance were the ones I was worried about. A group of people stopped before us, the people behind them ran around them, and when Abold and I reached them, I could see that there was an older lady throwing up.

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