Truacia Pt. I

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(One Week Later)

Nithe Leywin

I stood at the border of Etril and Truacia, there was no more teleporting in and out of the continent, we couldn't teleport the size of our force to every location, I could, and small numbers could, but the thirty thousand troops behind me could not.

I was leading this force into Truacia to begin our conquest of the Dominion, there were twenty thousand Reapers and ten thousand Hellspawn. Raven had a force of seventy five thousand hellhounds, her favorite she says, further away from me, but heading in the same direction.

Our force was heading towards a city in Truacia called Saluamata, it was our first stop, well, there were a couple small towns in between that we planned on going to beforehand. Our father was heading to the Etril army heading towards Aramoor, but he said he would help if anything went down, which he suspected something would happen, but he didn't know what.

"Let's go Mawar." I told the Retainer, the only other talking being with me, she nodded her head and the two of us started our march into the Dominion. "Raven is already ahead of us, so we need to make sure to keep up."

"Alright." Mawar answered, looking around. "We have at least a day or two before we reach the first town." I nodded, knowing that, feeling nothing in sight, knowing very well that at the moment we were safe, there was no one near us, but there could be at any moment.

Unlike us, Agrona can move troops a lot faster, he can move them from one end of the continent to the other within minutes. There was always a chance that Wraiths showed up here and we had to fight them, but I doubted it, I'm sure Agrona is focused on my father right now, not this force hiding within the border.

Ivy and Damon were staying in Etril, knowing that an attack there was inevitable. Rosa is there as well, but she is in Maerin with Melody and Cassandra, not really doing anything, well, she's really doing what Mawar and Kiloph were doing, commanding the blood army, something she didn't like doing.

I was just happy to be in charge of doing this, wiping out the enemy, enslaving them like they did to the people of Dicathen. In doing this, I will show them what they did to those people, I am their weapon, I will fulfill my father's wishes and show the people of Truacia true fear.

Mawar's teal and white dress or battle robe, whatever it was blew in the wind, and as it did, my eyes went to the Retainer, my mind filled with questions. "What?" Mawar asked, looking at me as she ran a hand behind her ear to fix her white hair. "What are you looking at?"

"Alright, I've had a question for some time, but I never wanted to be rude or anything." I started, then pointed at my ears. "Your ears, their elf ears, but you are a vritra, how does that work?" We had plenty of time to chat, so I figured I ask a question, it's been one I've had for quite some time.

"Experiments." Mawar said. "From what I've been told, my father was a vritra, and my mother was an elf that was kidnapped from Dicathen years ago, and to create me they ----"

"Alright, I get it." I stopped her, not needing to know how they did it, I'm sure it wasn't because the elf wanted to. "I didn't want to ask before because I felt like it was weird, but you don't really see a lot of elven vritras."

"I understand, and you are right, you don't." She responded, and then we were silent for a second. "This is going to be a long walk, I would say we could fly ahead, but these reapers couldn't follow." The hellspawn could fly with us, but the Reapers, they are foot soldiers, they couldn't fly, and would fall far behind, it would be pointless.

"I agree." I said, nodding my head. "I wish we could fly as well; it would make life hell of a lot easier, or even teleport in." Raven and I were going to teleport in, but father said we needed to move our force to Truacia, so traveling with us was the safest way to do it.

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