Within Taegrin Caelum

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"I don't know." I said out loud, looking down at the portal, preparing to step into it, not really knowing what was going to happen.

'What happens if you get teleported into a room where you are unable to use any mana?' Regis asked another great question. 'Or even a room with a bunch of Vritras? You could get yourself killed within seconds; I would just prepare yourself for anything.'

'I know, I know, relax, you knew this wasn't going to be safe.' I told him through the mental link currently going on between us, then conjured a void sword in my right hand. "Maximum effort."

I stepped into the portal on the ground, falling through it, and appearing within a room with black walls and weird designs. I looked around, and as I did, four vritra horned men stood up from their seats and looked at me in confusion as the portal closed.

"Who are --- " The one with long black horns started to speak, but as he did, I cut him off as my blade entered his chest and I pushed blood all around the room. "Uhhhh!" He said as blood dripped to the ground, and his eyes widened.

'Get ready for this.' I told Regis as I teleported once, appearing in front of one of them, swinging my sword at his neck as soulfire started to build up around him, but as I brought my sword down, I teleported again, stopped the movement of a different Vritra's body, and sliced him in half, killing him instantly.

There were still three, one was bleeding out, but alive, the other two were now preparing spells as they faced me. I wanted to make this quick and quiet, I didn't need to alarm anybody that I was here, if I was in Taegrin Caelum, I have no clue to be honest.

"The Devil!" One of them said, then turned to the one closest to the door. "Alarm the others!" The Vritra nodded at him, but before he could get to the door, I teleported in his way and black spikes shot up at me but passed through my body as I liquified it and stepped through them.

"No one is leaving this room alive." I told him, conjuring a black spike into the Vritra's stomach that was holding his chest where I cut him before, killing him this time as he I removed his magic and made him unable to move. "I haven't been able to actually fight in sometime, and now, I have no reason to hold back on you two."

Their eyes were wide in horror, these gods didn't know what was going on, yes, even without magic the two I had killed in seconds could have put up a fight against me, but the element of surprise was key right now.

I dug into their cores and removed their ability to use mana, the look of fear on their faces made me smile. I teleported into the one, and as I did, he threw a punch at me, the other shot at me as well, so I teleported again, appearing behind the other one.

I grabbed the back of his robe, he spun around, went to punch me, but my blade came up and his arm fell to the ground. "Fuck, you smell like absolute shit!" I said, looking the red eyed Vritra in the eyes. "Do you wash yourself?" I asked, dodging a punch from the other Vritra as I released the robe. "Hell, now that I think about it..." I dodged another punch, then another, spun and elbowed the one in the side of the head, knocking him back. "...I don't think I've taken a bath or rinse myself off in quite some time."

"Fuck you!" He shouted in my face, and I just stared at him complexed as I dodged another punch, and then a kick from the one armed one. "You came here to die!" Yep, these were asuras alright, pathetic and stupid.

"It was a simple question, no need for that kind of language." I told him, teleporting in and swinging my sword at his head, trying to conceal as much of this fight as I could, but it was pretty much impossible.

He ducked under it, sent a fist towards my stomach, I side stepped it, brought my blade across my body at the other Vritra coming at me, forcing him back, then sent a knee upwards into the face of this Vritra down low, breaking his jaw, I think.

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