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I dodged a black spike, smashed another one, and god stepped to Damon, swinging my sword at his throat as spikes shot out of the ground all around us, delaying everybody from attacking him at one.

Even Mica in the sky behind us was dealing with wind magic, but this was going to cause his defeat as he focused on attacking everybody, it gave Regis and I openings in his defense as we fought around the yard. My sword came up and slit his upper arm, then Regis slashed his claw into one of his swords, then he vanished, and I followed him.

I dodged a sword swing from him, side stepped a spike, shot an ice spear at him, Regis blasted a flame of destruction our way, and we vanished away before it could land. A wind blade slashed through the air, coming my way as I appeared, nearly coming towards my face as I activated static void and stopped time.

I moved out of the way of the wind, went towards Damon and resumed it, slashing his chest once again, feeling the black spikes coming out a little slower all around us, but he was still going at it with a smile on his face. I dodged another spike, Regis slashed a sword, then shot fire, but Damon dodged, then vanished, and I tracked him to where Bairon was standing.

I followed after him, Regis did as well, but not as fast, and as he appeared before Bairon, shooting black spikes his way, cutting the Lance and piercing areas of his armor, I appeared to stop him from doing anything too serious.

Our blades connected, pushing against one another, trying to free themselves, and Regis and Bairon shot at his side, but he vanished before any of us could do anything to him, and he reappeared in front of Caera.

I followed after him, but it was too late as his foot connected with Caera's stomach, launching her away from him, and towards a spike. I god stepped to Damon, then to Caera, allowing her flying body to collide with mine right before she went into the spike. I caught her and moved out of the way of the spike, but her momentum took me further away than I would have liked.

I landed, dropped Caera, seeing her a little caught off guard by the sudden speed of everything. I god stepped to Damon as he shot at Bairon, but Regis caught him before he could get there, and I appeared before them.

Damon dodged a claw, grew a giant frost wall that devoured Regis and froze him for a split second, but destruction flames shot out of him and ate away from the flames, freeing him as my blade connected with Damon's.

Black spikes were back to growing rapidly as the two of us started darting around the courtyard, vanishing and reappearing, I still didn't' know how he was doing it, but I assumed it was his Beast Will, it was obvious he had one with all the ruins.

My blade came up, slashing his face as he jumped backwards, but not in time, then I grew an earthen spike up at his ankle, then took a deep breath and activated Realmheart. I couldn't wait any long, it was now or never, if we didn't capture Damon here, we would be in trouble, and there is only one way to hold a being with his strength at this moment of time.

I felt for all the shifts in mana all throughout the field, and disrupted the spell before he could activate it, blocking anymore black spikes from growing. His eyes widened at the feeling, sensing what I was doing, and as he shot a wind blade at me, I dispersed the spell before it could form.

"Dammit!" He shouted in anger, then I felt for the swords in his hands, but couldn't disperse them, probably because they were already built, but this worked. I shot at him, my blade crashed down on his, I dodged his other, spun and slashed his wrist, and watched as he dropped his one blade.

Regis and the others, sensing that no more spikes were appearing on the field shot over to where we were fighting. I deflected his sword, punched him in the face, took a kick to the ribs, then watched as a blast of fire knocked him back as he tried to grow an ice wall, but couldn't in time.

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