Truacia Pt. II

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Nithe Leywin

We have been traveling for a day now, we had passed through three small towns within Truacia, I enslaved the people their using the mind flame spell my father gifted me, but we also killed around two to three hundred soldiers for show.

Saluamatu was up ahead, we were going to take that city next, it was within the forest, but it didn't matter. There were about a thousand soldiers guarding it, and they weren't going to be able to stop our eighty thousand troops, they couldn't stop Raven and me alone.

"Go my dogs!" Raven said from my side, and as she did, around three to five thousand hellhounds sprinted past us, and I stopped in my tracks. "Don't worry, I'm not having them kill all of them, just a lot."

"We are to enslave them." I told her, but she shrugged, and I rolled my eyes, not really caring, knowing our father didn't care, and as we stood there, the screams of their soldiers and the spells being launched could be heard, the hellhounds were running through them like nothing, they didn't see them coming.

"We will enslave them with death." Raven said, and I just stared at her, confused by the meaning of that sentence, Mawar was just standing back, listening to us, knowing she had no say in anything. "What?"

"Do you know what the word enslave means?" I asked, but she didn't answer, she just nodded. "Alright, anyway, let's just go, tell the hounds to leave some of them." There were about six thousand Alacryan families heading this way, they were families, not soldiers, well, there are soldiers in the midst, but the numbers are split up randomly.

"I will." Raven said, and the three of us with our army started marching into the city, I could see the buildings, they were a little different than Aramoor, not as fancy, but more normal, like the ones in Xyrus. "Did you hear what father did to Arthur?"

"Raven, I was with you when he sent us the update." I told her. "And he didn't do anything to Arthur, he just forced him to retreat by using the people of Aramoor as hostages, or protection, I don't know what to consider it."

"They weren't really hostages, they were going to fight with Virion, it was more like collateral damage that Arthur wasn't willing to take." Raven said, and I gave her a shocked look. "What? I know some big words."

I sighed, nodding my head, she was the one I had to do this with, really father, you couldn't have given me Damon or Ivy. "Yeah." I said, and as I did, we came across the front line, the soldiers were torn to shreds, piles of blood everywhere, and I just looked at Raven. "Leave some of them alive?"

"Sorry, didn't hear you." The hellhounds were still going to town, running through the soldiers guarding the city like it was nothing, leaving nothing behind, ripping them to shreds. I could feel the people in the city moving about, panicking, it was time.

I held my hands out and conjured mind flames, then called up Reapers and Hellspawn. "Spread these flames into the city, makes sure no one goes untouched." I pushed the flames out and they covered the Reaper's blood weapons, then covered the Hellspawn's hands.

The two darted into the city, through the hellhounds, and as they did, Raven, Mawar, and I stopped in the front. "Go." The other thousands of hellhounds started to run around the city. "I'm building up a barrier of protection while we stay here in the city."

"I see that." I told her, and I had the Reapers and Hellspawn do the same, we were going to move on to the next city later on this week, so while we waited, making sure these people were situated, it was best for us to be safe. "We could have used these soldiers you killed, but it's fine, we have the force, and the other Alacryans from the towns are on their way, so make sure to clean up all this mess."

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