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Virion Lewyin

It's been a couple of days since I healed Aya and took in the phoenix blood. Hades was right, the blood gave me nothing but disappointment. It didn't give me knowledge on how to bring people back to life, all I know is how to sense reincarnates and manipulate my soul when I die, so I believe this phoenix either sucked, or this is just their magic.

One thing that did confuse me with the blood was the sensing of the reincarnates, I could tell that Arthur was a reincarnate from another world, he radiated a weird glow, but I didn't, I didn't radiant that seem energy. I'm assuming it is because I'm from a different world, but I was the same as everyone here.

Arthur and I were currently going to Blackbend to reclaim it, we were flying through the sky, heading there. Our plan was to retake the city, then place someone of high ranking in charge who can rebuild the city if it was in a bad state.

Damon was back in Vildorial, he was going to be reclaiming Mayburn City on the coast in a couple of days. My fucking brother changed the plan, he wants us to do this together, I don't think he trust me to not kill everyone within a city. I would never do such a thing, haha, I can't even think that with a straight face.

I could feel about ten thousand of their soldiers around the city, I could take them out by myself, but of course Arthur wouldn't let me. We are going to offer them safety, well, not safety, but a chance to live. We were going to send them to some place on the far end of the continent, then eventually send them back to Alacrya, where they probably would be killed for retreating.

"You ready?" Arthur asked as we flew together side by side.

"Yeah." I answered him, ready to go, their force was already ready for us outside of the city, they didn't sense us coming, but they knew we would eventually. "You can do the talking." I told him, and he nodded his head.

"Remember, only kill the leaders, no soldiers." Arthur looked at me, then added. "They will surrender, trust me, they are afraid of us, especially after all the stories they have heard." I wasn't going to kill of them, I couldn't do what I did before with the force that attacked Vildorial, I'll go along with this plan.

"I know." I told him. "I will only kill the leaders that show themselves." I rolled my eyes as the wind hit my face. "We should have separated, only one of us needed to do this, someone else could have gone to another city."

"I want to keep an eye on you." Arthur spoke honestly, looking at me as we flew. "For now, we'll do this together, is that okay? If it isn't, you should have argued with me earlier." I would have, but to be honest I didn't really care.

"I am happy to be here with you, Arthur." I said as the city came into view; the army out front of it clear as day. "Yes, I know why you are doing this, and yes, if we did this separately it would go a lot faster, but I like that I have the opportunity to fight with you once again." I liked fighting with my brother, it was something I didn't do often.

"That's good to know." Arthur said as we landed on the ground, the army was already in battle formations, looking our way. "Don't use your Beast Will unless you have to." I nodded, knowing that I was most likely not going to use it anyways.

The army's shield started to activate at our appearance as we continued walking toward them. I could feel my hands twitching from excitement, I could feed on blood for days if I killed them here, sadly, I couldn't.

"Who goes there?" A person in the front of the army said, they had long brown hair, and his eyes were confident, but then as we stopped about twenty yards from the ten thousand soldiers, his confidence slacked. "It's the Leywin brothers."

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