Breaking the News

433 40 17

Arthur Leywin

It's been a couple of days since I told Tess about my past life, we've talked, and we made up, of course, she is still a little hesitant around me, which is fine. I completely understood, it was a lot to take in, I didn't tell her about Veer, that wasn't for me to do.

However, today was going to be the day we told everyone, it was also the day before a couple of us were leaving. We were heading into the Relictombs, I still needed to master fate, and there were more keystones. I am not going to tell everyone that's the main goal, but it is, the other goal is to get everyone a little bit stronger.

At the moment, I was sitting in the dining room within the Helstea mansion, a place that I ate at a bunch of times. In here with me was Ellie, my mother, my father, Jasmine, and Adam, two of which were coming with me into the Relictombs.

I was waiting for Tessia to arrive with her parents, they were helping out at Xyrus academy, passing out supplies, we had the morning shift, so we were back here. I was also responsible for running the council meetings, and not all of the council was here, so it was hard, I had to deal with that this morning as well.

It's been a really busy week, we have been coming up with the defense plan for Dicathen, how we plan on defending the continent. I've already had the teleportation gates turned off, even though they could just open a portal up, but even that would be a little risky for them. We would be able to see them coming and prepare an ambush as their troops are entering the portal.

Each city has been supplied with soldiers, and has been given food and other supplies, another thing I've been trying to handle, was this elf issue. Veer said he saved seventy five thousand of them, and I get that we don't have anywhere for them to go, but at some point, they are going to have to come out of hiding. I don't know if Veer likes that idea or not, but he can't keep them prisoners forever, or whatever, I'm still working on it.

'This is going to be fun, you telling your family about having a baby.' Regis thought to me out of the blue, inside of my core, eating up aether. 'I can't wait, do you have to wait for Tess? Can't you just tell them now?'

'You know very well that I am on thin ice with Tessia right now, if I told everyone here without her, she would get extremely pissed at me.' I told him, and he started laughing in my mind, so I canceled our connection, ignoring him.

"Arthur?" My mother said my name questioningly, looking across the table as I looked down under the table at my hands, thinking to myself. "I know that face, what are you thinking about?"

I could feel everyone look at me, I could also sense Veer, Damon, and Rosa heading this way, which was a good thing. "Nothing, I was only thinking about the elves, the ones that Veer said he saved, I don't really know where they can go." I nodded, then added. "I'm thinking of spacing them out throughout the continent, but that would separate a couple of them, and I don't know if that is a good thing or not."

"Yeah, that is an issue." Jasmine spoke up, sitting beside me. "We can't separate families, and they are only used to living with elves, so mixing them with humans and dwarves might be an issue."

We all nodded. "I am sure you'll figure it out." My father told me, shooting me a head nod. "You always do." We all turned towards the figures walking into the dining room, it was Veer, Rosa, and Damon.

"Veer." My mother said, motioning to the seat beside her, Damon and Rosa sat next to Adam and Jasmine, but my brother sat in between Adam and my mother. "What were you three up to?" I was still keeping my distance from Rosa, she was, she was too much like Sylvie, it hurt to be around her, well, I should say she looks too much like Sylvie.

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