It's Time

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Agrona Vritra

"Agrona?" Nico said my name, sitting across from me on the couch. "Why are you shunning me?" I knew everything, I knew everything that the Phoenix told him, and almost everything that happened in my past life, Nico was irrelevant to me.

However, Nico's mind was shattered once again, why, I don't know, how, I did, Virion Leywin. The boy wonder, the greatest creation that was ever brought into this world. "Nico, if I was shunning you, I would have ignored your request for help after you were set free."

"Tch." Nico made a noise, and I felt them coming, the portal had just been activated. "Okay, fine, then why did you call me here? I was working on something in my room." I waited for a second, letting the people get closer, knowing that the only reason I brought him up here was to see them.

It was to make Cecilia happy, not him, I couldn't stand this Lesser. I was going to need Cecilia, I needed to capture Virion, alive or dead, it didn't matter. He was now the most important part of this new plan, and even if I failed, it wouldn't matter. Virion Leywin would follow through with my plan, it was a win-win situation for me.

The door swung open, and I watched in annoyance as Nico turned towards the two people approaching. It was Cecilia and Sylvie, the two most important people to me right now, they were the key to everything. I could use Sylvie's time magic to figure some other things out, going back and seeing more and more memories.

"Cecil!" Nico said, and as he stood, Cecilia ran over and hugged him. "You are back." I could tell by Nico's new demeanor that Virion Leywin did something to help his rage, I don't know why, it would change anything, but now that I know who created him, I know he is up to something.

"No, you are back!" Cecilia said, still hugging Nico. "Did he hurt you?! I will kill him, Virion Leywin will die the next time I see him for what he did!" They stopped hugging, and Sylvie came walking around, stopping by the table to my side. 

"Sylvie." I said, looking at my daughter, motioning for her to sit beside me, and as she did, I spoke up to the two standing, going off of what Cecilia had just said. "Yes, yes, yes, you will have your chance at Virion Leywin, Cecilia, a lot sooner than you realize." 

The two sat down across from me. "You have a plan?" Cecilia asked, looking at me with anger, wanting to go toe to toe with Virion again, but I now know why he is so strong. "I am all ears, and I am ready to attack and kill whoever you need me to."

"Before that, Cecil, I want to hear about your time in the Relictombs." I told her, feeling this sense of mystery, in this past life, she was the goddess of mana without the ability to use aether, she also didn't have a Beast Will, so this was incredible. "What progress did the two of you make while you were in there?"

"I mastered the aether control of my Dragon's Will." Cecilia told me with a smirk on her face. "I can now manipulate it to some extent, not like Grey, not even close, but I can feel it and move it." She paused for a second, then added one more thing. "I can also enter into the third phase without it tearing through my body." 

"Impressive." I said, nodding my head, thinking about the different possibilities. "That's incredible Cecil, it will give you a leg up on Virion Leywin when you see him next." She just couldn't destroy his body, that was all, but I could tell her that later. "What about you, daughter?"

"I found more insight int my aevum abilities, and total aether control." She told me, but her thoughts drifted elsewhere. "What is going on? We heard when we exited the Relictombs that Virion Leywin has taken control over three Dominions?"

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