You need to Know the Truth

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I spoke with Virion a little more after I got here, I haven't learned anything, but it didn't matter. I was now walking the halls, searching for Sylvie, feeling her mana signature. It was hard, but I had a guess on where she was. 

I made sure to leave Fenyir with Virion, hoping she could distract for a little, I needed alone time with Sylvie. If someone shows up, it could mean my death, or my mind being altered. I know he won't hesitate to do so, even if he says he wouldn't. 

The only person I ran into was a Wraith, they didn't say a word, he only rolled his eyes at me as he descended down the stairs. I wasn't afraid, I knew what I had to do, and I hoped Sylvie would understand where I was coming from.

When I arrived at the door, I knocked on it, hoping she was in there, and it wasn't someone else. "Come in." I heard the voice of a girl, a younger girl, so it was most likely her. "Is that you, Veer?" She asked, and as I opened the door so I could step in, she repeated. "Veer?"

"No." I said, and as I turned the corner of one of the walls in the room, she moved and got off the bed, facing me with a worried, yet calm demeanor. "Do you remember me, Lady Sylvie?" I asked, and she nodded her head.

"You are the Scythe known as Seris." She said, answering my question. "What are you doing here? Did Veer send you?" I shook my head as I stepped over to the couch in front of the bed, motioning for her to come with me.

"Please, can we talk?" I asked, she shot me a confused expression, so I spoke some more. "I am not here because of Virion, and I am not under his control." I assured her. "And I'm assuming you aren't as well."

"I am not." She said, stepping over to me very slowly. "So, then what do you want to talk about, Scythe Seris?" Sylvie took a seat across from me on the singular seat couch. Her golden eyes reminded me of Arthur, they were so alike.

"Virion." I simply said, but it didn't seem to shock her. "You need to know the truth, and what you do with it, I don't care, Lady Sylvie, but I could use your help." I didn't want to leave Fenyir here, but I would, I have to, it's the only way.

"I figured." She said. "You aren't under his control, but I have to imagine, talking to me might put you there." I nodded; she was most likely correct. "So, why risk it? What do you need fro me? Or well, what do you want me to know?"

"The truth, what the right thing to do is." I said, answering her question as simply as I could. "I don't know how long I have, Virion was acting weird, but not suspicious of anything." I paused for a second, then went on, thinking about it. "I only said I would serve him to get here, to talk to you, but I am going to Dicathen."

"Alright." Sylvie shrugged, looking at me with a confused expression. "Again, why? Why even risk it? What do you want me to know?" I knew this was going to be hard to hear, but I needed to tell her, and hopefully she will see what I am trying to show her.

"I don't know what Virion plans on doing after this, but whatever it is, it can't be good." I told her, thinking about the future. "Right now, he might seem like a good person, or I should say normal, but he isn't anymore, he isn't normal or good, he's a monster."

"A monster?" Sylvie said, looking at me skeptically. "You honestly believe I don't know that?" she said questioningly, and I looked at her confused. "That's why I am still here, I'm trying to help him." 

I shook my head, changing my expression slightly. "The day you died, the day Dragoth ended your life, something within him snapped." I paused, thinking more about it, the day Dicathen fell. "He died alongside you that day." 

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