Battle for Sehz-Clar Pt. III

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Aya Grephin

"Damon, what is going on?" I asked, looking at him as he slipped a mana collar onto Cylrit, and I started walking over to him as all the elves on the edge of the camp looked over at us. "He just attacked me out of the blue."

Damon grabbed Cylrit, a portal opened, and he threw his body through it, then turned to me as the portal closed. "Agrona." Damon said, stepping up to me, looking at the elves, then back to me. "Anyone that is from Alacrya is now under his control, well, anyone who possesses ruins."

"What?!" I exclaimed with a worried tone.

"Yeah." Damon confirmed my worries, this wasn't going to be good. "That's why Cylrit attacked, but that's unimportant right now, what we have to worry about is the fact that the Sehz-Clar army is heading our way."

"To fight us?" I asked, Damon's red eyes looked at me and he nodded his head. "So, we have to prepare for a battle, alright, well, I can do that." I could, I could get the people ready, of course, they were now never going to trust Alacryans. "But what are you doing here, Damon?"

"I'm here to help, obviously." Damon told me, looking at the elves. "They might be your people, but they are our troops, they pledged themselves to Virion." Oh, I see, that's how it is, I knew they did, but still, I thought maybe Damon was here to make sure everyone was okay. "You need to leave while I prepare them, go and get the others, we are going to need help."

"The others?" I said, looking at him in confusion. "Who?"

"Ellie and Kordri." Damon said. "They are at Seris's estates, they took Seris and Caera out, but they should be here when the battle goes down. We could use their help." It is good to know that they are alive right now, fighting Seris couldn't have been easy.

"Alright, I can do that." I said, then released my arm, no longer needing to conjure it at the moment. "But why should we all help you, like you said, it's Virion's force." Damon rolled his eyes at me, and a portal opened up. I'm assuming it was going to take me to Seris's estates.

"Why should you help me? Really? You know why, these are your people." Damon told me, shaking his head. "I don't really care what you do, the Alacryans are trying to break the border down in Vechor, the Sehz-Clar army is coming our way, a battle is inevitable, whether you join now or later is up to you."

I just stared at him, realizing that he was right, but then a question appeared in my mind. "What about Arthur? Veer?" I paused, then explained my question a little more. "Did you know, Arthur attack him like he said he was going to?"

"Yes, he landed a surprise attack on my father like a coward." Damon told me in annoyance, anger clearly in his eyes about the whole situation. "Now, get going, I have things to prepare while you are gone." He turned to the elves and started walking their way. "A portal will open up in twenty minutes on the training grounds, be ready, Aya, otherwise your people, they will die."

I didn't get to say anything, he just walked away, so I turned to the portal and stepped through it, appearing on the other side. I was inside Seris's estates, no one else in the room, that was until Kordri and Ellie appeared as they turned into the room from the nearby hallway.

"Aya." Ellie said, looking at me. "You are okay!"

"Of course." I told her as she ran up and hugged me. "And I'm guess you guys took care of business, from what Damon told me, everything is fine here." As Ellie separated from me, her eyes widened in shock.

"Damon is here?" Ellie asked, and I nodded my head. "Why?"

"Because this has happened everywhere, hasn't it?" Kordri asked, looking at me, seeming to know everything already. "Damon is here to help the elves, I bet the Sehz-Clar army is heading there right now to take them out."

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