The Battle for Etril Pt. V

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"I know." I said, nodding. "Let's go and kill them, Sylvie." I could see the smirk on her face as I said this, but as we started flying forward, a portal opened up in front of us, and a green haired girl shot at me.

I conjured a sword, swung it upwards, her blade came down, and our blades connected. "Legacy." She said with a grin as Sylvie shot a mana blast at her, but she dodged it, backing away from us in the sky.

"Which child are you?" I asked, activating my Dragon's Will, then added. "Never mind, it doesn't matter, I'll kill you anyways." She laughed a little, and I activated static void and appeared by her side, but as my blade came down and I resumed time, her blade deflected mine like it was easy, knowing where I was going to be.

She swung her blade again, I dodged it, she fell out of the sky, dodging the mana blast that came out of Sylvie, and we went after her. Sylvie and I flew through the sky as she continued falling. I shot blades of wind at her, trying to cut her in the sky, but she simply dodged each one.

She landed on the ground softly, and as she did, vines appeared all around hair and an acidic aura appeared. Sylvie and I landed and faced her, ready to fight, and as she stood in the center of the vines and acidic spell, she bowed her head.

"It's a pleasure, Legacy." She said, raising her head. "My name is Ivy, I was created for this exact moment, to slow you down long enough so we can deal enough damage to the force." Her name was Ivy, so what? I was going to kill her right here.

Her body shifted and I watched as she activated a Beast Will as well, runes appeared all over her body and her dark green hair changed a little. "Well, Ivy, if you think you can fight the both of us at once, your wrong." I told her, knowing that Sylvie and I could take her. "Even if you are a distraction, you won't last."

"Haha." She laughed at me, her vines popping out of the ground a little further. "Alright, I agree." I looked at her confused, but then I shot at her, not giving a damn, I appeared before her, my blade came down, and her vines shot up. "Too slow."

I cut through the vines with ease, but her aura exploded and the acidic nature to the air around her burnt through my mana barrier. I pushed through, making the barrier more powerful, deflecting the acid off my body, making it useless.

Our blades connected, she smirked and sent a kick into my stomach, I activated static void and appeared behind her, but as I resumed time, she was already spinning, and her blade met mine again. I shot out ice towards her body, but the shards just vanished as they got close to her, it was acid.

Sylvie shot mana at her, but it just vanished away, this was what she meant. Sylvie wasn't an up close fighter, but she wasn't going to be able to land a blow if she didn't get close. It seems like only hand to hand, or sword to sword, is the only way to damage her if you can't get around the acid with your magic.

Our blades started flashing, her vines useless as they froze as they got close to me and I shattered them. I activated static void, appearing beside her, my blade came up, she back stepped as I resumed time at the last second, dodging it somehow, then slit my chest, drawing blood.

I looked at her confused as I touched the blood dripping off, closing the wound. My body was sore and weakened from the fight earlier today, but it didn't explain why she was able to keep up while I stopped time. I understand she isn't a normal mage, a child of Virion's, but there is something else to her that I can't figure out.

Our blades met again, then again, her vines rendered useless, their overwhelming numbers would work on most, but not me. I was freezing and destroying them before anything could happen.

Each blow radiated an explosion all around us, and as I sent a kick into her stomach, she went flying backwards, sliding on the ground, staying upright. "Sylvie!" I shouted, and my bond changed into her dragon form, flying right at the girl named Ivy.

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