Attack on Vildorial Pt. III

501 42 31

Arthur Leywin

"The Devil of Dicathen, Prince of Darkness, he truly lives up to his name." A Wraith said from behind us, and it was clear that Veer was excited. "We know you two are no Lessers, you have asuran blood infused in you, and after everything you have done, we know not to take you lightly."

"Good." Veer said, cracking his neck, then all of a sudden, his aura shot out of him, causing the twenty Wraiths around us to flinch in fear, it was noticeable, even I felt a little off by it, then he snarled at them. "Who gave you all permission to look me in the eyes?" They all flinched again, then he added. "Know your place."

He gave me a look, then launched himself at the Wraith in front of us, a sword appeared in his hand, and in a split second a Wraith's head was on the ground, and off his body. I was shocked, but it motivated me, it showed me we could take them, and that I might have overestimated their strength.

"Dawn!" A Wraith screamed, a wind blade shot through the air and at Veer but was dispersed as a wind wall came up. "Attack!" They shouted, and that's when the nineteen Wraiths shot at us, I stood there in the middle as ten of them shot at me, and the other nine shot at Veer as he darted around the outer edge of the cavern.

'Prepare yourself!' Regis said, leaping into my body as my scale armor appeared all around me, and Regis shifted into a blade of destruction for my usage. 'Control yourself, Veer is here, you don't want to hurt him, so don't allow the flames to spread anywhere but a body and in your hand.'

'I know.' I told him, knowing that I needed this power to kill them all, at least that's what I thought. I've never fought against a team of Wraiths before, I know Veer has, he told us, but in this moment, it didn't matter, I was fighting them now with him.

I was in my third phase of my Beast Will already, I was going to have to use Realmheart, God Step, and Static void to the extreme, it was the only way to defeat them. I parried a long black sword, side stepped a shadow spike, then activated "Static Void" and "God Step" for the first time, stopping time, and appearing beside a female Wraith.

She had long black hair, red eyes, and a slim body, but I didn't feel bad for what was about to happen. I resumed time and my blade entered her side, and came out the other, the flames of destruction leapt off of the blade and onto her body, and just devoured her.

"Helthe!" A Wraith yelled for his dead companion as I dodged another blade, "God Stepped" away and into another two Wraiths, swung my blade at them, but they simply back stepped my attack.

"He can teleport!" A Wraith with black flames coming out of his back said. "Shields, stay on guard!" A black spike shot at my chest, I shot wind out of my feet, dodging the attack, and while in air, an acidic vine, cursed mist, and some sort of iron whip came at me.

I pushed wind upward, launching myself back to the ground, allowing the spells to pass me. I was meant with a blade coming down on me, which I deflected, then a cursed mist sword slit my chest, but with aether, I pushed the mist out of my body before it could do anything and healed my wound.

I parried an attack, felt a spike coming out of the ground as mana started moving, shot passed the spike before it could do anything to me. Three Wraiths appeared before me, I swung my blade up, it was meant by a shield, and the person in front of me thrusted their own long black sword toward my stomach, and to my side another sword user thrusted their mist sword at my ribs.

I "God Stepped" to the side, appearing by the third Wraith with them, and a shadow spike appeared right in front of her. 'Watch it!' Regis said as it came at me, and I was forced into jumping to the side, then a vine grew out of the ground, and before I could do anything, it wrapped itself around my right ankle, then another came out and grabbed my left ankle.

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