Meeting with Aid

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Caera Denoir

Nithe and I were currently in an alleyway, making our way to a meeting within a city, looking for aid, people who want to rebel against the Vritra. Seris wanted us to come here together, not alone, but I was okay with all that, traveling with Nithe was nice.

"They are inside." Nithe told me as we entered a backdoor, then we walked down a narrow corridor, doors were on each side of us, some open, some closed. "They seem annoyed that we aren't there."

"How can you tell?" I asked, looking over my shoulder, seeing Nithe looking at my back as we walked down the corridor. The doors that were open seemed to be filled with storage stuff, some were empty, some had people.

"Their mana is fluctuating, it's just a guess." Nithe told me as we arrived in front of a closed door, the voices inside could be heard, Nithe was right, they seemed to be angry that we were late. "Hold on."

"Scythe Seris Vritra's messenger is late." A man said from inside, and I could tell who, it was Lord Uriel of Highblood Frost. "They picked such a weird place for a meeting as well; a Scythe could have done better."

"Be careful, Lord Uriel." Someone said from within the room. "You are talking about a Scythe, whenever the messenger shows up, is the time they are supposed to show up." They paused for a second, then added. "Though, I guess the title Scythe isn't appropriate anymore."

"True." Lord Uriel said. "But if Lady Seris wants to win our goodwill and wants us to join her cause like half of Sehz-Clar already has, she should have picked a better place, and had her messengers arrive on time."

"They could be here any second." Someone said. "I would be cautious on how you speak, even if she isn't a Scythe anymore, she still has the strength of one, and has a lot of allies that she can call on."

Nithe leaned into me and whispered. "They are scared of us, that's funny." It sent shivers down my spine, his simple words, and I smiled as he backed up. "Let's go." He opened the door and held it open for me, motioning for me to go in first.

I walked in, and the Lords within the room stood up from the sight of me. "Lady Caera?" They said, eyeing me up, it was Lord Exeter, a man I knew from my time with the Denoirs. "What are you doing here?"

"Caera Denoir?" A man said. "The Denoirs? It's a set up, we ---" His words died out as his eyes went to my head, he saw my horns, I was no longer wearing my necklace, there was no need to hide my blood.

"Your blood manifest." A familiar girl's voice spoke out, it was Maylis, a vritra blooded girl that I grew up with. "Wait, you are Scythe Viessa's messenger, aren't you?" They all looked at me, seeing my horns, and hearing her words.

No one said a word as I nodded, but they all took a step back as Nithe stepped into the room. "Your heads are little high, aren't they?" From a sentence, the whole room fell into a bow as they face us. "Lady Caera is here to discuss important information with you all."

I hit Nithe in the stomach, giving him a look. "Calm yourself, they are High-Bloods." I told him, and he nodded, pulling back the aura he was pressing up on them. "Please, Maylis is right, we are here because Scythe Seris has given me a message to give to you all."

They all looked up, standing up straight, then I motioned for them to sit, they looked at Nithe, then sat down. "And, and who might this be?" Lord Exeter spoke, looking at Nithe as he sat down. "A half-breed Vritra like both of you?" He motioned toward Maylis and me, Maylis's horns were short, but they were there.

"I am no half-breed." Nithe told him as I sat down at the head of the table, Nithe was standing behind me, holding my chair. "I am fully blooded Vritra, but I am above the Sovereigns." Their eyes widened once again as they looked up at him.

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