God Killers Pt. II

551 45 12

Arthur Leywin

Taci and I were shooting around the cavern, our blades meeting each other's, the stones around us started to collapse as our attacks caused mini explosions to go off and shake everything. I deflected his blade away from, used god step to get to the portal frame, thinking of an idea that could cause less damage.

I appeared before the frame and Taci shot at me, I looked at my brother one last time who seemed to be standing still, looking at the other Asura. 'Regis, safe my mom, and safe anyone else.'

'I will.' Regis thought back to me as Taci swung his blade down on me, I dodged the attack, grabbed him, and threw him into the portal frame. 'Good lu----" Regis was cut off as I entered the portal after Taci, it appears as if our mental link doesn't work in here.

We stood in some zone within the Relictombs, but it felt more like a zone outside the Relictombs as aether was everywhere. The two of us were flying across from one another, the portal frame behind me just floating. "What have you done?" Taci said, looking at me in confusion as he surveyed the area.

"Does it matter?" I activated "Static Void" and appeared beside him, flying as I swung my sword down on him, he brought his spear up, deflected my attack, and I shot a wind blast into him, shooting him across the everlasting zone that felt like the night sky.

I could see the motes of purple all around me, like it was beckoning me to control it, I formed a stage of aetheric material below me and landed on it. I know for a fact that he would rather fight like this as well, so I waited for him to land on the twenty by twenty platform, then shot at him, shooting ice and electric spells as my blade came down on him.

My spells bounced off him, pushing him back slightly, and my blade connected with his blade, and the two of us went at it again within the Relictombs, shooting around the platform I had made. I god stepped over and over again all around him, trying to land a strike, but Taci was good, all those years he trained in the orb did this to him.

I was better though, my blade came up, skimming his cheek, then a blast of frost pushed him back, freezing him slightly, slowing him down for a split second, allowing me to land another attack. The scales of my armor protecting me from anything he threw at me that I couldn't handle, and that didn't really matter, the aether in here allowed me to heal myself pretty much instantly.

His wounds were healing quick as well, but not like mine, even though he really wasn't damaging me like I was him. I shot a wind blade at him, then an aetheric blast that took parts of his skin off, but that's when he shifted forms.

"Fine!" Taci lit up on the platform, pushing me back, then he appeared before me with four eyes and arms, just like the other asura. "If I'm going to die, I'm going all out against you Lesser." I shrugged, and he gritted his teeth and shot at me.

His spear came down on me, I dodged, jumped and drove my sword towards him, but his other arms deflected and grabbed me. Taci swung me into the ground, it didn't break the aetheric platform, but it shook it and me.

I god stepped away just in time as his spear came down on me, jumped up in the air, and brought my blade down, but his two others were there to block the attack. I felt his fourth hand coming up to grab me once again, but I conjured two ice swords below him, using a spell in Varay's book, that shot into his feet, causing the asura to bite his lip in pain as I used "Static Void" to avoid his last hand coming for me.

I ended up on the ground five yards from him, resumed time, and started surrounding my body with electricity and wind, using whatever I could to increase my speed while I'm not using god step. Taci came at me, swinging his spear down towards my face, I side stepped, parried his next hand, pointed my open hand at him as I swatted his other hands away, and released another aetheric blast from two feet away.

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