Attack on Vildorial Pt. I

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I was sitting in a room within the palace with Damon and Ellie, the three of us were just talking to one another about what was to come. However, the attack was about to go down, I could sense the thirty thousand troops outside of Vildorial, the twenty Wraiths were being teleported in, well, sort of, I had them under control.

I would say the attack was going to go down in the next ten to fifteen minutes, Viessa was going to send word when, and I just spoke to her, she said she was waiting. Arthur and I were going to handle the Wraiths, Damon was going to stay here with Ellie and fight against the Retainers and army, Viessa was going to pretend to fight, she might cause some damage.

"Veer." Ellie said my name, and I turned to her as we sat around the table within this large room. "You good?" I shook my head, I guess it was time to tell her and everyone about the attack that was about to go down. "What's wrong?"

"An army is heading our way, there blood just entered my range." I told her, and I could see her eyes widen in horror, Damon didn't react, that was because he knew that it was going down today. I stood up, no, we all stood up, Ellie's eyes were on me, like she was waiting for orders, so I gave her some. "Go tell Arthur to meet me at the teleportation gate like we planned."

"On it." Ellie said, shooting me a head nod, I could see the confidence in her eyes as she left the room, leaving Damon and me behind. The two of us stood there calmly, knowing we were going to be perfectly fine.

"You sure Arthur and you can take on twenty Wraiths?" Damon asked, and I shrugged. "Well, if you need help, send word, I can teleport there within seconds." I'm sure Arthur and I could kill twenty Wraiths, I mean five of them were basically one Asuras, so we were technically going up against four asuras.

"We should be fine." I told Damon, the two of us were still standing within the room. I could feel Ellie rushing through the halls of the palace, Arthur was in the council room with the other Lance, and well, there were some dwarves with them. "There's no need to panic, I'm just happy I get to kill some people."

"Should I go now?" Damon asked, and I shook my head. "I could go and meet the army before they reach Vildorial." I wanted them to reach Vildorial, I wanted the people to know that they weren't safe. "If I go now and face the army and the two Retainers, we wouldn't have to worry about Ellie."

"Na." I said, looking at him. "We already had this discussion, I want to see how strong my sister has grown, and this is the perfect chance." I love my sister, I do, but this fight will decide her fate, if she is able to kill a Retainer with ease, then she will have a bright future, if she can't, she'll only end up killing herself, which I won't let happen. I want to build her confidence up, I want her to succeed, I really do. "You are to fight the army, hold them back with the force on the ground."

"Alright." Damon said, shrugging. "I was merely thinking of other methods, but I guess it's not the best idea to change the plan moments before the attack." He paused for a second, then went on. "So, you want Ellie and the other Lances to fight Retainer Bivrae and Draneeve?"

"Yes." I answered him. "Ellie should be able kill them both by herself, so if she can't win with the other Lances with her, I really overestimated her strength." She was trained by Seris, she was strong, there was no chance she couldn't defeat a Retainer, there was no chance she couldn't defeat two Retainers. She was an asura, she was strong, I had to believe that. My mind was on the Wraiths, I had faith in my sister, which I should.

"Alright." Damon spoke, running a hand through his hair as the two of us turned toward the door. "You know the army won't make it into the tunnel, right, father?" He turned to me, and I smiled, he truly had my thought process.

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