Married Pt. II

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There was just a long silence as they walked our way, when Ellie and my mom got to me, I stepped up and hugged them. "You look so handsome, Arthur." My mother said, holding my head as we hugged. "Know that I am so proud to be your mother."

Ellie and her went to the other side of the podium, then Queen Eralith hugged me. "Oh, Arthur, you look amazing." She said as we separated, smiling as she joined my mother and sister, leaving Tessia in front of me, causing my smile to grow even more.

I would have never thought that this day would come, I'm grateful for this second chance at life, it has given me so many experiences I didn't have in my old life. I have a family, a mom, a dad, a sister, a brother, all who I love, and they love me. I found someone I could develop feelings for in Tess, who I was now marrying, and most importantly, I was now going to be a father. There were a lot of other things, but with these people in my life, nothing would have happened the way I wanted.

But I still missed Sylvie and gramps...

I held out my hand for Tessia to take, she smiled as she looked up at me on the podium. "Wow." I said as she took my hand, and I helped her up the stairs. "You look amazing." I told her as we turned to her father who was going to be the one to marry us.

"Thank you." She said, still smiling as we stopped in front of King Eralith. "You don't look too bad yourself." I stood there now with Tess's arm wrapped around me as we prepared ourselves for this moment.

"Arthur, Tess." King Eralith said, speaking to the two of us directly. "It's been quite a journey for you two, and today, we gather to see you two become one, as you bind your lives together." Everyone nodded, knowing that this was true, we'd had quite a journey, from meeting in the Elshire Forest, to school, to the war, to having a kid, there's a lot we had to endure. "Arthur, I ask you, do you take Tessia Eralith, my daughter, to be your wife?"

I turned and faced Tess, looking her in the eyes as I got ready to answer the question, we went to holding each other's hands as we stared into each other's eyes. "I do." I spoke out loud, it wasn't something that needed to be said out loud, I would do anything for her.

"Tessia, I ask, do you take Arthur Leywin, son of Reynold and Alice Leywin, to be your husband?" King Eralith asked Tess, I could feel her grip on my hands tighten as she smiled even brighter, causing me to picture the girl I saved so long ago in the forest, which made my heart skip a beat from the memory of that time.

"I do." Tessia answered, and in that moment, with everything going on, it all went away, the war, gods, everything, the only thing my eyes could see was this girl right in front of me.

"The two of you already exchanged rings and are wearing them, so we don't have to redo it all." King Eralith said, then added. "Now, Arthur, repeat after me." He paused, then spoke what I had to say. "I, Arthur Leywin, take Tessia Eralith to be my wife, and no matter what, I will stick by her side through any situation or sickness, and I will cherish the love I have for her till the day I die."

"I, Arthur Leywin, take Tessia Eralith to be my wife, and no matter what, I will stick by her side through any situation or sickness, and I will cherish the love I have for her till the day I die." I repeated, not leaving her eyes as I spoke.

"Tessia, repeat after me." King Eralith looked at his daughter. "I, Tessia Eralith, take Arthur Leywin to be my husband, and no matter what, I will stick by his side through any situation or sickness, and I will cherish the love I have for him till the day I die."

"I, Tessia Eralith, take Arthur Leywin to be my husband, and no matter what, I will stick by his side through any situation or sickness, and I will cherish the love I have for him till the day I die." Tessia said, speaking slowly, but thoroughly through this part of the ceremony.

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