To Epheotus, To Battle

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(One Week later)

It was time, it's been two months since my meeting with Kezess and the other Lords of Epheotus. I was ready, it was time to begin, the dragons, the asuras, they would all die. It'll take time, battles, but if I play it correctly, I'll win.

"You ready, father?" Damon asked, looking at me as I stood in the portal room, with the people that I was bringing with me. "We should get going, didn't you send a clone already to let Kezess know we are coming?"

"I did." I said, nodding my head. I had already said my goodbyes to Selena, Melody, and Cassandra, they were all anxious, nervous, knowing that we were about to fight asuras. "Alright, open a portal, Hades."

Slithering on the ground, Hades nodded, and a portal opened up right in front of us. "You should go first." He said, looking at me. "Who knows what Kezess might try, and well, he wants to see you anyways, not us."

"I know." I said, then looked at my children. "Remember, calm, but you can be yourselves, say whatever you want, just don't let him anger you." I told them, and they all nodded. "Alright, let's go." 

I stepped into the portal, and as I did, the lights hit me, and I ended up in the throne room. It was the location Kezess told me to teleport to, and as I stepped through, I noticed Kezess sitting on his throne staring down at me, and instead of other Lords in the room with me, there were twenty dragons, ten on each side of the wall, watching me.

"Wow." I heard Raven say from behind me as my children stepped through, Ivy, Damon, Rosa, and Nithe, then Hades, Draneeve and my Wraith unit, and then a last minute change of plans, Dragoth. "This place is just as I imagined, it's so, I don't know, dragony."

"That doesn't even make sense." Nithe told her, shaking his head as we stepped further into the room, Windsom was on the stage with Kezess, alongside Lady Myre. "Dragony isn't even a word."

"It's a word, trust me." Raven told him, and I just shook my head, they are totally related to me, that is, that is just a comment at the wrong time, and wrong place. "Oh, look at that dragon." She pointed at someone on the wall. "He's kind of cute."

"Raven." Damon said, looking back at his sister, silencing her. "Sorry, father." He said, and I shrugged, not caring, and at those words, Kezess stood and stared down at us, preparing to speak as we settled in between their small force which might try to kill us, who knows.

"Virion." Kezess said, looking at me. "You have come, and you brought your, your children." He said with a disgusted tone, but I really didn't know what else to say to that, it was rude, but expected. "I can sense their strength; they'll be able to aid us in battle."

"That's why he ---" Raven started, but I silenced her, not wanting her to speak to him right now.

"They will." I said, nodding my head. "And when I offered my help, I meant it completely, that I would use everything to help you win this battle." I told him, and as he did, I could sense and hear him contemplate if he wanted to release his aura to see our real strength, but it wouldn't work, and I think he knew it.

"Then we should talk." Kezess said, and as he clapped his hands, dragons came out with a table in their hands, dropping it off on the stage to the left of the throne, then leaving. "Join me." He motioned towards, taking a seat at one of the two seats. "Your Lessers will be taken to their rooms in the far wing."

I turned to the people I brought and said. "Go, I'll handle things here." I could see the sadness in Raven's face, but everyone else understood, I think the Wraiths were glad, Draneeve as well, they sent head nods, and left with a group of dragons, Damon and Ivy leading my group. Hades slithered into Raven's body, knowing what was going down. "So, what is there to talk about."

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