Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. II

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I pulled the blood to me that was all over the ground, forming a shield of blood, and I began walking once again. This feeling, it was pure joy, I missed this, I missed this so much, and I am going to take in every moment, of every kill.

Spells shot at me, and I pumped the blood around me that I was controlling with mana, then used it to block all spell that was heading my way. It caused a couple of explosions, their spells hitting my blood shield, but it was nothing, none of the spells went through the blood barricade.

I entered the force, ripping the blood out of soldiers near me, then pulled that blood into the shield to replace the blood that I lost, when their spells hit it. "Hahahahah!" I laughed as they started running at me through the blood of their allies, becoming covered in it. "Entertain me for a while, won't you!"

I conjured a void blade in my hand as a couple of them entered into my blood barricade, the casters behind them still couldn't land a hit on me as their spells were blocked. I brought my sword up, slicing one of them in half, ripped the blood out of another, spun and killed two more.

I pushed mana into the ground, and countless black spikes shot out, impaling the mages around me, picking them up off the ground. The blood dripping out of them came to my blood shield, more and more spells came, but still, nothing could get to me as I continued walking further into the army.

There was now no one near me, they were all dead, corpses, so I had an idea, they still didn't have blood within their bodies, but I didn't need them to. I used Viessa magic, turning the corpses into my puppets, and ordered them to attack. They started throwing punches and swinging their weapons, trying to kill the other soldiers.

'Now.' I told Hades, he leapt out of my body in his small form, then grew to his giant serpent form and started going off in a different direction, killing mages left and right. I now had tons on tons of blood around me, I mean a lot, I was still using it to block spells, but eventually I could just simply shoot it off in all directions, killing hundreds at a time.

I could sense Arthur going through the force as well, killing soldiers with ease. The Alacryas couldn't reach me, I wasn't letting them anymore, spikes grew rapidly, impaling them, blood was ripped from their body, and they were dropping like flies. I dispersed my sword, not needing it, and just continued going.

We had probably killed about two thousand troops, there were about twenty eight thousand left that were standing up. I was making sure not to kill anyone who passed out, listening to Arthur, but people who were on knees that I didn't like the look of, I killed. It was time to get a little more serious, I brought a portion of the blood around me, like a little amount, and drank it, restoring all of my mana.

I passed a soldier on his knees, he was inside of my barricade, our eyes met, and I flinched in anger, bring a spike to his chest, killing him. I conjured balls of fire, ice shards, and wind blades, then pushed them all forward, opening up the the barricade so the spells could go through. The spells killed a bunch of soldiers, and I decided to release the blood barricade around me, it was time to get a little more serious.

I darted through the blood as the barricade fell to the ground, but I made sure to pull some of the blood to my hands, forming two blood swords. I appeared within the force where all their living soldiers were, some were fighting corpses, some were looking at me in awe as I swung my one blade and took a head off.

I focused on the mages around me, then reached into their cores, and removed all mana, making them unable to use any spells as I was now surrounded in their force. I swung my blade, killed another, then again, and again, and every time I killed someone without doing severe damage, they got up, and joined me as a corpse.

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