Attack on Vildorial Pt. IX

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Virion Leywin

I was standing there as the army around us started leaving, heading back to their homes to see their loved ones. The Twins horns with me, but I could sense Arthur and Tess coming this way, most likely to make sure everything was alright, which it was.

"Veer, tell us, you just fought twenty Vritras, correct?" Jasmine asked, the curiosity was clear in her eyes. "How was it? I can see that you are fine, so how was it fighting that many at once?" I shrugged, not really wanting to answer that question.

"Come on." Adam said from beside me. "I am curious as well to hear how the two of you defeated twenty of them. I mean, don't get me wrong I expect it, but it would be nice to hear how you did it."

"There really isn't a story to be told." I told him, then looked around, Helen was still a little upset that I allowed them all to leave alive, which I totally understand, but she doesn't know what I do. "Arthur and I fought them straight up in a two verse twenty and won, that's pretty much it, not much more to say."

"Wow, you suck at telling stories." I rolled my eyes at Adam. "Well, I'm going to go as well, Rey, if you want to do something tonight, I can sneak some booze over." Adam and my dad exchanged head nods, then he left, Durden did as well, leaving only my father and Jasmine as Tessia and Arthur joined us.

"I see you kept Draneeve alive." I told Arthur, our circle was pretty small so we were all close together so no one else could hear. "He might be the most deserving of death out of all the Retainers, do you not remember the death count at Xyrus?"

"I agree." Arthur told me and I looked at him somewhat stunned. "But he might have information for us that could be useful, your blood magic, and my aether can't do everything." I smirked at him. "You know I am right."

"I don't care." I waved the whole thing off. "Do what you want, I won't argue with you." I didn't agree with keeping the red headed fuck alive, but who cares, I'll kill him or abduct him at some point. "I'm assuming you saw, but Damon was taking care of the Lances, they should all be fine, a little burnt, but other than that everything seemed fine."

"Good." Arthur nodded. "Ellie seemed good too, she pretty much defeated the Retainer unscratched." I knew that would be the outcome, she was a full blooded asura, she shouldn't be losing to lessers like Draneeve.

"Who's going to cleanup all those bodies, I ain't doing it?" I asked Arthur and Tess, looking them in the eyes, then turning to the dead bodies near the tunnel entrances, there weren't a lot, but it was not a job I cared for.

"I'm sure the dwarves will handle it." Arthur said, they should, it was their pathetic city we were living in. "Dad." Arthur said hesitantly. "You should go and see mom, make sure she knows everything is alright."

"Okay." My dad said, our mother was in the medical wing of the institute waiting for any injured, but clearly there weren't going to be any, only the Lances, but even they were going to be fine as Damon healed them. "Good job, boys."

"Thanks." Arthur and I shot him a smile.

"I'll go with you, Rey." Jasmine said as he started to walk away. "He is right though, this was your guys' plan, and it worked to perfection, good job." The two of them started walking away through the crowd of soldiers leaving Tess and Arthur with me.

"We should go to the palace and inform them of our success." Tessia said, her parents were in there, so I'm sure they wanted to know if she was alright or not. Arthur and I nodded our heads and the three of us started to fly upward and over the people.

'Do it.' I sent a message, then turned to Arthur as we flew. "We should think about invading Sapin after this, taking the continent should be our main priority." It should be, I mean, we can't stay in here forever.

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